25726.mold(かび; 糸状菌)
I found mold in the bathroom.
25727.clog(つまらせる)to block something or become blocked
The pipe is clogged with cat hair.
25728.blackout(停電) a period of darkness caused by a failure of the electricity supply
There was a blackout last night.
25729.swell(腫れる、ふくれる) to become larger and rounder than normal – used especially about parts of the body
My little toe began to swell.
25730.injured (負傷した、けがをした)
I got injured while I was skateboarding.
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25721.produce(農産物、青果)food or other things that have been grown or produced on a farm to be sold
I am looking for the produce section.
Can you just trim the ends?
25723.on loan(貸出中)if something or someone is on loan, they have been borrowed
The book you are looking for is on loan.
25724.envelope(封筒)a thin paper cover in which you put and send a letter
Don't forget to put a stamp on the envelope.
How much is it to send this package by airmail?
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Fujitsu is embracing the new normal for working conditions in Japan prompted by the pandemic.
The tech firm says "work from home" will become standard practice for about 80,000 domestic employees.
Fujitsu will also stop the practice of job transfers that can result in employees living away from their family.
The changes will go into effect later this month.
The company says it will no longer give out allowances for commuter passes.
Instead, employees will receive about 46 dollars a month to set up a remote work environment.
The new policies do not apply to factory employees.
Fujitsu plans to slash office space in Japan by half over the next three years.
It will also increase its satellite offices throughout the country.
Corporate Executive Officer Hiramatsu Hiroki says the company wants to implement a way of working that doesn't burden the lives of employees.
◆embracing 取り入れる、採用する
◆job transfers 転勤
◆go into effect 効力を持つ、実施される
◆allowance 手当
◆slash コストや予算などを)大幅に削減する、大なたを振るう
◆satellite office 出張所
25716.malaise(特定の病気ではなく)何となく気分がすぐれないこと,不快(感), 不調)a general problem that is difficult to describe in an exact way /a general feeling that you are slightly ill or not happy in your life
He complained of depression, headaches and malaise.
25717.quarantine(伝染病予防のために)隔離する、検疫する)If a person or animal is in quarantine, they are being kept separate from other people or animals for a set period of time, usually because they have or may have a disease.
The monkeys were kept in quarantine for 31 days.
I have to mark my student's essays today.
25719.nod off(眠り込む、眠る) to begin to sleep, usually when you do not intend to and are sitting somewhere
You were nodding off during class.
25720.skip(さぼる) informal to not do something that you usually do or that you should do
Let's skip the meeting and go to the beach!
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仏道修行への気合いは、到底昔の人に及ばないから、山林に籠もっても、餓えを凌いで嵐を防ぐ何かがなければ生きていくこともできないわけで、一見、俗世にまみれていると、見方によっては見えないこともない。けれども「それでは、世を捨てた意味もない。そんなことなら、どうして世を捨てたのだろうか?」などと言うのは、メチャクチャな話だ。やはり、一度は俗世間を捨てて、仏の道に足を踏み入れ、厭世生活をしているのだから、たとえ欲があると言っても、権力者の強欲さとは比較できないほどせこい。紙で作った布団や、麻で作った衣装、お椀一杯の主食に雑草の吸い物、こんな欲求は世間ではどれぐらいの出費になるだろうか? だから、欲しい物は簡単に手に入り、欲求もすぐに満たされる。また、恥ずかしい身なりをしているので、世間に関わると言っても、修行の妨げになることからは遠ざかり、修行にとってプラスになることにしか近寄ることもない。
仏道修行への気合いは、到底昔の人に及ばないから、山林に籠もっても、餓えを凌いで嵐を防ぐ何かがなければ生きていくこともできないわけで、一見、俗世にまみれていると、見方によっては見えないこともない。けれども「それでは、世を捨てた意味もない。そんなことなら、どうして世を捨てたのだろうか?」などと言うのは、メチャクチャな話だ。やはり、一度は俗世間を捨てて、仏の道に足を踏み入れ、厭世生活をしているのだから、たとえ欲があると言っても、権力者の強欲さとは比較できないほどせこい。紙で作った布団や、麻で作った衣装、お椀一杯の主食に雑草の吸い物、こんな欲求は世間ではどれぐらいの出費になるだろうか? だから、欲しい物は簡単に手に入り、欲求もすぐに満たされる。また、恥ずかしい身なりをしているので、世間に関わると言っても、修行の妨げになることからは遠ざかり、修行にとってプラスになることにしか近寄ることもない。
25711.convert(変換する)If one thing is converted or converts into another, it is changed into a different form.
I can't convert the Roman characters into hiragana.
Does anybody have some whiteout?
25713.faculty room(職員室)
My teacher called me to the faculty room.
25714.multiple-choice question(選択問題)In a multiple choice test or question, you have to choose the answer that you think is right from several possible answers that are listed on the question paper.
This Spanish test has 20 multiple-choice questions.
25715.class replacement test(クラス分けのテスト)
You need to prepare for the class placement test.
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25706.take over(引き継ぐ)If you take over a job or role or if you take over, you become responsible for the job after someone else has stopped doing it.
His colleague took over Bill's position.
25707.affair(不倫)If two people who are not married to each other have an affair, they have a sexual relationship.
His boss found out about their affair.
25708.gathering(集まり、集会)A gathering is a group of people meeting together for a particular purpose.
They met at a gathering of spies.
25709.extend(延長する) If an event or activity extends over a period of time, it continues for that time.
Could you extend the deadline.
25710.critical(とても危険な、重大な) A critical situation is very serious and dangerous.
We are facing a very critical situation right now.
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25701.realized(実現する、現実化する)If you realize that something is true, you become aware of that fact or understand it.
She realized her childhood dream.
25702.fake smile(作り笑い)
I don't trust her. She's always wearing a fake smile.
25703.berry laugh(大笑い)A belly laugh is a very loud, deep laugh.
He always has a good belly laugh, even at my jokes.
25704.extinct(死に絶えた、絶滅した) A species of animal or plant that is extinct no longer has any living members, either in the world or in a particular place.
The megalodon is a giant shark that went extinct long ago.
25705.go out(火や灯りが消える)If something that is burning goes out, it stops burning.
When I woke up, the fire had gone out.
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25696.strike(一撃を加える、強く打ち付ける)If you strike someone or something, you deliberately hit them.
A strong storm struck the bay area.
25697.slap(平手でピシャリと打つこと)If you slap someone, you hit them with the palm of your hand.
When I entered the room, someone slapped me on the back.
25698.weep(泣く)If someone weeps, they cry.
I heard someone weeping in the room next door.
25699.restrict(制限する) If you restrict something, you put a limit on it in order to reduce it or prevent it becoming too great.
I restrict myself to a cup of coffee a day.
25700.end(終わらせる、終わる) If a period of time ends, it reaches its final point.
We need to end our relationship.
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25691.seize((突然ぎゅっと)つかむ、握る、捕まえる)If you seize something, you take hold of it quickly, firmly, and forcefully.
Police seized 25 kilogram of illegal drugs.
25692.acquire(手に入れる、身につける)If you acquire something, you buy or obtain it for yourself, or someone gives it to you.
He has acquired a deep knowledge of Japanese culture.
25693.defeat(破る、負かす、挫折(ざせつ)させる)If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle, game, or contest.
We defeated the Jaguars three to zero in Sunday's game.
25694.lose(負ける)If you lose a contest, a fight, or an argument, you do not succeed because someone does better than you and defeats you.
We've lost to them every time..
My parents always praise me for getting
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