

Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/31)

2023年12月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
31621.hot water (窮地、苦境)
If I go out drinking tonight, I'm going to be in hot water with my wife. 
31622.spread (テーブル一杯のごちそう)
Look at this spread. Salad ,pasta, chickens, and sushi too!
31623.pay back(返済する、仕返しをする)
I have to pay  my dad back for the concert tickets.
31624.look back (振り返ってみる、回想する )
Looking back on my time as a teacher, I think I learned more than I taught.
31625.call back(電話をかけなおす
Could you tell Marika to call me back?. 


2023年12月30日 | 読書日記
アイディアが軽やかに離陸し、思考がのびのびと大空を駆けるには? 自らの体験に則し、独自の思考のエッセンスを明快に開陳する、恰好の入門書。考えることの楽しさを満喫させてくれる本。

『思考の整理学』は1983年に刊行、1986年に文庫化した学術エッセイです。自分の頭で考え、アイディアを軽やかに離陸させ、思考をのびのびと飛行させる方法とは? 広い視野とシャープな論理で知られる著者が分かりやすく読みやすく提示します。歴代の東大生・京大生が根強く支持する、時代を超えた不朽のバイブル! 刊行から37年、読まれ続けて驚異の128刷・270万部突破!! 
『思考の整理学』は1983年「ちくまセミナー」というシリーズの1冊として刊行された本で、その後1986年に文庫化しました。もともと2007年までの21年間で16万部のロングセラーとなっていましたが、2007年に岩手県盛岡市のさわや書店で、店員だった松本大介さんが記した「もっと若いときに読んでいれば……」 という書店店頭のPOPをきっかけに再び注目を集め、2008年の東大(本郷書籍部)・京大生協の書籍販売ランキングで1位を獲得したことから、“東大・京大で1番読まれた本”のフレーズが生まれました。






Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/30)

2023年12月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
31616.now or never (今しなければチャンスは二度とこない)used to say that if someone does not do something now, they will not get another chance to do it 
It’s now or never. You will newer get a better chance to travel.
31617.seize the day (今を生きる、今を楽しんでください)
Seize the day. 
31618.fortune favors the bold(運は勇敢な者の味方をする)
There is no time like the present.GO for it. Fortune favors the bold, you know.. 
31619.in a pinch (切羽詰まった状態、まさかのとき ) 
I like the challenge of making dinner in a pinch..
 Let me know if you get stuck setting up your account. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/29)

2023年12月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
31611.perspiration liquid that appears on your skin when you are hot or nervous 類義語 sweat, → antiperspirant 
I want to create an app that make it possible tp detect lies by detect lies by checking heart rate and perspiration
31612.be on the fence (決めかねている)to avoid saying which side of an argument you support 
He is on the fence
31613.eye for beauty(審美観)
You have an eye for beauty
31614.be determined to (硬く決意する ) 
I'm determined not to have any debt by the time I'm 40..
31615.If it kill me(それで死ぬような目にあってもspoken used to emphasize that you are determined to do something, even though it is very difficult 
I'm going to go to the concert even if it kill me.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/28)

2023年12月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
31606.conerstone (礎)something that is extremely important because everything else depends on it 
The magazine became the cornerstone of MacFadden's publishing empire. 
31607.bombard ((…を)砲撃する、爆撃する、浴びせる )
Sorry to bombard you with question.. 
31608.make a differences(影響を及ぼす)
Regular exercise can make a difference in your health. 
31609.transform (大きな変化を起こす) to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that improves it 
The merger transformed the company into a global player.
31610.accommodate収容する、乗せる、泊める、宿泊させる、便宜をはかる、サービスする、聞いてやる、用立ててやる、融通してやる、(…を)(…に)適応させる if a room, building etc can accommodate a particular number of people or things, it has enough space for them 
If I am unable to accommodate MR. Aoki’s request、I’ll contact you.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/27)

2023年12月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
31601.outstrip (上回る)to do something better than someone else or be more successful 
Demand for electric vehicle batteries is overtripping supply.
31602.surpass (超える)to be even better or greater than someone or something else 
You should strive to surpass your supervisor's expectations
31603.well-off(裕福)shaving a lot of money, or enough money to have a good standard of living OPP badly-off 
The town is popular among relatively well-off people working in London. 
31604.stunning (とても魅力的な、とても美しい )extremely attractive or beautiful 
It is surrounded by stunning countryside.
We actually reached the 8-million mark last year. 

徒然草 第二百三十六段

2023年12月26日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/26)

2023年12月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
31596.take out garbage (ゴミ出し)whatever happens or happened
I’ll take out the garbage later. 
31597.gotta=have got to(~しなければならない) 
Sorry to rush you but we gotta ho now. 
31598.the train going into the city(登り電車)
The train going into the city are really crowded. 
31599.the train going out of the city (下り電車 )
The train going out of the city are not too crowded..
31600.outperform(凌駕するto be more successful than someone or something else 
Gildford outperformed other candidate in terms of logistics and branding.. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/25)

2023年12月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
31591.on the fence (決断ができずどっちつかずになっている様子 )to avoid saying which side of an argument you support or what your opinion is about a particular subject 
I’m still on the fence about it. But I’m leaning towards taking it. 
31592.have a dilemma  (悩み事がある)a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all the choices seem equally good or equally bad
Do you have a minute? I have a dilemma.  
31593.I’m having second thoughts about(悩んでいます/迷っています)to start having doubts about a decision you have made  depends on it 類義語 vital 
Are you having second thoughts about taking that job offer? 
31594.I’m torn between A & B(AとBのどちらにしようか(板挟みになって)迷う/悩む) 
I’m torn between traveling to Asia or Europe
31595.wishy-washy 優柔不断な / 曖昧な / いい加減な)someone who is wishy-washy does not have firm or clear ideas and seems unable to decide what they want – used to show disapDon’t give me a wishy-washy answer. proval 
Don’t give me a wishy-washy answer. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/24)

2023年12月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
31586.give it a shot (試してみる、やってみる)whatever happens or happened
I’m having a trouble opening this jar, Could you give it a shot
31587.treat (喜ばしいもの)something special that you give someone or do for them because you know they will enjoy it 
We have a real treat for you. 
31588.give a round of applause(盛大な拍手を送る)
Please give a round of applause for our guest. 
31589.endgame (目標 ) 
My endgame is to open my own restaurant.
31590.awareness(意識、関心、認識knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation
My aim is to increase awareness about the danger of high blood pressure. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/12/23)

2023年12月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
31581.opt (選ぶ、選択する)to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another 
I’m glad I didn't opt for the fish dinner on the flight. 
31582.optimal (最適な、最善の)the best or most suitable 類義語 optimum 
What is the optimal length of a nap?. 
31583.delicacy(ごちそう、珍味) something good to eat that is expensive or rare 
Zunda-mochi is a famous Sendai delicacy made of edamame. 
31584.overrated (過大評価されている) not as good or important as some people think or say OPP underrated 
There's a lot hype about the new movie, But I think it's overrated.
It’s way too small.