

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/31)

2020年05月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
25416.put on(〜を着る、はく、かぶる、かける)When you put on clothing or make-up, you place it on your body in order to wear it. 
He is in his room putting on his jacket.
25417.wear(〜を着ている、はいている、かぶっている、かけている)When you wear something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery, you have them on your body or on part of your body. 
He is wearing a green jacket.
25418.in place of(~に代わって) instead of someone or something else 
He gave her it in place of her ring
25419.polka dots(水玉模様)
Polka dots are very small spots printed on a piece of cloth.
25420.plaid(格子縞)Plaid is material with a check design on it. Plaid is also the design itself. 
He tried to wipe them away on the sleeve of the plaid shirt, but it was no good. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年05月30日 | 読書日記

・【山形】第二次大戦で武士道精神を世界に示した工藤俊作 他






Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/30)

2020年05月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
25411.Speaking of(〜と言えば / 〜について言えば)You can say speaking of something that has just been mentioned as a way of introducing a new topic which has some connection with that thing. 
Speaking of summer, we should go to a beer garden.
25412.Which/That reminds me(そう言えば)
That reminds me, I need to make an appointment too.
25413.Place an order on/for (〜を注文する・発注する / 〜を取り寄せる)
You guys are all out? Would I be able to place an order?
25414.Put _____ on hold (〜を取り置きする)
Can you put it on hold? I will come and pick it up today.
25415.Based off (of) (〜に基づいて)  
Is this book based off the author’s real life? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/29)

2020年05月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
25406.staggering(驚異的な、びっくりするほどの)extremely great or surprising SYN amazing 
The financial impact on the town was staggering.
His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company.
25408.edible(食べられる、食用に適する)something that is edible can be eaten OPP inedible 
These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.
25409.tend to(… の傾向にある、しがちである;なりやすい)if something tends to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again 
People tend to need less sleep as they get older.
25410.sniff (ふんふんかぐ)to breathe air in through your nose in order to smell something   
A careful look and a sniff often better safety indicators than a date stamp. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/28)

2020年05月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
25401.all the same(それでもやはり)in spite of something that you have just mentioned 
All the same, we need you to come to work.
25402.worthy(ふさわしくて、値して、足りて、価値のある、尊敬すべき、りっぱな)deserving respect from people 
 Leeds United were worthy winners of the competition.
25403.morale(士気、意気込み、気力)the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, who belong to the same team etc 
Office morales has greatly improved since we got a new manager. 
25404.renewed(新しくなる )starting again, especially with increased interest or strength 
He has a renewed sense of purpose since his daughter were born.
25405.whopping(大きな) very large  
A whopping 20 percent of the food that we put on our own plates wind up in the garbage. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年05月27日 | 爺英語

Prime Minister Abe is also trying to break down one of the biggest barriers to teleworking in Japan.
He wants to do away with regulations that require workers to physically stamp documents with a seal.

The use of seals – known as "hanko" in Japan – is cited as one of the reasons people are still commuting to their offices despite requests to stay at home.

A member of the government's Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy pressed the prime minister to end the practice and allow businesses to exchange contracts digitally.
Abe says the government needs to ensure that people and firms can benefit from the measures soon.

The government is asking people to reduce their contact with others by 70 to 80 percent as part of its fight against the coronavirus.

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/27)

2020年05月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
25396.hand out (配る)
Let's go to the station and hand out some fliers.
25397.I'm positive(絶対に)
I'm absolutely positive you'll find a job.
25398.I bet(きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない)
I bet he'll be very successful one day.
25399.reoccur 再び起こる)a substance which provides your body with energy and is found in foods such as grain, rice, and potatoes, or a food that contains this substance 類義語 carbohydrate   
We have to do everything we can to make sure this problem doesn’t reoccur again.
25400.take someone by surprise(人をびっくりさせる)  
His rude remarks took me by surprise

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第四十九段

2020年05月26日 | 徒然草を読む








Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/26)

2020年05月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
25391.possibly (どうしても)used to emphasize that someone will do or has done everything they can to help or to achieve something 
We' re having an important family reunion tomorrow that I can' possibly miss.
It was clear she was going to still she fight to the end.
25393.nevertheless(それにもかかわらず)in spite of a fact that you have just mentioned SYN nonetheless 
Nevertheless it's a good idea to keep some money for a rainy day.
25394.all the same(それでも)in spite of something that you have just mentioned 
All the same, we need you to come to work.
25395.alarm goes off(アラームが鳴る)  
The fire alarm went off today and everyone had to evacuate the building. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/25)

2020年05月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
25386.dress up(おしゃれをする、正装する )to wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on someone 
Do we have to dress up for dinner?
25387.soft spot for(〜が大好き・〜に弱い)
Your puppy is so cute! I have a soft spot for puppies.
25388.ulterior motive(下心)a reason for doing something that you deliberately hide in order to get an advantage for yourself 
Trust me. I don’t have any ulterior motives.
25389.fit(サイズが合う) if a piece of clothing fits you, it is the right size for your body 
I like your logo. It’s very fitting  to your company.
25390.dawned on(~に気づく )  
It just dawned on me that I was wearing my shirt inside out. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/24)

2020年05月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
25381.trait(特性、特色、特徴)formal a particular quality in someone’s character/ A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has. 
If managers don't have these three traits, they cannot be successful.
25382.humility(謙虚)the quality of not being too proud about yourself – use this to show approval/Someone who has humility is not proud and does not believe they are better than other people. 
He spoke with great humility about his role, praising the efforts of his teammates above his own.
25383.handy(便利な)Something that is handy is useful. 
This site is handy for learning English.
25384.come in handy.(役に立つ) If something comes in handy, it is useful in a particular situation. 
That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.
25385.rusty(下手になる / 腕が鈍る)  if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time
 Your English sounds a bit rusty. Have you been speaking English lately? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年05月23日 | 読書日記







