New Zealanders are addressing a question of identity. They're voting in the second of two referendums on whether to change their national flag.
Their current design includes the British Union Jack. The alternative they're considering came out of the first referendum. It includes the Southern Cross constellation and a silver fern.
Some New Zealanders say their current flag looks too much like Australia's, which also includes the Union Jack. Still, a local TV station says an online poll shows 59 percent want to keep it.
Prime Minister John Key wants a change. He says this referendum is the last chance. New Zealanders have until March 24th to mail their votes. Preliminary results will come out the same day.
◆a question of ~という問題、論点
◆referendums 国民投票
◆alternative 代案
◆constellation 星座
◆silver fern ギンシダ
◆preliminary results 暫定結果