Home On The Range - The Roger Wagner Chorale 峠の我が家
23521.show up(現れる) informal to arrive, especially at the place where someone is waiting for you SYN turn up
I waited for her in front of the movie theater, but she didn't show up.
23522.Thanks a million(どうもありがとう)
Thanks a million! You are the star!
23523.go over(復習する)
We can go over everything together!
23534.chip in (みんなでお金を少しずつ出し合う )if each person in a group chips in, they each give a small amount of money so that they can buy something together
We chipped in and bought him a new laptop.
23525.keep it to yourself (内緒にしておいてね )
23525.keep it to yourself (内緒にしておいてね )
My wife is pregnant! But please keep it to yourself, we haven’t told her family yet.
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23516.distinct(はっきりした、明瞭な) an injury to your body that is made by a weapon such as a knife or a bullet
She spoke very quietly, but every word was distinct and precise
23517.abstract (抽象的な)
Her explanation was vague and abstract.
23518.concrete(具体的な、有形の )definite and specific → abstract
Can you give me a concrete example?
23519.deceive(だます、欺く)to make someone believe something that is not true → deception
You deceive me for months.
23520.tease(からかう、いじめる) to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind way
I don't like being teased about my clothes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

People visiting the city of Gifu in central Japan have seen that sometimes it takes a bird to catch a fish.
Fishermen on the Nagara River use cormorants to catch sweetfish. The custom is more than 1,300 years old.
Boats line up side by side and drive the fish into the shallows. Fishermen guide the cormorants with leashes. A bird takes a fish in its mouth, it's pulled back into the boat. A cord around the cormorant's neck prevents it from swallowing its catch.
"Very nice. It was great. It was really fantastic."
"I was so impressed with the fishermen's skill."
Cormorant fishing on the river continues through October 15. City officials expect the event to draw 115,000 visitors during the season — more than last year, when record rainfall kept the crowds away.
Fishermen on the Nagara River use cormorants to catch sweetfish. The custom is more than 1,300 years old.
Boats line up side by side and drive the fish into the shallows. Fishermen guide the cormorants with leashes. A bird takes a fish in its mouth, it's pulled back into the boat. A cord around the cormorant's neck prevents it from swallowing its catch.
"Very nice. It was great. It was really fantastic."
"I was so impressed with the fishermen's skill."
Cormorant fishing on the river continues through October 15. City officials expect the event to draw 115,000 visitors during the season — more than last year, when record rainfall kept the crowds away.
◆cormorant鵜 a large black seabird which has a long neck and eats fish
◆sweet fishアユ
◆leash 引き綱、引き縄 a piece of rope, leather etc fastened to a dog’s collar in order to control it SYN lead
23511.fall a sleep(寝入る、眠り込む、永眠する、死ぬ)to begin to sleep
Grandad fell asleep watching TV.
23512.a bit(いささか、ちょっと)slightly or to a small degree SYN a little
i have a bit of problem with my next-door neighbor's cat.
23513.pledge(誓約する)formal a serious promise or agreement, especially one made publicly or officially
The government pledged to increase support for education..
23514.guarantee(保証する)to promise to do something or to promise that something will happen
we guarantee that you will get your money back if you are not satisfied.
23515.commitment(約束、確約)a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way
I made a commitment to study English for five minutes every day
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

If you put system of measurement in order, make laws clear and restore abolished official posts, you can govern the world. If you revive ruined countries, make descendants succeed those and employ people in the wilderness, the people follow you heartily. You must value people, foods, mourning and rites.
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
23506.polka dot(水玉) one of a number of round spots that form a pattern, especially on cloth used for clothing
I like your shirt with black polka dot
23507.plain (そのままの、無地の)without anything added or without decoration
He always wears plain white T-shirts
23508.nearby(近くに)not far away
There is a cozy cafe nearby.
23509.tickle(くすぐる、喜ばせる )to move your fingers gently over someone’s body in order to make them laugh
My son tickled my feet to wake me up.
23510.nauseous(むかつく、吐き気を催させるような、不快な ) especially American English feeling that you are going to vomit SYN sick
I get nauseous after eating too much..
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
23501.overlook(見落とす、見逃す) to forgive someone’s mistake, bad behaviour etc and take no action
Could you overlook my mistake this time?
23502.refer to (言及する、参照する)to mention or speak about someone or something
Don't refer to him again..
23503.season(味付けをする、味を調える)to add salt, pepper etc to food you are cooking
Season the ingredients with salt and pepper.
23504.powerless (無力な、無能な、弱い、無気力な、力がなくて )unable to stop or control something because you do not have the power, strength, or legal right to do so
We are powerless against the virus..
23505.balance(残高)probably dishonest or illegal,protected from the sun or producing shade
I check my account balance with my smart phone?.
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We're open Monday through Saturday.
23497.certificate an official document that states that a fact or facts are true
an official paper stating that you have completed a course of study or passed an examination
I'm happy that I finally got my herbal therapy certificate.
23498.stressed out very close to something
I have been kind of stressed out recently.
23499.a stone’s throw away(目と鼻の先 )very close to something
The hotel is only a stone’s throw away from the beach.
23500.era(時代、時期、紀元、代 )a period of time in history that is known for a particular event, or for particular qualities
The Atishoo era comes after the Meiji era, right.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
介護も子供たちが《過労姉妹》にならぬよう、《PPKかBBK》でいきたいし、 《ホラー介護》にならないために妻とも仲良く暮らしたい。いつ倒れて「脱がされても」大丈夫なように《毎日が勝負下着》だし、《ケアつきスナック》で尿モレを気にせずカラオケしたい!
『定年ちいぱっぱ――二人はツライよ』や『定年オヤジのしつけ方』などおじさん、おばさんの生態に詳しい著者による『サンデー毎日』人気連載「加齢なる日々」、待望の書籍化! 日々押し寄せる《老いるショック》と朗らかに向き合う知恵が満載。
「踊る年金男子」ことオジサン(夫)と共に老いの坂をのぼる著者による、 読んで笑って元気がでる、爆笑アンチエイジング・エッセイ。
《目 次》
第1章 つかずはなれず 夫婦の距離
第2章 子にも孫にも尽くしんぼう
第3章 遠くの親戚 近くのともだち
第4章 恋もあります 性もある
第5章 老いるショックを受け止めて
第6章 お家にいても危険がいっぱい
介護も子供たちが《過労姉妹》にならぬよう、《PPKかBBK》でいきたいし、 《ホラー介護》にならないために妻とも仲良く暮らしたい。いつ倒れて「脱がされても」大丈夫なように《毎日が勝負下着》だし、《ケアつきスナック》で尿モレを気にせずカラオケしたい!
『定年ちいぱっぱ――二人はツライよ』や『定年オヤジのしつけ方』などおじさん、おばさんの生態に詳しい著者による『サンデー毎日』人気連載「加齢なる日々」、待望の書籍化! 日々押し寄せる《老いるショック》と朗らかに向き合う知恵が満載。
「踊る年金男子」ことオジサン(夫)と共に老いの坂をのぼる著者による、 読んで笑って元気がでる、爆笑アンチエイジング・エッセイ。
《目 次》
第1章 つかずはなれず 夫婦の距離
第2章 子にも孫にも尽くしんぼう
第3章 遠くの親戚 近くのともだち
第4章 恋もあります 性もある
第5章 老いるショックを受け止めて
第6章 お家にいても危険がいっぱい
小川有里 (おがわゆり)
地方紙に連載中の『おばさん事典』は11年にわたる長寿企画。著書『定年ちいぱっぱ』『定年オヤジのしつけ方』は韓国で翻訳出版され、企業誌『引退と投資』にて定年夫婦をテーマに隔月でエッセイを執筆。儒教思想の強い韓国の夫婦に衝撃を与える。その他の著書に『負けるな姑! 嫁怪獣(ヨメサウルス)に喰われるな』など。
地方紙に連載中の『おばさん事典』は11年にわたる長寿企画。著書『定年ちいぱっぱ』『定年オヤジのしつけ方』は韓国で翻訳出版され、企業誌『引退と投資』にて定年夫婦をテーマに隔月でエッセイを執筆。儒教思想の強い韓国の夫婦に衝撃を与える。その他の著書に『負けるな姑! 嫁怪獣(ヨメサウルス)に喰われるな』など。
23491.For once(今回に限って) used to say that something unusual happens, especially when you wish it would happen more often
For once, I agree with you
23492.poke to quickly push your finger or some other pointed object into something or someone
Andy poked the fish with his finger to see if it was still alive.
The little boy seats on the chair with his legs dangling
23494.wave goodbye to(手を振って別れを告げる)
She waved goodbye to her parents with tears in her eyes..
23495.sarcastic(皮肉な、いやみを言う )saying things that are the opposite of what you mean, in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed
Sarcastic humor doesn't appeal to me.
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50th Anniversary - Edelweiss - Julie Andrews
23486.tentative (とりあえず・ひとまず・差し当たり ) not definite or certain, because you may want to change things SYN provisional OPP definite
The tentative plan for 2015 is listed below.
23487.have to be able to (~できなければならない)
You have to be able to tell Sho yourself.
23488.be yourself (気を使わなくてもいい・気楽に )
I love spending time with you because I can just be myself.
23489.drain to make someone feel very tired and without any energy
Working with children all day really drains you.
23490.live by (〜に従って生きる )
I think those are great beliefs and principles to live by.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News