Hank Mobley & Lee Morgan - 1965 - Dippin' - 02 Recado Bossa Nova
30861.make a commitment (〜をすると決心する・誓う )
I made a commitment to study English every day. I'm not going to give up.
30862.consistent(首尾一貫した、矛盾のない )talways behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc – usually used to show approval
I made a commitment to study English every day. I'm not going to give up.
30862.consistent(首尾一貫した、矛盾のない )talways behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc – usually used to show approval
To secure our future, we need a consistent economic strategy.
30863. fall asleep to begin to sleep
One in seven road accidents is caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel
30864.doze off (居眠る、船を漕ぐ )to go to sleep, especially when you did not intend to 類義語 drop off, nod off
I dozed off for a little while.
30865.nod off (眠り込む、眠る )to begin to sleep, usually when you do not intend to and are sitting somewhere
One of my co-workers was nodding off in the middle of the meeting.
I dozed off for a little while.
30865.nod off (眠り込む、眠る )to begin to sleep, usually when you do not intend to and are sitting somewhere
One of my co-workers was nodding off in the middle of the meeting.
30856.superior(上位の、上級の、高位の ) better, more powerful, more effective etc than a similar person or thing, especially one that you are competing against OPP inferior
My dad says that any song from the 70s is superior to today's music.
30857.supervision(監督、管理 )when you supervise someone or something
My dad says that any song from the 70s is superior to today's music.
30857.supervision(監督、管理 )when you supervise someone or something
Little kids need adult supervision when they use scissors.
30858.superficial(表面の、外面の、浅薄な、皮相な )not studying or looking at something carefully and only seeing the most noticeable things
You only care about looks That's so superficial.
30859.rally(呼び集める、結集する )a large public meeting, especially one that is held outdoors to support a political idea, protest etc
There’s a rally todat in support of chilren's rights..
30860.raise(お金などを集める、募る)to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people
We’re raising money to help save abandped pets.
There’s a rally todat in support of chilren's rights..
30860.raise(お金などを集める、募る)to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people
We’re raising money to help save abandped pets.
【 内容】
【 著者】
ニック・ブイチチ(Nick Vujicic)
17歳のときに講演活動を開始し、その後、非営利団体『Life Without Limbs(手足のない人生)』を創設する。現在は、全世界を精力的に回り、講演会やセミナーで経営者やビジネスパーソン、学生たちなど、数百万人を超える人々にメンタルの持ち方や人生の意味について重要な示唆を与え、好評を博している。
17歳のときに講演活動を開始し、その後、非営利団体『Life Without Limbs(手足のない人生)』を創設する。現在は、全世界を精力的に回り、講演会やセミナーで経営者やビジネスパーソン、学生たちなど、数百万人を超える人々にメンタルの持ち方や人生の意味について重要な示唆を与え、好評を博している。
30851.audible(聞こえる、聞き取れる ) a sound that is audible is loud enough for you to hear it OPP inaudible
The singer's voice barely audible over the sound of the crowd.
30852.intimate(親密な)private and friendly so that you feel comfortable
The singer's voice barely audible over the sound of the crowd.
30852.intimate(親密な)private and friendly so that you feel comfortable
Their relationship became intimate after working together on a movie.
30853.frosty(霜の降りる、凍る寒さの、霜の降りた、半白の、霜白の、温かみのない、冷ややかな、冷淡な )extremely cold
Our relationship has been frosty ever since we had a big fight.
30854.puberty(思春期、年頃)the stage of physical development during which you change from a child to an adult and be able to have children
As son as my daughter hit puberty、she started spending more time in her room,
30855.superb(すばらしい、すてきな、実に見事な )textremely good 類義語 excellent
CVocab Weekly called Hiyori's new movie "superb.".
As son as my daughter hit puberty、she started spending more time in her room,
30855.superb(すばらしい、すてきな、実に見事な )textremely good 類義語 excellent
CVocab Weekly called Hiyori's new movie "superb.".
30846.sales pitch(売り文句、販売競合 ) the things that someone says when they are trying to persuade you to buy something
Don't give them a sales pitch because there is nothing more irritating.
30847.accrue(生じる、つく )if money accrues or is accrued, it gradually increases over a period of time
Don't give them a sales pitch because there is nothing more irritating.
30847.accrue(生じる、つく )if money accrues or is accrued, it gradually increases over a period of time
How many paid vacation days have you accrued so far?
30848.lack energy (疲れている、エネルギーがない )
I lack energy during the day
30849.exhausted (疲れ果てた )extremely tired 類義語 worn out
It was ok. I am exhausted!
30850.worn out. (くたくたに疲れた )very tired because you have been working hard 類義語 exhausted
I have been working 14 days straight. I am worn out.
It was ok. I am exhausted!
30850.worn out. (くたくたに疲れた )very tired because you have been working hard 類義語 exhausted
I have been working 14 days straight. I am worn out.
30841.get in line(列に並ぶ)
I hate to ask this, but could you please get in line?.
30842.put out(明かり火などを消す)t
I hate to ask this, but could you please get in line?.
30842.put out(明かり火などを消す)t
Excuse me , but could you please put your cigarette out? This is a non-smoking area.
30843.laughing matter(笑いごと)something serious that should not be joked about
This is no laughing matter.
30844.I’m warnig you(警告する)
I'm warning you. If you don't change your eating habit, then
30845.tidy up(かたずける) room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatly arranged with everything in the right place 類義語 neat OPP untidy, messy
Hey ,will you tiody up the living room?my folks will be here this afternoon?.
I'm warning you. If you don't change your eating habit, then
30845.tidy up(かたずける) room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatly arranged with everything in the right place 類義語 neat OPP untidy, messy
Hey ,will you tiody up the living room?my folks will be here this afternoon?.

Honolulu, Hawaii, is one of the most popular resort destinations in the world.
And this weekend, the city opened the first fully automated rail system in the U.S., with technology provided by a Japanese company.
The initial segment of the Skyline began driverless operations on Friday.
It connects nine stations from central Honolulu to the city's outskirts over a distance of about 17 kilometers in 20 minutes.
The carriages have space inside for bicycles and surfboards.
“Very excited to be here. I think this train will help Hawaii a lot. And I think it'll give us the opportunity to go around the island without having to deal with all the traffic that we always deal with.”
The rail system is expected to reduce traffic congestion, carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gas emissions.
Japanese company Hitachi manufactured the train carriages for the city of Honolulu.
And this weekend, the city opened the first fully automated rail system in the U.S., with technology provided by a Japanese company.
The initial segment of the Skyline began driverless operations on Friday.
It connects nine stations from central Honolulu to the city's outskirts over a distance of about 17 kilometers in 20 minutes.
The carriages have space inside for bicycles and surfboards.
“Very excited to be here. I think this train will help Hawaii a lot. And I think it'll give us the opportunity to go around the island without having to deal with all the traffic that we always deal with.”
The rail system is expected to reduce traffic congestion, carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gas emissions.
Japanese company Hitachi manufactured the train carriages for the city of Honolulu.
◆traffic congestion 交通渋滞
◆emission 排出
30836.ahead of(~より進んで、~よりも先に)
With this new product, we can easy ahead of the competitions.
With this new product, we can easy ahead of the competitions.
To say that it's popular would be an overstatement.
30838.artficial(人工的な)not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural 類義語 false OPP natural
Alot of non-alcoholic beverage have too much sugar or artficial flavors to achieve the goal of matching flavors.
30839.overdo to do something more than is suitable or natural
You may be overdoing the hand movementa bit.Just make it natural.
30840.take hold(勢い、流れなどが確立する、強まっていく)o start to have a definite effect
Sales in cambodia aare beginning to take hold.
You may be overdoing the hand movementa bit.Just make it natural.
30840.take hold(勢い、流れなどが確立する、強まっていく)o start to have a definite effect
Sales in cambodia aare beginning to take hold.

廻忽も廻鶻なり。廻鶻国とて、夷のこはき国あり。その夷、漢に伏して後に、来たりて、己が国の楽を奏せしなり。 。
30831.meet up to meet someone in order to do something together
Let's meet up at the usual time, at the usual place.
30832.school year(学年)the time within a period of 12 months when students are studying at a school or university
Let's meet up at the usual time, at the usual place.
30832.school year(学年)the time within a period of 12 months when students are studying at a school or university
When does the school year start in Europe?
The hands still move.
30834.herbicide(除草剤)a substance used to kill unwanted plants
Natural wine can mean wines created with traditinal methods and without using pesticide, herbicides, or synthentic fertilizers.
30835.clear-cut(明確な、歯切れのよい)easy to understand or be certain about 類義語 definite
There is not always a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong.
Natural wine can mean wines created with traditinal methods and without using pesticide, herbicides, or synthentic fertilizers.
30835.clear-cut(明確な、歯切れのよい)easy to understand or be certain about 類義語 definite
There is not always a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong.
30826.no less than (最低でも ) to make someone feel extremely upset
It was a great turnout. There were no less than a hundred people there.
30827.turnout(出席者(数)、産額、生産高、身じたく、着こなし、装備 )tthe number of people who go to a party, meeting, or other organized event
It was a great turnout. There were no less than a hundred people there.
30827.turnout(出席者(数)、産額、生産高、身じたく、着こなし、装備 )tthe number of people who go to a party, meeting, or other organized event
These shows are always popular, and we're expecting a big turnout. .
30828.bond with (強い絆で結ばれる )to not take part in something, especially a game or dance, when you usually take part
I thought he was a really nice guy. I felt a bond with him.
30829.someone will be with you shortly (来客対応時のお待ちください )
Please have a seat, and a nurse will be with you shortly. .
30830.stay here(友達に対するちょっと待って )
Yeah. Can you stay right here? I’ll be back right away.
Please have a seat, and a nurse will be with you shortly. .
30830.stay here(友達に対するちょっと待って )
Yeah. Can you stay right here? I’ll be back right away.