

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/31)

2023年05月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
30556.or anything(とかそういこと )
I’m not worried or anything, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right? 
Yeah. I forgot she is particular when it comes to food. 
Robert is obsessed with condiments. 
30559.condiment(薬味、調味料 )a powder or liquid, such as salt or ketchup, that you use to give a special taste to food 
They are sometimes mixed with other spices, such as allspice or coriander seeds, for a table condiment
30560.go with(調和する,合う )
Edamame goes well with beer. 

徒然草 第二百六段

2023年05月30日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/30)

2023年05月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
30551.It's a good day for (日和)
It’s a good day for hiking. 
30552.It's a perfect day for(うってつけの日 )
It’s a perfect day for enjoying the great outdoors in Sweden.
30553.vicinity(近傍)in the area around a particular place
There are many parks in the vicinity of the hotel. 
He lives in a beautiful home with a wide-open kitchen space.
30555.soak in(味わう )if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it covered with a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or easier to clean 
I lived in the countryside for a year and soaked in the nature surrounding me.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/29)

2023年05月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
30546.relative to(~と比較して)
 It depends on the teacher. It's relative to your experience and qualifications  
30547.as it turns out(今にしてみると)used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
He thought he lost his wallet, but as it turns out, it was in his backpack.
30548.above and beyond(期待をはるかに超える)
It was amazing. The staff members really went above and beyond for us to make sure we had a great time. 
30549.go out of your way(わざわざ~する)the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside 
You don’t have to go out of your way to pick me up. I can just take a taxi 
30550.antler((シカの)枝角)one of the two horns of a male deer 
That moose ha s huge antlers

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/28)

2023年05月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
30541.keep that date open(その日はあけておいて)
We're planning on having a meeting from 3pm-5pm. Please keep that time slot open.
30542.back to square one(一からやり直し / 振り出しに戻る / 一から出直す)
It looks like we have to go back to square one
30543.back to the drawing board (最初からやり直す)
Let's go back to the drawing board
30544.save the date(その日は空けておいて)
Save the date! Our annual golf tournament is on May 13th. 
30545.rusty(下手になる 、 腕が鈍る)if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time 
I thought you were going to be rusty but you haven't lost your touch at all. 

対人援助の現場で使える 聴く・伝える・共感する技術 便利帖

2023年05月27日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
Eastern Illinois University, Honors Program心理学科卒業、Columbia University, Teachers College教育心理学修士課程修了。
コミュニケーション 研修及びコーチング研修、スーパービジョン研修などを担当。
『対人援助の現場で使える 聴く・伝える・共感する技術 便利帖』
『対人援助の現場で使える 質問する技術 便利帖』(翔泳社)、
『介護の○と×シリーズ コミュニケーション○と×』(中央法規出版/共著)など。 



Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/27)

2023年05月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
30536.rewarding(やりがいがある)making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing something useful or important, even if you do not earn much money → satisfying, worthwhile
I'm looking for a challenging but rewarding job. 
30537.It's worthwhile(価値がある)
Running a business can be stressful at times but it is definitely worthwhile. 
30538.Despite(~にも関わらず)used to say that something happens or is true even though something else might have prevented it 類義語 in spite of  
Despite your busy schedule, thank you for joining our meeting. 
30539.In spite of(〜にもかかわらず )without being affected or prevented by something 類義語 despite 
In spite of studying very hard, she didn’t pass her test. 
30540.in a nutshell(一言でいえば)used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short clear way 
In a nutshell, to become a better English speaker, you have to speak! . 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/26)

2023年05月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
30531.mess up(しくじる)to spoil or ruin something, especially something important or something that has been carefully planned 
I’m sorry for messing up the plans for tonight. 
30532.It would be nice to(〜だといいな)
It would be nice to see you this weekend. Let me know if you can make it. 
30533.It would be nice if(〜なら幸いです・嬉しいです)
It would be nice if you could join us for dinner tomorrow. 
30534.One day(いつか)
One day I'm going to start a business 
30535.someday (漠然としたいつか)at an unknown time in the future, especially a long time in the future
Let's try that new restaurant someday. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/25)

2023年05月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
30526.work regulations(就業規則)thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
Tyler,sorry to bother you but I'd like to hear your opinion about new work regulations. 
30527.film(撮影する)to use a camera to record a story or real events so that they can be shown in the cinema or on television 
 He's looking for locations to film his new movie. 
30528.get at(言おうとする、意図する)
What are you getting at? You lost me.
She is a humorous, witty and quick on her feet. 
30530.say a lot about(〜をよく物語る)a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home 
How people react in difficult times says a lot about who they really are. 


2023年05月24日 | Daily Vocabulary

Before we go, let's enjoy a soothing scene of goats munching away on weeds in the Japanese countryside.
An agricultural firm in Minokamo City, central Japan, keeps a team of 15 goats to help clear overgrown grounds in the city.
It started using the ruminants 12 years ago as a cheaper alternative to burning unwanted weeds.
It says it's also a good way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
This day, the goats are grazing on knee-high grasses on the slope of an industrial park.
(Watanabe Shoji / Farming firm representative)
“It's relaxing to watch the animals grazing, and it's also good for landscaping.”
The owner says the goats will remain “on duty” about three days a week until winter comes.

soothing  心地よい、癒やしの  to make someone feel calmer and less anxious, upset, or angry 
munch  むしゃむしゃ食べる、もぐもぐ食べる   to eat something noisily 
ruminant  反芻動物   an animal such as a cow that has several stomachs and eats grass 
grazing  牧草を食べる  if an animal grazes, or if you graze it, it eats grass that is growing 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/24)

2023年05月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
30521.greenery(緑樹、草木)green leaves and plants 
There's a lot of greenery in Stockholm. It's wonderful
30522.natural beauty(自然の美)used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
I really like the natural beauty in northern Europe..
30523.great outdoors(大自然)the countryside, considered as enjoyable and healthy 
Let’s enjoy the great outdoors in Sweden.
30524.petal(花びら)one of the coloured parts of a flower that are shaped like leaves 
The cherry blossom petals look like  snow
30525.be second to(~に次ぐ、~に負ける
I don't want to be second to Taro. 

徒然草 第二百五段

2023年05月23日 | 徒然草を読む


