


2022年11月30日 | 爺英語

A survey shows that nursing-care providers in Japan are going out of business at a record pace this year.
Lingering effects from the pandemic and rising costs are blamed for the industry's ongoing troubles.
Tokyo Shoko Research says the number of failures in the nine months through September reached 100 for the first time since 2000.
The figure has nearly doubled from the same period last year. The full-year total is on course to top the all-time high of 118 in 2020.

Forty-five of the failed businesses provided day-care services or short stays. Thirty-six offered home-visit care, and 10 were residential nursing homes.再生解説

The record numbers are attributed to labor shortages and lower revenues during the height of the pandemic, when people refrained from seeking care.再生解説
The providers are also struggling with higher costs for food, fuel, and utilities.

lingering   長引く、いつまでも残る continuing to exist for longer than is usual or desirable     
blamed for  ~の原因であるとされる、~のせいである     to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad 
utility.   電気・ガス・水道などの「公益事業」    a service such as gas or electricity provided for people to use  

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/30)

2022年11月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
29651.study (勉強するいう行為) to learn about a subject at school, university etc/to try to find out more about a subject or problem, using scientific methods 
I studied English, but I still can't understand what native speakers say. 
29652.learn (勉強する行為によって知識や技能を身に着ける/習得する) gain knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught 
I studied English for ten years, but I didn't learn anything.
29653.master(熟達する、完璧にする )to learn a skill or a language so well that you have no difficulty with it 
I could't master English in  just two years, but I learned enough to get by.
29654.go out  to stop burning or shining 
The power went out. Let's go grab the flashlights.  
29655.go out  to have a romantic relationship with someone 
We've been going out for about one year now. 

徒然草 第百八十段

2022年11月29日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/29)

2022年11月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
29646.have good taste in  (〜のセンスが良い )
Tony has good taste in fashion. He’s always looking dapper. 
29647.dapper (服装がこざっぱりした、いきな、敏捷な )a man who is dapper is nicely dressed, has a neat appearance, and is usually small or thin 
This was a hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman, 
29648.lag (熱心な )to move or develop more slowly than others 
This YouTube video is lagging. It's so annoying. 
29649.I think I’ll pass (this time) (遠慮しておくよ )
I’d love to join you guys for dinner tonight but I think I’ll pass this time.
29650.Go ahead and  (遠慮しないで〜してください  )
Go ahead and say what’s on your mind. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/28)

2022年11月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
29641.proof (証拠) facts, information, documents etc that prove something is true 
Do you have proof?
29642.film (フィルムに写す.)to use a camera to record a story or real events so that they can be shown in the cinema or on television 
I was going to film her so that people would believe me. 
29643.sleep through(~の間眠ったままでいる)sleep through something to sleep while something is happening and not be woken by it 
You slept through the most important scene.
29644.rather than (~ではなく)instead of 
Could we hold the meting on Friday rather than Tuesday
29645.as~as ever (相変わらず、何時ものように)
You're so lovely as ever

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/27)

2022年11月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
29636.I’m assuming  (〜ってことですよね?  )
I’m assuming you have an iPhone. There’s an app called Podcast in your iPhone. You can listen to podcasts from that app. 
29637. I'll put you through (おつなぎします )
Hi, this is John from XYZ Inc. Could you put me through to Mike in advertising, please? 
29638.boast to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions 
She boasts about her kids all the time. She’s very proud of them. 
29639.strong point  (長所 )
I’d say my strong points are patience and persistence. 
29640.glitch  ((一瞬)バグる  )a small fault in a machine or piece of equipment, that stops it working 
It looks like a glitch in the system. Let's restart it.

もう一度読みたい 教科書の泣ける名作 再び

2022年11月26日 | 読書日記






Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/26)

2022年11月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
29631.heart-to-heart  (腹を割って話す・本音を語る  )a conversation in which two people say honestly and sincerely what they really feel about something
He had a heart-to-heart talk with his dad about his future.
29632.man-to-man  ((男性同士)が腹を割って話す・本音を語る ) if two men have a man-to-man talk, they discuss something in an honest direct way 
You should have a man-to-man talk with Mike. 
29633.insufficient ((必要な量を満たしておらず)不十分な )not enough, or not great enough 
I heard that the case was dismissed due to insufficient evidence. 
29634.inadequate  (主に「質」が良くない、不十分だと言う時 )not good enough, big enough, skilled enough etc for a particular purpose OPP adequate 
I think he did well in the interview, but his skills are inadequate for this job. 
29635.lack  (「量」や「質」が足りないこと  )when there is not enough of something, or none of it 類義語 shortage OPP surplus
Did you know that lack of sleep increases your appetite? 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/25)

2022年11月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
29626.not feeling well  (気分が悪い )
I'm not feeling well. Can I take the rest of the day off? 
29627.in bad shape (非常に体調が悪い  )
She's in pretty bad shape. I hope she gets better soon.
29628.work(作業) a job or activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money
She attributed her success to hard work
29629.job (対価として報酬が支払われる仕事 ) the regular paid work that you do for an employer 
Nursing isn’t just a job; it’s a way of life.  
29630.occupation   (社会の中でその人が占める位置 )a job or profession 
Please fill out your name, address and occupation

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/24)

2022年11月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
29621.vital (きわめて重大な  ) extremely important and necessary for something to succeed or exist 類義語 crucial 
The tourist industry is of vital importance to the national economy. 
29622.crucial (決定的な、(きわめて)重大な、重要な、決定的で、(きわめて)重要 )something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it 類義語 vital 
This aid money is crucial to the government’s economic policies. 
29623.without asking(断りなく)
We had in a rahmen shop. and he ate my rahmen without asking.
29624.Let's cut to the chase  (要点を述べて下さい  )
Let's cut to the chase. This is about our contract right? 
29625.under the weather (体調不良 )informal slightly ill
I feel a bit under the weather. I might've caught a cold. 


2022年11月23日 | 爺英語

Japanese toymakers are upgrading their iconic capsule vending machines to meet surging demand.
The contraptions are growing in popularity among both children and adults, and foreign tourists.
The machines are typically cash-operated, randomly dispensing plastic capsules containing small toys for a few 100-yen coins.
But Bandai's new device also accepts payments from both Japanese and foreign smartphones. Bandai plans to install them at 100 locations across the country by next April.
T-Arts plans to introduce dispensers offering instructions in nine languages at airports, train stations, and shopping malls.
Sales from capsule machines have soared in recent years, hitting a record high of over 300 million dollars in the business year that ended in March.

iconic   象徴的な     
contraption 風変わりな装置、仕掛けの凝った機械   
dispense  (機械・装置が商品や液体などを)放出する、出す    

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/23)

2022年11月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
29616.Achiless heel a weak part of someone’s character, which could cause them to fail at something 
I worry too much. That’s my achiness heel. 
29617.have a point (一理ある、確かにそうだ)
You have a point.
29618.disgust a strong feeling of dislike, annoyance, or disapproval 
She wrinkled her forehead in disgust
29619.go on and on (言い立てる、言いたてる、言立てる、言い続ける  )
Yes, my Uncle Bary went on and on.. 
I was surprised to see so many people at my gig.