AUTUMN LEAVES - Roger Williams
25876.identity theft(なりすまし詐欺)Identity theft is the crime of getting personal information about another person without their knowledge, for example in order to gain access to their bank account.
Because of the danger of identity theft, we are told not to give personal information over the phone.
25877.spouse(配偶者) a partner in marriage; (one's) husband or wife
We have a spouse companion system only for personnel dispatched to European countries.
25878.toupee(男性用鬘)a small artificial piece of hair that some men wear over a place on their heads where the hair no longer grows
A toupee is a piece of artificial hair worn by a man to cover a patch on his head where he has lost his hair.
25879.wig(女性用鬘) artificial hair that you wear on your head
A wig is a covering of false hair which you wear on your head, for example because you have little hair of your own or because you want to cover up your own hair.
25880.river otter(カワウソ) an animal with smooth brown fur that swims in rivers and eats fish
An otter is a small animal with brown fur, short legs, and a long tail. Otters swim well and eat fish.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
25871.Neither + 単数名詞(どちらも〜ない)not one or the other of two people or things
Neither time works for me.
25872Neither of + 複数形(どちらも〜ない)
Neither of us has/have been to China.
Would you like paper or plastic? Neither. I brought my own bag.
25874.Neither A nor B(AとBどちらも〜ない)
Neither Brian nor Jason is coming to dinner tonight.
25875.Me neither(私も〜ない) extremely tired
I didn't eat lunch today. Me neither / Neither did I.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
新潮社の社内でも大反響! 部署の垣根を超え、たくさんの社員が今作の虜に! !
ほんの一部ですが、掛け値なしの熱い感想をご紹介! ! !
◎「答え」が安売りされる時代に、それって本当! ?と立ち止まらせてくれる本。
私もこういうお母さんが欲しかったな。本当は誰もが真剣に考えないといけない問題を、率直に、気持ちよく、(おそらく)誰のことも断罪せず、傷つけずに書けるなんて、ブレイディさん凄すぎ! (フォーサイト編集部K・20代)
◎「彼」がしなやかな感性で自分の答えを導き出す姿に、子どもだってディープに「社会」と対峙してるんだ! と衝撃を受け、子育てちょっとナメてたかも…と反省。
彼の成長を見届けたくなります! (広告部I)
◎この親子、とにかく最高! パンクで熱い母ちゃんと、ときにクールに母を諭す11歳の息子。
25866.This is the best price we can offer.(この価格が精一杯です)
I'm afraid this is the best price I can offer.
25867.once and for all(きっぱりと / これっきり)if you deal with something once and for all, you deal with it completely and finally
I'm going to stop procrastinating once and for all.
25868.think outside the box(既成概念にとらわれない考え方をする)to think in a different, innovative, or original manner, esp with regard to business practices, products, systems, etc
You won't come up with any good ideas unless you think outside the box.
25869.I'm sorry for your loss(ご愁傷さまです)
I heard your father passed away. I’m very sorry for your loss.
25870.I'm sorry to hear that(私も残念に思います)
I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he recovers soon.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
25861.significant amount of(かなりの量の)
Did you know that there’s a significant amount of sugar in Coke?
25862.glitch(不具合、故障、誤作動)A glitch is a problem which stops something from working properly or being successful.
Have you heard about the glitches in the new software.
25863.over lunch(朝食を食べ乍ら)
We chat about organizing a party for her over lunch.
Let have a coffee and I'll fill you in.
25865.Don't lose sleep over it(気にすることないよ)
Don't lose sleep over it. I'm sure you'll do great.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News out(うまくいく)If you work out a solution to a problem or mystery, you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it.
This relationship is just not working out.
25857.under your hat(そのままにしておく)
But please keep it under your hat.
25858.have loose lips(口が軽い、おしゃべり)
OK,but I have loose lips.
25859.breakthrough(突破口、大発見)A breakthrough is an important development or achievement.
This could be breakthrough we've all been waiting for.
25860.That way(そうすれば~)You can use that way and this way to refer to a statement or comment that you have just made.
Just take my car. That way you won’t have to take a taxi.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

One troubling aspect of the response to the coronavirus is the lack of global leadership.
Political risk consultant Ian Bremmer has long warned about the dangers this trend presents, coining the term G-Zero world.
(Ian Bremmer / Political Scientist and Risk Consultant)
"It's the first crisis that we've experienced in a G-Zero world — in a world without leadership. And as a consequence, the response is much more fragmented, much less coordinated."
"Here in 2020, unfortunately, the most severe of the crises in our lifetimes ... and the United States is not rallying around the flag."
"If you look at the U.S. response internationally, it's absent. It's literally absent. It does not exist. It's America first."
◆coin (貨幣を)鋳造する,(新語を)作る
25851.perk(特典)something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car
At my company, you can work remotely from home. It’s one of the perks of working here.
25852.psychic(心霊作用を受けやすい、超能力のある)relating to the power of the human mind to do strange or surprising things that cannot be explained by reason
Do you believe in psychic power?
25853.price(代価、代償、犠牲)something unpleasant that you must suffer in order to be successful, free etc, or that you suffer because of a mistake or bad action
He paid too high a price for his divorce.
25854.get pulled over(車を止められる) When a vehicle or driver pulls over, the vehicle moves closer to the side of the road and stops there.
25855.speeding(スピード違反) the offence of driving faster than the legal limit
I got a speeding ticket. .
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

「こ」は二本「ひ」は牛の角「し」を曲げて「く」にして繋ぐ 君のことだよ
「こ」は二本「ひ」は牛の角「し」を曲げて「く」にして繋ぐ 君のことだよ
25846.get over it(立ち直る)
You're still dwelling on that? Get over it.
25847.move on(前に進む)happening soon
There's nothing we can do about it now. Let's forget about what happened and move on.
25848.have a tough time(苦労する、辛い思いをする)
Small business will likely have a tough time adjusting as well as public service like teaching and nursing.
25849.knock-on effect(波及効果、連鎖反応) something that results inevitably but indirectly from another event or circumstance
It can have a knock-on effect to society as whole.
25850.lazy and entitled(怠惰で権利意識が強い) extremely tired
Some people say that young generation is lazy and entitled.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
25841.paid time off(有給休暇)to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned
Taking vacation or paid time off boosts mental health, heart health and even relationship?
25842.before too long(近いうちに)
A&A may have a four-day work week all the time before too long.
They have more leverage to ask for more time off. remotely(遠隔勤務する)
Today's young worker want to be able to work remotely.
25845.reaccess (見直す、再評価する)
They're .re accessing their life priorities focusing lee on pay and more on having a balanced life style.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News