メンデルスゾーン 春の歌
30706.be prepared(ready) to(準備のできた )
I'm prepared to work longer hours, its the peak season.
30707.Take your pick(お好きなものをどうぞ)
I'm prepared to work longer hours, its the peak season.
30707.Take your pick(お好きなものをどうぞ)
We have many dessert options.Take your pick.
30708.in one's best interest(~にとって最善で、得策で )
It may be in your best interest to return now.
30709.around the corner(もうすぐ、目前に迫る)likely to happen soon/near
Your entrance exams are around the corner. you really must start preparing for them.
30710.It's just an idea(ちょっと、思いついただけなんですが)
It’s just an idea, but why don't you start your own business.
Your entrance exams are around the corner. you really must start preparing for them.
30710.It's just an idea(ちょっと、思いついただけなんですが)
It’s just an idea, but why don't you start your own business.
30701.make a difference(影響を及ぼす、変化をもたらす )thorough, complete, and considering all the details
Changing the color of the wall will surely make a difference in the lighting.
30702.bring about a change(変化をもたらす)
Changing the color of the wall will surely make a difference in the lighting.
30702.bring about a change(変化をもたらす)
Paul’s positive attitude brought about a change in his team's enthusiasm.
30703.transform(大きな変化を起こす )to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that improves it
The merger transformed the company into a global player..
30704.be willing to(~してもかまわない)
I'm willing to lead the project.
30705.be happy to(喜んで~させてもらう )
I'm happy to take you to the airport.
I'm willing to lead the project.
30705.be happy to(喜んで~させてもらう )
I'm happy to take you to the airport.

Artificial intelligence is making inroads into many aspects of our daily lives.
Now Japanese firms are introducing it to the classroom to make learning more engaging for students.
An AI-assisted system launched by Konica Minolta last month analyzes the responses of students using images taken during lessons.
It compiles data on the concentration levels of students based on the direction of their gaze and the way they raise their hands.
Meanwhile, IT company Techno Horizon has developed AI-powered technology that analyzes the emotional state of students.
It's connected to the built-in camera on the tablets students use.
It can tell whether they're excited, bored, or under stress from pulse waves on their foreheads and head movements.
Both technologies would only be used with the consent of both students and their parents.
◆inroad 進出、侵入、浸食
◆engage 人を引きつける、魅力的な
Just tap this on the card reader.
30697.zip(チャック、ファスナーで締める; ) to fasten something using a zip
Just tap this on the card reader.
30697.zip(チャック、ファスナーで締める; ) to fasten something using a zip
I zipped up my bags, and I'll be carefull of people behind me.
30698.for Paris(パリ行の電車)
The next train for Paris is at the track number three.
30699.feel as if(あたかも~のように感じる)
For the fans, it felt as if their team had won the baseball tournament.
30700.A outperform B(AはBを上回っている) to be more successful than someone or something else
Performance in the current fiscal year is likely to outperform last year.
For the fans, it felt as if their team had won the baseball tournament.
30700.A outperform B(AはBを上回っている) to be more successful than someone or something else
Performance in the current fiscal year is likely to outperform last year.

30691.packed (いっぱい詰まった )extremely full of people
Yeah, that'll probably be a good idea. It's always packed on Friday nights.
30692.eerie(不気味な )strange and frightening
Yeah, that'll probably be a good idea. It's always packed on Friday nights.
30692.eerie(不気味な )strange and frightening
My grandma's house's creaking floors and flickering lights create such an eerie atmosphere.
30693.sluggish(怠惰な、怠けた )moving or reacting more slowly than normal
Hot, humid weather makes most people sluggish.
30694.at the end(~の終わりに)
I get my salary at the end of every month.
I get my salary at the end of every month.
30695.in the end(最終的に、結局)after a period of time, or after everything has been done
We worked hard and reached our goal in the end.
We worked hard and reached our goal in the end.
30686.drop off(人を降ろす) off to take someone or something to a place by car and leave them there on your way to another place
Can you drop me off at the airport?
30687.turnover(転職率)the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others
Can you drop me off at the airport?
30687.turnover(転職率)the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others
The turnover rate of university graduates within 3 years of joining our company is high as 40%.
30688.close down(閉鎖する) if a company, shop etc closes down or is closed down, it stops operating permanently
All non-essential businesses had to close down due to the coronavirus.
30689.arbitrary(適当に)decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly
Was your choice arbitrary or strategic?
30690.overnight(一晩中)for or during the night /suddenly or surprisingly quickly
Probably the overnight bus. I think a one-way ticket is about 3,000 yen.
Was your choice arbitrary or strategic?
30690.overnight(一晩中)for or during the night /suddenly or surprisingly quickly
Probably the overnight bus. I think a one-way ticket is about 3,000 yen.
30681.Why don't I(私が行うことへの提案)
Why don't I pick you up at the airport?
30682.take up to become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it
Why don't I pick you up at the airport?
30682.take up to become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it
I took up making soba after retirement
30683.feel as if(あたかも~のように感じる)
It was so cold that is almost felt as if I were in the Arctic.
30684.complement to(補うもの)
The new model is a compliment to bits predecessor.
30685.be inclined to(~する傾向がる)
I'm inclined to put off unpleasant tasks.
The new model is a compliment to bits predecessor.
30685.be inclined to(~する傾向がる)
I'm inclined to put off unpleasant tasks.
【 内容】出版社より
神林サリー(Sally) のプロフィール:
rule1 日常で英語を使う工夫をしよう
rule2 I &Fで趣味と英語をつなげる
英語=勉強という思い込みは捨てる。キーワードは「I&F」=Interesting &Fun
rule3 初心に戻って基本を大切に
30676.care for(~が欲しい)spoken formal used to ask someone politely if they would like something
Would you care for some coffee or tea?
30677.care to try(~を試したい)
Would you care for some coffee or tea?
30677.care to try(~を試したい)
Care to try my home-made muffin.It's do good.
30678.oven fresh(焼きたて)
They are oven fresh and delicios.
30679.how does it sounds(いかがですか)
We are going clubbing after this. How does it sound?
30680.stuffy(古臭い、空気の籠った)a room or building that is stuffy does not have enough fresh air in it / people, occasions, or places that are stuffy are too formal and old-fashioned – used to show disapproval
Isn't the air in here a little stuffy?
We are going clubbing after this. How does it sound?
30680.stuffy(古臭い、空気の籠った)a room or building that is stuffy does not have enough fresh air in it / people, occasions, or places that are stuffy are too formal and old-fashioned – used to show disapproval
Isn't the air in here a little stuffy?
【歌の翼にのせて】メンデルスゾーン 全音ピアノピース Mendelssohn/Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (最後に猫が出ます) #弾いてみた #piano #classic
30671.minimize (最小限に評価する)
He’s a humble person that always minimizes himself and gives credit to others.
He’s a humble person that always minimizes himself and gives credit to others.
30672.put up something (掲示する)
You should put up your travel pictures on the wall.
30673.circle of friends(友達の輪 )
Celebrities typically have a tight-knit circle of friends.
For sure get front-row seats. you couldn't regret it.
30675.pair with(よく合う)
I recommend the macaroon. It pair with the tear.
For sure get front-row seats. you couldn't regret it.
30675.pair with(よく合う)
I recommend the macaroon. It pair with the tear.