


2021年06月30日 | 爺英語

One had called the other a "killer." The second responded by dismissing his rival as a career politician.
But U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin have emerged from their summit in Geneva putting on a good face.
Putin and Biden met for three hours at a villa overlooking Lake Geneva. Putin says there was no hostility between them, but rather, a "constructive spirit."
Putin says they agreed to resume talks on controlling nuclear weapons. And he says ambassadors for both countries will return to their posts. Still, tensions remain.
Putin dismissed concerns about Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and the jailing of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
And he denied responsibility for recent cyberattacks on U.S. companies and infrastructure.

put on a good face   平気な顔を装う、うわべを取り繕う   a sign, remark, 
annexation   併合    to take control of a country or area next to your own, especially by using force 
 ◆jailing    投獄、拘置    a place where criminals are kept as part of their punishment, or where people who have been charged with a crime are kept before they are judged in a law court 類義語 prison  

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/30)

2021年06月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
27081.chnge careers(転職する)
Have you ever thought about changing careers?
27082.network(人脈) a group of people, organizations etc that are connected or that work together
Your network can be very helpful when you change careers. 
27083.sell(売り込む) to give something to someone in exchange for money OPP buy
How should I sell myself to a new employer
27084.wake(通夜) the time before or after a funeral when friends and relatives meet to remember the dead person 
I can't make it to the funeral, but I'll be at the wake
27085.eulogy(弔辞)a speech or piece of writing in which you praise someone or something very much, especially at a funeral
That was a beautiful eulogy , MR. Sasaki.

徒然草 第百六段

2021年06月29日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/29)

2021年06月29日 | Daily Vocabulary

27076.below par(標準以下で、体調がいつもより悪くて、額面高以下で) to be less good than usual or below the proper standard
The service was well below par.
27077.eat up(全部食べる) to eat all of something
YI don't care if you're full. Eat up! 
27078.walk all over you(好き勝手する)
Never let anyone walk all over you.
I know New York is a vey diverse city.
27080.overawed(威圧する、 おどしつける)to make someone feel respect or fear, so that they are nervous or unable to say or do anything
Don't be overawed.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/28)

2021年06月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
27071.reception(受信状態) the act of receiving radio, television, or other signals, or the quality of signals you receive
The reception is good here.
27072.cramped(狭苦しい、窮屈な)a cramped room, building etc does not have enough space for the people in it → crowded
You might feel a little cramped in the back seat.
I can't do any more sit-ups.
27074.get in shape(体を鍛える、健康になる)
Nobody realizes what it takes to get in shape?
27075.put you through to(~に繋ぎます)
Please hold the line while I put you through to the manager.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/27)

2021年06月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
27066.damage(被害、損害) physical harm that is done to something or to a part of someone’s body, so that it is broken or injured damage to
We still don't know the cause of the damage?
27067.damages(損害賠償)money that a court orders someone to pay to someone else for harming them or their property, to cover the cost of the harm, rather than to punish them The citizens claimed damages of 100 million yen the company for water pollution. 
27068.pronunciation(発音,発音の仕方.)the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced
Do you know the correct pronunciation of these Gaelic names? 
27069.nagging(口やかましい、しつこい、やっかいな )making you worry or feel pain slightly all the time /always complaining 
The fussy mother‐in‐law is endlessly nagging at her. 
27070.tricky(手ぎわを要する、扱いにくい、きわどい、こうかつな、油断のならない、巧妙な )something that is tricky is difficult to deal with or do because it is complicated and full of problems/a tricky person is clever and likely to deceive you 類義語 crafty
He tackled the tricky problem in his usual experienced manner. 


2021年06月26日 | 読書日記




夫婦合わせて180歳、三人の息子は全員独身でパラサイトの50歳前後の息子3人、 長男は引きこもり、次男はしっかり者で性同一性障害 自称・長女、三男は借金まみれ。 しかし一気に読ませて、読後感がとても爽やかです。何でだろう?

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/26)

2021年06月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
Don't forget to carry the 1.
27062.borrow(繰り下げる )
42 minus 19 is hard if you don't know how to borrow
If you square this number, you'll get the area.
If you round off 13.78, you get 14.
27065.immortal(不死身の、不死の)living or continuing forever OPP mortal
This book says if you read these words, you will become immortal

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/25)

2021年06月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
27056.buz cut(丸刈り)American English a hair style that is very short, usually worn by men
He is over five feet, eight inches tall, and has a buzz-cut
27057.apply(応募する、出願する ) to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place at a university, or permission to do something
I'm definitely going to apply that company. 
27058.help wanted(求人)If you crack a hard part of your body, such as your knee or your head, you hurt it by accidentally hitting it hard against something.
My roommate browses help wanted site every night..
27059.pickled ginger(ガリ)
I love the sour taste of pickled ginger
27060.sea urchin(うに)a small round sea animal with a hard shell covered in sharp points
Have you ever tried sea urchin?

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/24)

2021年06月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
27051.Mr. right(理想の男性、相応しい男性)a man considered to be the perfect husband or partner for a particular woman
I dated lots of guys, waiting for Mr. Right to come along.
27052.graveyard shift((交替制の)深夜勤務 )a regular period of working time that begins late at night and continues until the early morning, or the people who work during this time
To support his family, Frank found temporary work on the graveyard shift at a local tool company. 
27053.contractor(契約者、請負人、土建業者)a person or company that agrees to do work or provide goods for another company
Happy to co-ordinate with interior designers, architects and contractors
27054.architect(建築家)someone whose job is to design buildings . 
The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. 
Trim the toenails by cutting straight across with a toenail clipper. 


2021年06月23日 | 爺英語

Japanese tennis star Osaka Naomi has dropped out of the French Open. It follows her decision to skip post-match news conferences, citing concerns about her mental health.
She released a statement on Monday, saying withdrawing would be the best thing for the tournament, the other players, and her own well-being.
She did speak courtside after her opening match on Sunday, but skipped a scheduled news conference.
The French Tennis Federation fined her 15,000 dollars, and organizers of the tournament threatened to expel her.
In a Twitter post, Osaka explained in detail how she arrived at the decision. She spoke of her struggles with depression since her victory at the 2018 U.S. Open.
Osaka defeated Serena Williams in the final, becoming the first Japanese tennis player to win a Grand Slam singles title.
That made her an instant international celebrity. But she says she found it very stressful dealing with the media.
In her tweet, Osaka says she's not a natural public speaker and suffers anxiety before speaking to the press.

drop out of  ~を途中でやめる、~から手を引く、~を棄権する   a sign, remark, event etc that shows what is happening, what someone is thinking or feeling, or what is true
cite   (論拠などを)挙げる、示す、~を引き合いに出す、~を引用する    to persuade someone not to do something, especially by making it seem difficult or bad OPP encourage 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/23)

2021年06月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
27046.every other the first, third, fifth etc or the second, fourth, sixth etc
I go for a walk every other day
27047.sunscreen(日焼け止め )a cream or oil that you rub into your skin to stop the sun from burning you → sunblock
Haven't you heard of sunscreen?
27048.get some sun(日焼けする)
It looks like you got some  sun in Okinawa.
27049.dangle(ぶらさふがる、ぶらぶらする)to hang or swing loosely, or to make something do this 
The little girl sat on the piano stool with her legs dangling.
27050.talk to oneself(独り言を言う)to say your thoughts out loud
He was walking in the park, talking to himself