ブラームス:弦楽六重奏曲 第1番 変ロ長調 作品18 ベルリン・フィルハーモニー八重奏団員 1966
29351.with time (時がたつにつれて、やがて )
It’ll get easier with time.
29352.out of focus (ピントが外れて)if a photograph or an instrument such as a camera is in focus, you can see the picture clearly. If it is out of focus, you cannot see the picture clearly.
Most of picture came out dark and out of focus.
29353.across the board(全面的に)if something happens or is done across the board, it affects everyone in a particular group, place etc
29352.out of focus (ピントが外れて)if a photograph or an instrument such as a camera is in focus, you can see the picture clearly. If it is out of focus, you cannot see the picture clearly.
Most of picture came out dark and out of focus.
29353.across the board(全面的に)if something happens or is done across the board, it affects everyone in a particular group, place etc
We must cut costa across the board.
29354.I hate it when (~するのが嫌い )
I love you, but I hate it when you speak with your mouth full.
29355.get back to the normal (日常に戻る )
In Japan getting back to normal.
I love you, but I hate it when you speak with your mouth full.
29355.get back to the normal (日常に戻る )
In Japan getting back to normal.
29346.blow money (無駄遣いをする / お金を浪費する )
Don’t blow your money on stuff like that. That's a waste.
29347.critical (重大 / 批評的 / 危機 )a critical time or situation is serious and worrying because things might suddenly become much worse
She got into a serious car accident. Apparently she's in critical condition.
29348.introvert (内向的な人 )someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people OPP extrovert
Don’t blow your money on stuff like that. That's a waste.
29347.critical (重大 / 批評的 / 危機 )a critical time or situation is serious and worrying because things might suddenly become much worse
She got into a serious car accident. Apparently she's in critical condition.
29348.introvert (内向的な人 )someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people OPP extrovert
Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?
29349.extrovert (外向的な人 )someone who is active and confident, and who enjoys spending time with other people OPP introvert
He's definitely an extrovert. He loves socializing with people.
29350.I find myself (気がつくと〜している )
Sometimes, I find myself worrying about my future.
He's definitely an extrovert. He loves socializing with people.
29350.I find myself (気がつくと〜している )
Sometimes, I find myself worrying about my future.

A Japanese eye doctor has won an award known as “Asia's Nobel Prize.” He's being recognized for restoring the eyesight of more than 20,000 people in Vietnam.
The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation praised Hattori Tadashi's skill and compassion.
When the doctor visited Hanoi 20 years ago, he found that many people without access to cataract treatment had gone blind.
Hattori still regularly returns there to restore their sight for free.
The annual award recognizes people or groups who tackle challenging human development problems in Asia.
The other winners are a Cambodian psychiatrist who provides care and healing services for survivors of genocide, a Filipina pediatrician who works to protect children from abuse and violence, and a French filmmaker and environmentalist who's fighting against plastic pollution in Indonesia.
.◆compassion 思いやり、慈悲の心 a strong feeling of sympathy for someone who is suffering, and a desire to help them
The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation praised Hattori Tadashi's skill and compassion.
When the doctor visited Hanoi 20 years ago, he found that many people without access to cataract treatment had gone blind.
Hattori still regularly returns there to restore their sight for free.
The annual award recognizes people or groups who tackle challenging human development problems in Asia.
The other winners are a Cambodian psychiatrist who provides care and healing services for survivors of genocide, a Filipina pediatrician who works to protect children from abuse and violence, and a French filmmaker and environmentalist who's fighting against plastic pollution in Indonesia.
.◆compassion 思いやり、慈悲の心 a strong feeling of sympathy for someone who is suffering, and a desire to help them
◆cataract 白内障 a medical condition that causes the lens of your eye to become white, so that you slowly lose your sight
◆psychiatrist 精神科医 a doctor trained in the treatment of mental illness → psychologist► see thesaurus at doctor
◆genocide 集団虐殺、大量虐殺、ジェノサイド a doctor trained in the treatment of mental illness → psychologist► see thesaurus at doctor
29341.No worries (心配しないで )
Let me grab some paper towels.
29342.willing to (〜しても構わない )
I'm willing to pay for experience and a good meal.
29343.have/has come to like/love (〜が徐々に好きになる )
Let me grab some paper towels.
29342.willing to (〜しても構わない )
I'm willing to pay for experience and a good meal.
29343.have/has come to like/love (〜が徐々に好きになる )
I've come to realize that the most important thing is to take action.
29344.grow on someone (だんだん気に入るようになる )
Once you live in a place, it grows on you.
29345.acquire a taste for (徐々に(食べ物/飲み物)が好きになる )
I have acquired a taste for black coffee.
Once you live in a place, it grows on you.
29345.acquire a taste for (徐々に(食べ物/飲み物)が好きになる )
I have acquired a taste for black coffee.

29336.you can bet on that (それは間違いない )
You can bet on that. It's a Friday night plus it's a three-day weekend. There are going to be a lot of people out tonight.
29337.stance on (〜に対する立場 )
What is your stance on digital learning?
29338.stock up (まとめ買いする )
You can bet on that. It's a Friday night plus it's a three-day weekend. There are going to be a lot of people out tonight.
29337.stance on (〜に対する立場 )
What is your stance on digital learning?
29338.stock up (まとめ買いする )
I usually go shopping once a week and stock up on food.
29339.keep someone up at night (夜寝られなくなる )
I was worried about the test results and it kept me up all night.
29340.craze (大流行 )a fashion, game, type of music etc that becomes very popular for a short time SYN fad
I don’t get the current craze for low-carb diets
I was worried about the test results and it kept me up all night.
29340.craze (大流行 )a fashion, game, type of music etc that becomes very popular for a short time SYN fad
I don’t get the current craze for low-carb diets
Chet Baker - I Fall In Love Too Easily 和訳
29331.catholicism (カトリック教義(の信奉)、カトリック主義 )
Catholicism is the religion of those who accept the leadership oh the Pope.
29332.wig (かつら )artificial hair that you wear on your head
That wig looks really good on you. You should wear it for Halloween this year.
29333.keep at it keep at it spoken to continue to do something, although it is difficult or hard work
Catholicism is the religion of those who accept the leadership oh the Pope.
29332.wig (かつら )artificial hair that you wear on your head
That wig looks really good on you. You should wear it for Halloween this year.
29333.keep at it keep at it spoken to continue to do something, although it is difficult or hard work
I'm definitely going to keep at it
29334.awkward (ぎこちない、ぶざまな、不器用な、下手な、(…が)ぶざまで、不器用で、きまり悪がって、気まずくて、扱いにくい、不便な )making you feel embarrassed so that you are not sure what to do or say SYN difficult
It was a little awkward at first, but I really got into it.
29335.honestly (正直に、率直に、正直に働いて、正当に、正直に打ち明けて、まったく、本当に )used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it may seem surprising
Honestly. it was more difficult than I'd expected, but I had fun.
It was a little awkward at first, but I really got into it.
29335.honestly (正直に、率直に、正直に働いて、正当に、正直に打ち明けて、まったく、本当に )used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it may seem surprising
Honestly. it was more difficult than I'd expected, but I had fun.
29326. multilateral (多数国参加の、多国間の、多辺の )involving several different countries or groups → bilateral, unilateral
This trade conflict will need a multilateral solution.
29327.tend (傾向がある、しがちである)to move or develop in a particular direction
Couples tend to fight around important days.
29328.stew(気をもむ、くよくよ思い悩む)feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
This trade conflict will need a multilateral solution.
29327.tend (傾向がある、しがちである)to move or develop in a particular direction
Couples tend to fight around important days.
29328.stew(気をもむ、くよくよ思い悩む)feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
My dad has been stewing since the Tigers lost to the Giants last night
29329.chrysanthemum (菊)a garden plant with large brightly coloured flowers
On the antique round marble table by the window was a vase of fresh yellow chrysanthemums giving the room life and warmth
29330.dye (染める)a substance you use to change the colour of your clothes, hair etc
Yeah in my early twenties, I used to dye my hair all the time.
On the antique round marble table by the window was a vase of fresh yellow chrysanthemums giving the room life and warmth
29330.dye (染める)a substance you use to change the colour of your clothes, hair etc
Yeah in my early twenties, I used to dye my hair all the time.
29321.objective (客観的な ) based on facts, or making a decision that is based on facts rather than on your feelings or beliefs OPP subjective
It’s hard to be completely objective about important decisions.
29322.personnel (社員、職員 ) the people who work in a company, organization, or military force → staff
We don't have enough personnel to meet our production needs.
29323.publicity(宣伝、注目)the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc
It’s hard to be completely objective about important decisions.
29322.personnel (社員、職員 ) the people who work in a company, organization, or military force → staff
We don't have enough personnel to meet our production needs.
29323.publicity(宣伝、注目)the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc
It's hard t get publicity if you don't advertise.
29324. frustrated (イライラした、欲求不満の )feeling annoyed, upset, and impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something
He's frustrated that he can't throw a baseball well.
29325.rough patch (難しい局面、倦怠期 )informal a period of time when you are having a lot of difficulty
I’m going through a rough patch right now.
He's frustrated that he can't throw a baseball well.
29325.rough patch (難しい局面、倦怠期 )informal a period of time when you are having a lot of difficulty
I’m going through a rough patch right now.
ブラームス: クラリネット五重奏曲 ロ短調:第1楽章[ナクソス・クラシック・キュレーション #カッコイイ]
29316.have nothing against (~に反対する気持ち )if you have nothing against someone or something, they do not annoy or offend you
I have nothing against marriage.
29317.offend (怒らせる、感情をそこなう、傷つける )to make someone angry or upset by doing or saying something that they think is rude, unkind etc
Liddy was offended by such a personal question.
29318.under way(進行中 ) to have started to happen or be done
I have nothing against marriage.
29317.offend (怒らせる、感情をそこなう、傷つける )to make someone angry or upset by doing or saying something that they think is rude, unkind etc
Liddy was offended by such a personal question.
29318.under way(進行中 ) to have started to happen or be done
Construction of the new sports center is already under way.
29319.beyond belief (信じられないほど )used to emphasize that something is so extreme that it is difficult to believe
I was happy beyond belief when I heard I'd won the lottery.
29320.behind the scenes (舞台裏で、密かに )secretly, while other things are happening publicly
I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes than to be in the limelight.
I was happy beyond belief when I heard I'd won the lottery.
29320.behind the scenes (舞台裏で、密かに )secretly, while other things are happening publicly
I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes than to be in the limelight.