日本の心 夕焼け小焼け
15406.until further notice(追って知らせがあるまで)
County Sheriff's Office has closed Highway 21 until further notice.
15407.wind gust(突風)
The closure was due to wind gust that knocked down trees and damaged power lines along the highway around 5 a.m. this morning.
15408.detour through(~を通って迂回する)
Traffic is being detour through residential areas.
15409.without power(停電して)
At this time, approximately ten thousand homes are without power.
Crews are working to clear debris from the highway and fix the damage to the overhead wires.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

County Sheriff's Office has closed Highway 21 until further notice.
15407.wind gust(突風)
The closure was due to wind gust that knocked down trees and damaged power lines along the highway around 5 a.m. this morning.
15408.detour through(~を通って迂回する)
Traffic is being detour through residential areas.
15409.without power(停電して)
At this time, approximately ten thousand homes are without power.
Crews are working to clear debris from the highway and fix the damage to the overhead wires.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Officials with the UN food agency have looked at how many people around the world are going hungry. They say the numbers are down, but one out of nine people still do not get enough to eat.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization issued the findings in an annual report. It says more than 800 million people worldwide are chronically undernourished, but the number of those going hungry has fallen by more than 100 million over the last decade. The agency credits improvements in Latin America and other places.
Officials say parts of Africa have lagged because of conflicts and natural disasters. They say in sub-Saharan Africa, more than 25 percent of the population suffers from hunger, and they warn of a threat to food security in some areas. They blame the Ebolaoutbreak in western Africa and military conflicts in the Middle East.
UN officials are aiming to cut the number of undernourished people in half by next year, compared to 25 years earlier. Officials say that goal is within reach if world leaders do more to battle hunger.
◆finding 調査結果
◆chronically 慢性的に、長期にわたって
◆undernourished 栄養不足の
◆credits (功績などが)あると思う、帰する
◆warn of ~を警告する
◆outbreak (病気などの)流行(の発生)、突発
15401.marked down to(~の価格の値下げてあって)
It is marked down to $25.50.
15402.that someone special(あの大切な人)
GIft shop has everything you need for that someone special.
15403.ay the junction of Bronco Avenue and Rodeo Street(~の交差点に会って)
We are located at the junction of.
15404.autumn colors(一日24時間年中)
Be sure to put a camera inyour knapsack because autumn color are going to be gorgeous.
15405.24 hours a day, seven days a week(長閑な、牧歌的な)
They are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It is marked down to $25.50.
15402.that someone special(あの大切な人)
GIft shop has everything you need for that someone special.
15403.ay the junction of Bronco Avenue and Rodeo Street(~の交差点に会って)
We are located at the junction of.
15404.autumn colors(一日24時間年中)
Be sure to put a camera inyour knapsack because autumn color are going to be gorgeous.
15405.24 hours a day, seven days a week(長閑な、牧歌的な)
They are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Our screenig process uses an algorithm that allows us to pinpoint the right candidates for you..
15397.gift certificate(金券、商品券)
If you sign up today, you will receive a $50 gift certificate.
15398.great deal(お買得品)
We have some great deal on sunglasses.
15399.one of kind(他にないもの)
This blue embroidered shirts is one of kind now.
She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief..
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Our screenig process uses an algorithm that allows us to pinpoint the right candidates for you..
15397.gift certificate(金券、商品券)
If you sign up today, you will receive a $50 gift certificate.
15398.great deal(お買得品)
We have some great deal on sunglasses.
15399.one of kind(他にないもの)
This blue embroidered shirts is one of kind now.
She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief..
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

When Yan Hui passed away, his father Yan Lu begged Confucius' carriage to make an outer shell of his son's coffin. Confucius said, "Every father loves his child. When my son Li died, I also could not make an outer shell of coffin for him. I could not sell my carriage for an outer shell of coffin. I am one of ministers. So I must not walk to the palace."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
They confirmed the landmass emerge about 1,000 kilometers from the capital, on November 20th last year.
They found that lavw and ash were intermittently gushing from craters on the landmass.
The Eurasian landmass is the largest in the world.
15394.sign up for(~に契約する)
I sign up for annual maintenance program.
15395.for no additional cost(追加料金なしで)
We'll clean your mirrors and hard\toreach fans and skylights for no additional cost.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

They confirmed the landmass emerge about 1,000 kilometers from the capital, on November 20th last year.
They found that lavw and ash were intermittently gushing from craters on the landmass.
The Eurasian landmass is the largest in the world.
15394.sign up for(~に契約する)
I sign up for annual maintenance program.
15395.for no additional cost(追加料金なしで)
We'll clean your mirrors and hard\toreach fans and skylights for no additional cost.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Doris Day A Sentimental Journey
「センチメンタルジャーニー」(A Sentimental Journey)歌詞
Gonna take a Sentimental Journey,
Gonna set my heart at ease.
Gonna make a Sentimental Journey,
to renew old memories.
Got my bags, got my reservations,
Spent each dime I could afford.
Like a child in wild anticipation,
I Long to hear that, “All aboard!”
Seven…that’s the time we leave at seven.
I’ll be waitin’ up at heaven,
Countin’ every mile of railroad
track, that takes me back.
Never thought my heart could be so yearny.
Why did I decide to roam?
Gotta take that Sentimental Journey,
Sentimental Journey home.
Sentimental Journey.
(Copyright 1944 by Morley Music Co., Inc. 31 West 34th Street, N.y., N.Y. 10019 Copyright renewed 1971. All Rights Reserved.)
「センチメンタルジャーニー」(A Sentimental Journey)訳詩
「センチメンタルジャーニー」(A Sentimental Journey)歌詞
Gonna take a Sentimental Journey,
Gonna set my heart at ease.
Gonna make a Sentimental Journey,
to renew old memories.
Got my bags, got my reservations,
Spent each dime I could afford.
Like a child in wild anticipation,
I Long to hear that, “All aboard!”
Seven…that’s the time we leave at seven.
I’ll be waitin’ up at heaven,
Countin’ every mile of railroad
track, that takes me back.
Never thought my heart could be so yearny.
Why did I decide to roam?
Gotta take that Sentimental Journey,
Sentimental Journey home.
Sentimental Journey.
(Copyright 1944 by Morley Music Co., Inc. 31 West 34th Street, N.y., N.Y. 10019 Copyright renewed 1971. All Rights Reserved.)
「センチメンタルジャーニー」(A Sentimental Journey)訳詩
15386.dateing scene(デートという状況)
Are you tired of the dating scene?
I have been on a zillion date.
I never found Mr.Right.
15389.love of your life(あなたの人生の伴侶)
We will help you find the love of your life.
15390.ideal soul mate(理想の相手)
We ask 25 key questions to determine your preference for your ideal soul mate.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Are you tired of the dating scene?
I have been on a zillion date.
I never found Mr.Right.
15389.love of your life(あなたの人生の伴侶)
We will help you find the love of your life.
15390.ideal soul mate(理想の相手)
We ask 25 key questions to determine your preference for your ideal soul mate.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

7:名所江戸百景 よし原日本堤【広重「月の絵」 全20点】

英語名:UKIYOE(pictures of the floating world)
HIROSHIGE,from the "MOON" series.
"Nihon Embankment, Yoshiwara"
※歌川 広重
歌川 広重(うたがわ ひろしげ、寛政9年(1797年) - 安政5年9月6日(1858年10月12日)は、浮世絵師。本名安藤鉄蔵。
かつては安藤広重(あんどう ひろしげ)とも呼ばれたが、安藤は本姓、広重は号であり、両者を組み合わせて呼ぶのは不適切で、広重自身もそう名乗ったことはない。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

英語名:UKIYOE(pictures of the floating world)
HIROSHIGE,from the "MOON" series.
"Nihon Embankment, Yoshiwara"
※歌川 広重
歌川 広重(うたがわ ひろしげ、寛政9年(1797年) - 安政5年9月6日(1858年10月12日)は、浮世絵師。本名安藤鉄蔵。
かつては安藤広重(あんどう ひろしげ)とも呼ばれたが、安藤は本姓、広重は号であり、両者を組み合わせて呼ぶのは不適切で、広重自身もそう名乗ったことはない。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
15381.not lift a hunger(何もしない)
They don't lift a finger.
15382.put one's foot down(断固として要求する、主張する)
You should have put your foot down.
15383.seeing-eye dog(盲導犬)
They could take the place of seing-eye dog for visually-impaired.
A blindfolded hospial employee tested the robot which had pre-installed information about the facility.
15385.volcanic eruption(火山噴火)
The Japan Coast Guard says the new landmass created by a volcanic eruption far south of Tokyo.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

They don't lift a finger.
15382.put one's foot down(断固として要求する、主張する)
You should have put your foot down.
15383.seeing-eye dog(盲導犬)
They could take the place of seing-eye dog for visually-impaired.
A blindfolded hospial employee tested the robot which had pre-installed information about the facility.
15385.volcanic eruption(火山噴火)
The Japan Coast Guard says the new landmass created by a volcanic eruption far south of Tokyo.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

![]() | 氏神さま・春雨・耳学問 (講談社文芸文庫) |
クリエーター情報なし | |
講談社 |
◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆
15376.go on matarnity leave(出産休暇に入る)
I can't wait to go on matarnity leave.
15377.hands down(間違いなく、楽勝で、断然)
Your company has the best maternity leave pollicy, hands down.
15378.go into labor(陣痛が始まる)
I think I'm going into labor.
15379.on one's feet(立って、座らないで)
I have been on my feet all day.
Tom is in a grouchy mood.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I can't wait to go on matarnity leave.
15377.hands down(間違いなく、楽勝で、断然)
Your company has the best maternity leave pollicy, hands down.
15378.go into labor(陣痛が始まる)
I think I'm going into labor.
15379.on one's feet(立って、座らないで)
I have been on my feet all day.
Tom is in a grouchy mood.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News