

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/28)

2021年02月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
26771.Learn the ropes(コツを覚える)to learn how to do a particular job or task 
I really like it! I'm still learning the ropes but all of my coworkers have been really helpful. 
26772.Get the hang of(コツをつかんできた)to understand the technique of doing something 
It's taking some time but I slowly getting the hang of it. I can stand on the board now. 
26773.Put on hold(保留する・持ち越す)to decide not to do, change, or deal with something now, but to leave it until later 
We decided to put the project on hold until next month. 
26774.Push back(延期する)If you push back against something, such as a change or criticism, you refuse to accept it or try to prevent it. 
The deadline was pushed back to next week. 
26775.Put off(後回しにする)If you put something off, you delay doing it. 
Don't put it off. Do it now! 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

桂歌丸 大喜利人生 笑点メンバーが語る不屈の芸人魂

2021年02月27日 | 読書日記
2018年7月、あらゆる世代のファンに惜しまれつつ死去した落語家・桂歌丸。超長寿番組『笑点』スタート時からのメンバーとして、そして昭和~平成の落語界を代表する名人としての素顔を、『笑点』現役メンバーたちが語り尽くす! 入退院を繰り返しながらも高座に上がり続け、古典落語の世界を観客に伝え続けた晩年の執念はどこから来たのか? 無二の演芸番組『笑点』へのこだわりと愛情とは?――芸に全身全霊を傾け続けた男の知られざるエピソードを満載!!



Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/27)

2021年02月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
26766.balance(残高)The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it. 
What's the balance on my account?
26767.grate(摩り下ろす)If you grate food such as cheese or carrots, you rub it over a metal tool called a grater so that the food is cut into very small pieces. 
Could you grate some cheese for me?
26768.damage(損害)Damage is physical harm that is caused to an object. 
They've agreed to pay for damage.
26769.delight(大いに喜ばせる、うれしがらせる、楽しませる) Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure. 
My parents were delighted to hear about my excellent grades.
26770.burgle(夜盗を働く)If a building is burgled, a thief enters it by force and steals things. 
We returned home to find we had been burgled.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/26)

2021年02月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
26761.It's now or never(今やるか一生やらないか)If you say 'It's now or never', you mean that something must be done immediately, because if it is not done immediately there will not be another chance to do it. 
You’ll  never get a better opportunity to ask her out, It's now or never.
26762.keep up(維持する)If you keep something up, you continue to do it or provide it. 
It's hard to keep a diet up for a long tome.
26763.insurance card(保険証)
Could I see your insurance card?
26764.referral(紹介状) Referral is the act of officially sending someone to a person or authority that is qualified to deal with them. 
I have referral from another doctor.
26765.keep away(近づけない)
I put up a net on the balcony to keep crow away.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/25)

2021年02月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
26756.forgive and forgot(許して忘れる、水に流す)
I know it hard, but please forgive and forgot, OK?
26757.come to the point(要点を言う)When someone comes to the point or gets to the point, they start talking about the thing that is most important to them. 
Could you ? We are running out of time.
26758.drive at(言おうとする)to intend or mean 
What are you driving at? Just split it out.
26759.self-control(自制心) Self-control is the ability to not show your feelings or not do the things that your feelings make you want to do. 
Once in a while fine, But you need more self-control.
26760.get cracking(着手する、取りかかる) If you tell someone to get cracking, you are telling them to start doing something immediately. 
There is no time like the present. So, let get cracking.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2021年02月24日 | 爺英語
The Myanmar military is moving quickly to set up a system of governance following Monday's coup.
It has announced the appointments of top officials of key agencies through its newly established governing body.
The State Administrative Council led by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has replaced the top personnel of the police, judiciary, central bank, and other governing bodies. It has also appointed members of the election commission.
The military says there were irregularities involving more than 10 million votes in last November's general election, although an investigation was never conducted.
The military says it was inevitable that it would take power because the de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi was in the process of setting up a new government.
The military detained Aung San Suu Kyi and other ruling party officials and declared a one-year state of emergency. It's promising to hold free and fair elections, but has not set a date.

coup クーデター    When there is a coup, a group of people seize power in a country. 
judiciary  司法      The judiciary is the branch of authority in a country which is concerned with law and the legal system.
irregularities 不正  the state or quality of being irregular ict what will happen next. 
de facto 事実上の      De facto is used to indicate that something is a particular thing, even though it was not planned or intended to be that thing.
detained 拘束する  When people such as the police detain someone, they keep them in a place under their control. 


Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/24)

2021年02月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
26751.beat about/around the bush(遠回しに言う・はっきり言わない)to talk around a subject without getting to the point 
Ricky, will you stop beating about the bush and just say what you want to say? 
26752.Seize the day!(その日をつかめ=今を生きろ,機会をとらえなさい )said when you are advising someone to do what they want straight away, and not to worry about the future 
Seize the day! 
26753.I mean, if not now, when? (だって、今でなければ、いつ言うんだい)
I mean, if not now, when? 
26754.all too often(往々にして、必ずと言っていいほど、何度も)
All too often it's housing that has to be dropped. 
26755.gain a new lease on life(心機一転する、苦境を乗り越えて新たな活力を得る、息を吹き返す、生まれ変わる)
It shut its doors a couple of years ago after most of the stores there went out of business, but now it's gained a new lease on life

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第八十八段

2021年02月23日 | 徒然草を読む


 或る者が、「これが書の達人として誉れ高い、小野道風が書き写した『和漢朗詠集』です」と言って秘蔵していた。別の者が、「あなた様のお宅に代々伝わる品物ですから、根拠が出鱈目だとインネンを付けるつもりは毛頭ないのでございますが、藤原公任が撰集した歌を、その時代に他界している小野道風が書き写しているので、矛盾していてインチキ臭いのですが」と尋ねた。すると、「お目が高い! だからこそ類い希なる珍品なのでございます」と答え、今までよりも大切に秘蔵したという。


Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/23)

2021年02月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
26746.barely(ほとんど〜でない)You use barely to say that something is only just true or only just the case. 
I can barely hear the TV. Can you turn it up? 
26747.barely(ギリギリで〜 / 辛うじて)If you say that one thing had barely happened when something else happened, you mean that the first event was followed immediately by the second. 
I thought we were going to be late. We barely made it. 
26748.That/It never crossed my mind(考えたこともなかった!)can be used to refer to an extremely large number of things or people
Quitting my job? That never crossed my mind. I love what I do. 
26749.jack of all trades(なんでも屋) If you refer to someone as a jack-of-all-trades, you mean that they are able to do a variety of different jobs. You are also often suggesting that they are not very good at any of these jobs. 
Do you think it’s better to be a specialist or a jack of all trades
26750.wear many hats(いろいろな仕事を担う) to have different roles or tasks to perform 
I wear many hats. I do accounting, marketing, sales, just all kinds of stuff.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/22)

2021年02月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
26741.I beg to differ(失礼ですが同意しかねます)You say 'I beg to differ' when you are politely emphasizing that you disagree with someone. 
I beg to differ. I don't think he's qualified f/ )If you turn something around, or if it turns around, it is moved so that it faces the opposite direction.
The advertisements on the social media sites turned around the sales.
26744.point finger(非難する)
We need to stop pointing fingers at each oor the management position. 

26742.pick up(〜が良くなる)When you pick something up, you lift it up. 
It feels like the economy is picking up these days. 
26743.turn around(立て直す / 好転させる If something such as a business or economy turns around, or if someone turns it around, it becomes successful, after being unsuccessful for a period of time.
In his long career at BP, Horton turned around two entire divisions. 
26745.give someone the cold shoulder(冷たい態度をとる / 冷たく突き放す / 無視をする )
How long are you going to give me the cold shoulder

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/21)

2021年02月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
26736.big lunch(しっかりとした昼食)
I’m not hungry right now. I had a big lunch and I’m still pretty full.
26737.put on clothes(洋服を着る)
You should put on a jacket. It's pretty chilly outside. 
26738.stretch(一続きの時間や期間)A stretch of time is a period of time 
You worked 14 days in a row? That’s a long stretch without a day off. 
26739.One way or the other(どちらにしても 、いずれにしても)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens 
One way or the other, we have to find a way to complete this project by next week. 
26740.let bygones be bygones(水に流す) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past. 
Can we let bygones be bygones?

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2021年02月20日 | 読書日記


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