24721.soaking(ずぶ濡れの)very wet
You and your wife are soaking wet in the photo.
24722.pour(down)( 雨が激しく降る) if a lot of liquid or smoke pours out, it comes out from somewhere in very large amounts
Suddenly it's started pouring down.
I go to the movies periodically but not as much as I used to.
24724.lag (〜が遅い)to move or develop more slowly than others
This YouTube video is lagging. It's so annoying.
24725.glitch((一瞬)バグる)a small fault in a machine or piece of equipment, that stops it working
It looks like a glitch in the system. Let's restart it.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24716.Who knows?(誰にも分からないよ)used to say that you do not know the answer to a question
Who knows? I guess only time will tell.
24717.catch a cold(風邪をひく)
I'm pretty sure I caught my wife's cold. My nose is stuffy and I feel feverish.
24718.come down with ((病気に)かかる)to get an illness
When is the last time you came down with the flu?
24719.throw someone off (狂わせる / 気が散る)
The interviewer’s question completely threw me off. I didn’t know how to answer it.
24720.drop the ball(重大なミスを犯す / 大失敗をする)to make a mistake when dealing with something because you stop thinking carefully or paying attention
I totally dropped the ball this time. I'm really sorry.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
A statue of Japan's god of fortune has been pulled from the sea in the country's northeast, almost nine years after being swept away by the March 2011 tsunami.
On Tuesday, divers placed a net around Ebisu before hoisting him from a depth of five meters. The copper deity resurfaced relatively unscathed — save for a broken fishing rod in his right hand. He was found by construction workers last November, about 25 meters off the shore of Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture.
The locals have worshipped Ebisu ever since a statue was first erected on a cape in 1932. The god represents prosperity and fortune, making him especially popular with fishermen.
(Kenji Shirai / President of Fishery processing company)
"I hope the statue's return blesses us with a bountiful haul this year, just like in the old days."
Ebisu will be moved to Isuzu Shrine, where visitors can welcome his return.
On Tuesday, divers placed a net around Ebisu before hoisting him from a depth of five meters. The copper deity resurfaced relatively unscathed — save for a broken fishing rod in his right hand. He was found by construction workers last November, about 25 meters off the shore of Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture.
The locals have worshipped Ebisu ever since a statue was first erected on a cape in 1932. The god represents prosperity and fortune, making him especially popular with fishermen.
(Kenji Shirai / President of Fishery processing company)
"I hope the statue's return blesses us with a bountiful haul this year, just like in the old days."
Ebisu will be moved to Isuzu Shrine, where visitors can welcome his return.
◆sweep away 押し流す to completely destroy something or make something disappear
◆hoist 持ち上げる to raise, lift, or pull something up, especially using ropes
◆copper 銅 a soft reddish-brown metal that allows electricity and heat to pass through it easily, and is used to make electrical wires, water pipes etc. It is a chemical element: symbol Cu
◆deity 神 a god or goddess
◆resurface 再び水面に浮上する to appear again after being lost or missing
◆unscathed 無傷の not injured or harmed by something
◆bountiful 豊富な if something is bountiful, there is more than enough of it
◆haul 漁獲高 to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement
24711.stain(しみ)accidentally make a mark on something, especially one that cannot be removed, or to be marked in this way
Don't worry about it. It happens all the time. I'll bring a stain remover.
24712.feel hurt(感情を害す)
Well,it's normal that you should feel hurt.
24713.insensitive not noticing, or not taking the care to notice, other people’s feelings, and not realizing when they are upset or when something that you do will upset them
You know boys can can a bit insensitive.
24714.You'll see.(今にわかるさ)
You'll see.
24715.How should I know?(私に分かるわけないでしょ / 知らないよ)used to say that it is not reasonable to expect that you should know something
How should I know? Why would you even ask me that?You’re such a jerk!
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24706.bump into(ばったり出会う)to meet someone who you know, when you were not expecting to 類義語 run into
If you should bump into Heleh, asky her to call me.
24707.be honored(光栄に思う)
I'm honored that you should choose me as the next captain.
24708.only natural(きわめて自然)
It's only natural that she should keep her position in the company.
24709.text message (携帯メール)a written message that is sent or received on a mobile phone or pager
I sent you ten text messages.
24710.be snowed under with work (仕事に追われて大変で)
I was snowed under with work all day.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24701.not have to (必要なし)an innate quality or ability is something you are born with
You don't have to come if you don't want to.
24702.mustn't (そうしたらダメ)
I mustn't forget to make doctor's appointment.
24703.one's elder (年上の人)
You should respect your elder.
24704.What made you(何があなたに…させたのですか?)
What made you do such a thing?
24705.thumbtack (画びょう)American English a short pin with a flat top that is used for fixing notices on walls 類義語 drawing pin British English
IF it OK if I use thumbtack to hang the scheduler.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24696.fallback(後退、退却、撤退、(いざという時の)頼みの綱、予備品)something that can be used or done if a supply, method etc fails 類義語 backup
What if it doesn't work out? Do you have a fallback plan?
24697.Do you happen to know((もしかして)〜をご存知ですか?・知っていますか?)
Do you happen to know where the closest ATM is?
24698.You wouldn't happen to know~, would you? (〜知らないですよね?)
You wouldn't happen to know someone that can help out this weekend, would you?
24699.I'm still on the fence about it.(決断ができずに迷っている)
I'm still on the fence about it. But I'm leaning towards taking it. .
24700.in a row(連続して)happening a number of times, one after the other 類義語 consecutively
She won the speech contest for the third year in a row.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
◆著者内館/牧子 ◆
一九四八年秋田県生まれ。脚本家。武蔵野美術大学卒業。東北大学大学院修士課程修了。九三年第一回橋田賞、二〇一一年モンテカルロ・テレビ祭で三冠を受賞。二〇〇〇年より女性初の横綱審議委員会審議委員に就任し、一〇年に任期満了により退任。一一年四月東日本大震災復興構想会議委員に就任。他の著書に『義務と演技』『エイジハラスメント』『十二単衣を着た悪魔 源氏物語異聞』『終わった人』『すぐ死ぬんだから』など。
散り際千両 見切り千両
24691.sober(しらふ)not drunk
I’m going to stay sober tonight. I have to drive.
You look pretty buzzed.
24693.drunk(酔っ払う)unable to control your behaviour, speech etc because you have drunk too much alcohol OPP sober
Don’t pay attention to him. He’s drunk.
24694.Wasted/Trashed(泥酔)very drunk
I was so trashed last night. I hope I didn’t do anything stupid.
24695.cut down on(〜を減らす) to eat, drink, or use less of something, especially in order to improve your health
I’m thinking about cutting down on carbs and going on a low-carb diet.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24686.condominium(共同主権、共同統治国、分譲アパート)one apartment in a building with several apartments, each of which is owned by the people living in it
The condominium door locks automatically
24687.security guard(警備員)
There is a security guard here 24 hours a day.
Just put plastics in this recycle bin.
24689.get along(仲良くやっていく) if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship
I’m sure everyone will get along.
24690.considerate (配慮した、思いやりがある)always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them OPP inconsiderate
Just be considerate of the people downstairs
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News