道化師のソネット さだまさし
28891.stuff(物事) informal used when you are talking about things such as substances, materials, or groups of objects when you do not know what they are called, or it is not important to say exactly what they are
I need to take care of some personal stuff.
28892.take a break from(休みを取る)a list of all the things in a place/American English all the goods in a shop SYN stock
I am going to take a break from my job for a while.
28893.Let's say(仮に~としてみよう)used when you do not want to give a lot of details about something
Let’s say I offer you the job.Will you take ut?
I need to take care of some personal stuff.
28892.take a break from(休みを取る)a list of all the things in a place/American English all the goods in a shop SYN stock
I am going to take a break from my job for a while.
28893.Let's say(仮に~としてみよう)used when you do not want to give a lot of details about something
Let’s say I offer you the job.Will you take ut?
28894.PIN=Personal Identification Number
Don't tell anyone your PIN number.
28895.genuine(正真正銘の、本物の )something genuine really is what it seems to be SYN real
I can't tell if it's a genuine or a fake 10000-yen note.
28895.genuine(正真正銘の、本物の )something genuine really is what it seems to be SYN real
I can't tell if it's a genuine or a fake 10000-yen note.
Demand for air conditioners rises when the weather gets hot. But consumers in Japan may face difficulties getting new equipment this year due to a supply shortage.
Some manufacturers say their production and shipment volumes have been affected by the global chip shortage and the coronavirus lockdowns in Shanghai.
A home electric appliance store in Tokyo says many models cannot be procured from wholesalers.
The store is trying to order from suppliers earlier than usual and keep 100 units in stock. That's five times more than a usual year.
But staff at the store do not know when the products will be delivered. They even see the possibility of running out of air conditioners once the summer starts.
Manufacturers are advising people to test their air conditioners now to beat a possible rush to replace or repair units when temperatures start to soar.
◆ procure(努力して)入手する、調達する to obtain something, especially something that is difficult to get
Some manufacturers say their production and shipment volumes have been affected by the global chip shortage and the coronavirus lockdowns in Shanghai.
A home electric appliance store in Tokyo says many models cannot be procured from wholesalers.
The store is trying to order from suppliers earlier than usual and keep 100 units in stock. That's five times more than a usual year.
But staff at the store do not know when the products will be delivered. They even see the possibility of running out of air conditioners once the summer starts.
Manufacturers are advising people to test their air conditioners now to beat a possible rush to replace or repair units when temperatures start to soar.
◆ procure(努力して)入手する、調達する to obtain something, especially something that is difficult to get
◆ soar 急上昇 to increase quickly to a high level OPP plummet
28886.at the last minute (土壇場で)
It’s my boyfriend. He canceled on me at the last minute AGAIN! He’s done it three times in a row!
28887.far away (遠く離れている )
Are you sure you want to drive to Fukuoka? It's pretty far away.
28888.so far (今のところ )
I'm really enjoying my new job so far. It's been challenging but rewarding.
It’s my boyfriend. He canceled on me at the last minute AGAIN! He’s done it three times in a row!
28887.far away (遠く離れている )
Are you sure you want to drive to Fukuoka? It's pretty far away.
28888.so far (今のところ )
I'm really enjoying my new job so far. It's been challenging but rewarding.
28889.far safer (〜よりもずっと安全 )to look like or be similar to someone or something
Sky diving is far safer than driving a car.
28890.by far (断然〜 )used to say that something is much better, worse etc than anything else
He is by far the funniest person that I've ever met.
28890.by far (断然〜 )used to say that something is much better, worse etc than anything else
He is by far the funniest person that I've ever met.
28881.by leaps and bounds (飛躍的に ) if something increases, develops, grows etc by leaps and bounds, it does it very quickly
I feel like my English got better by leaps and bounds when I stopped worrying about making mistakes.
28882.tend to (~する傾向がある、〜しがちである )
It tends to get warmer from May. .
28883.inclined to (~する傾向がある、~したいと思う )to want to do something, but without having a strong desire
He is inclined to be cautious about these things. I would double-check with him.
I feel like my English got better by leaps and bounds when I stopped worrying about making mistakes.
28882.tend to (~する傾向がある、〜しがちである )
It tends to get warmer from May. .
28883.inclined to (~する傾向がある、~したいと思う )to want to do something, but without having a strong desire
He is inclined to be cautious about these things. I would double-check with him.
28884.work on (改善する )to try very hard to improve or achieve something
I want to work on my pronunciation, especially the l and r sounds.
28885.in comparison with (~と比べると)
It was a little high, but in comparison with the cost of living in San Francisco, it was much cheaper.
28885.in comparison with (~と比べると)
It was a little high, but in comparison with the cost of living in San Francisco, it was much cheaper.
28876.un‧kempt (手入れされていない ) unkempt hair or plants have not been cut and kept neat
This garden is unkempt and overgrown.
28877.not detail-oriented (大雑把な)
I know. I'm not detail-oriented. .
28878.laid back (使おおらか / のんびり )relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything OPP uptight
He's a little too laid back
This garden is unkempt and overgrown.
28877.not detail-oriented (大雑把な)
I know. I'm not detail-oriented. .
28878.laid back (使おおらか / のんびり )relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything OPP uptight
He's a little too laid back
28879.hands down (間違いない / 断然 )easily
This is hands down the best sushi restaurant.
28880.sloppy(だらしない、汚い)sloppy clothes are loose-fitting, untidy, or dirty
Out of house, I wear nice cloths---but at home, I'm sloppy.
28880.sloppy(だらしない、汚い)sloppy clothes are loose-fitting, untidy, or dirty
Out of house, I wear nice cloths---but at home, I'm sloppy.
28871.package(荷物,小包)something wrapped in paper, packed in a box, and then sent by mail or delivered SYN parcel
I am expecting a package today.
28872.forward(転送する)to send letters, goods etc to someone when they have moved to a different address SYN send on
Could you forward the package to a differnt address?
28873.grow(増える) to increase in amount, size, number, or strength OPP shrink
japan's eldely population is growing.
I am expecting a package today.
28872.forward(転送する)to send letters, goods etc to someone when they have moved to a different address SYN send on
Could you forward the package to a differnt address?
28873.grow(増える) to increase in amount, size, number, or strength OPP shrink
japan's eldely population is growing.
28874.census(人口調査、国勢調査)an official process of counting a country’s population and finding out about the people / an official process of counting something for government planning
A census is taken every 10 years
28875.formulate(作戦などを練る、策定する) to develop something such as a plan or a set of rules, and decide all the details of how it will be done
How did you formulate your growth strategy
28875.formulate(作戦などを練る、策定する) to develop something such as a plan or a set of rules, and decide all the details of how it will be done
How did you formulate your growth strategy
【 内容】
【 著者】
1913年、オクラホマ州オザーク山地の貧農に生まれる。29年の大恐慌以後30年間、アメリカ大陸を北に南に放浪しつつ、ひそかに自らの少年時代を回想する物語を書きつづけた。58年、結婚を期に作家となる夢をあきらめ、書きためた原稿を焼き捨てるが、それはやがて妻の励ましによって本書として蘇り、文学協会の選定図書となった。76年に第二作Summer of the Monkeys(邦訳『サルたちのおくりもの』評論社)を発表。84年、病を得て71歳で没す
1913年、オクラホマ州オザーク山地の貧農に生まれる。29年の大恐慌以後30年間、アメリカ大陸を北に南に放浪しつつ、ひそかに自らの少年時代を回想する物語を書きつづけた。58年、結婚を期に作家となる夢をあきらめ、書きためた原稿を焼き捨てるが、それはやがて妻の励ましによって本書として蘇り、文学協会の選定図書となった。76年に第二作Summer of the Monkeys(邦訳『サルたちのおくりもの』評論社)を発表。84年、病を得て71歳で没す
It's one of my favorite books. But I always crt at theparet where the two dogs die.
28866.listen in(聞き入る) to listen to someone’s conversation when they do not want you to
Don’t listen in on our conversation.
28867.listen up(よく聞く)used to get people’s attention so they can hear what you are going to say
This is important, so listen up every one.
28868.work out(うまくいく)to use all of something and not have any more left
No, that didn’t work out in the end.
Don’t listen in on our conversation.
28867.listen up(よく聞く)used to get people’s attention so they can hear what you are going to say
This is important, so listen up every one.
28868.work out(うまくいく)to use all of something and not have any more left
No, that didn’t work out in the end.
28869.break up with(別れる)if a marriage, group of people, or relationship breaks up, the people in it separate and do not live or work together anymore
I thought he broke up with her a long time ago..
I heard that Greg and Ryouko are an item.
I heard that Greg and Ryouko are an item.
チャイコフスキー: バレエ音楽「眠りの森の美女」- ワルツ[ナクソス・クラシック・キュレーション #おしゃれ]
I really like this cheese.
28862.pickled vegetable(お漬物)
How did you like the pickled vegetable.
It was pretty good.
I really like this cheese.
28862.pickled vegetable(お漬物)
How did you like the pickled vegetable.
It was pretty good.
28864.get the message(理解する)
OK, I got the message
28865.see to it(それを確実にする、取り計らう)
I apologize. I'll see to it that this never happens again.
28865.see to it(それを確実にする、取り計らう)
I apologize. I'll see to it that this never happens again.
28856.set a record (記録を樹立する ) to achieve the best result in a sport, competition etc that has ever been achieved, by running fastest, jumping highest etc
Rikako Ikee set a Japanese record in the 100 meter butterfly.
28857.all over (あちこち)
Not just Tokyo. All over Japan. That's why I'm always away on business trips.
28858.Let's say (例えば〜としましょう )to use all of something and not have any more left
Let's say it rains on Saturday. Do you have a backup plan?
Rikako Ikee set a Japanese record in the 100 meter butterfly.
28857.all over (あちこち)
Not just Tokyo. All over Japan. That's why I'm always away on business trips.
28858.Let's say (例えば〜としましょう )to use all of something and not have any more left
Let's say it rains on Saturday. Do you have a backup plan?
28859.extra plate(取り皿)
May I have a extra plate?
28860.instead of(かわりに)used to say what is not used, does not happen etc, when something else is used, happens etc
May I have a salada instead of french fries?
28860.instead of(かわりに)used to say what is not used, does not happen etc, when something else is used, happens etc
May I have a salada instead of french fries?