ダンスは上手く踊れない/Golden Best and More収録曲 # 石川セリ
25261.qualify(適任とする、(…の)資格を与える、適格とする)to have the right to have or do something, or to give someone this right
Tom got the job because he is better than Brawn.
25262.have a sense of(〜という実感を持つ)
I had a sense of accomplishment after completing my first marathon.
25263.I feel refreshed.(スッキリした)
That shower felt good. I feel refreshed!
25264.It comes with the territory(これも仕事のうち)
I have to go on business trips twice a month. It comes with the territory.
25265.Go easy on(大目に見る)
Go easy on him. He's only been here for a month.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The United States is halting funding to the World Health Organization as the deadly coronavirus spreads throughout the globe.
President Donald Trump says the country is cutting off payments until his administration reviews the agency's response to the current health crisis.
(Donald Trump / U.S. President)
"The WHO failed in this basic duty and must be held accountable."
Trump went on to say the WHO promoted Chinese "disinformation," which may have caused the virus to spread faster and further.
The president has been on the defensive over his handling of the coronavirus.
The U.S. has the largest outbreak in the world with a death toll of more than 25,000 people.
The American Medical Association was quick to condemn Trump's decision.
UN chief Antonio Guterres likewise says this is not the time to reduce resources for any humanitarian organization.
The U.S. is the biggest overall donor to the Geneva-based WHO, contributing more than 400 million dollars in 2019.
President Donald Trump says the country is cutting off payments until his administration reviews the agency's response to the current health crisis.
(Donald Trump / U.S. President)
"The WHO failed in this basic duty and must be held accountable."
Trump went on to say the WHO promoted Chinese "disinformation," which may have caused the virus to spread faster and further.
The president has been on the defensive over his handling of the coronavirus.
The U.S. has the largest outbreak in the world with a death toll of more than 25,000 people.
The American Medical Association was quick to condemn Trump's decision.
UN chief Antonio Guterres likewise says this is not the time to reduce resources for any humanitarian organization.
The U.S. is the biggest overall donor to the Geneva-based WHO, contributing more than 400 million dollars in 2019.
◆halt 停止する to increase quickly to a high level
◆review 再検討する、再調査する、見直す
◆accountable 説明責任を求める to increase quickly to a high level
◆go on to さらに~する
◆disinformation 偽情報 to increase quickly to a high level
◆outbreak 突発的な発生、急激な増加
◆death toll 死亡者数 to increase quickly to a high level
25256.Good call(名案 / 正しい判断)spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said
Good call. We can give away a free gift to the first 50 people that sign up.
25257.throw in((おまけとして)~を付ける)
If you buy 3 shirts, I'll throw in an extra shirt for free.
25258.no charge(無料で)
I'll fix your computer at no charge.
25259.catch the cold (風邪をひく)
Frank is absent today, because he's caught a bad cold
25260.That’s the spirit.(その意気だ)
That's is the spirit
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

25251.all over the place(バラバラ )everywhere
I’m all over the place when it comes to music. I listen to all sorts of music.
25252.genre formal a particular type of art, writing, music etc, which has certain features that all examples of this type share
I don’t have a particular genre of movie that I like. I’m all over the place.
25253.antisocial (非社交的な)antisocial behaviour is violent or harmful to other people, or shows that you do not care about other people
Don’t be so antisocial. Just come out with us tonight.
25254.screen a call(かかってくる電話を選んで取る)
I get so many random calls from numbers I don’t recognize. I have no choice but to screen my calls.
25255.creep someone out(ゾッとさせる) to make someone feel nervous, uncomfortable, and slightly frightened
That guy over there is creeping me out. He keeps staring at me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
25246.scream to make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt, frightened, excited etc SYN shriek
I'll do anything, if you'll stop screaming.
25247.break up with(別れる)
So if you 're late for our date again, I'll break up with you.
25248.across the board (全面的な)affecting everyone or everything in an organization or situation
Our company is planning to cut budgets across the board.
25249.On the whole (全体的に) used to say that something is generally true
On the whole, I think it was a constructive negotiation.
25250.ridiculous(いかにも〜がやりそうなこと) very silly or unreasonable
Are you out of your mind? You're being ridiculous!
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
25241.wash off(洗い落とす)to clean dirt, dust etc from the surface of something with water
My sister is washing off her makeup right now. to happen or develop in a particular way
25242.pan out(うまくいく / 報われる / 功を奏する)to happen or develop in a particular way
If everything pans out, the new product should launch next month.
25243.be fed up with(うんざりしている)
25243.be fed up with(うんざりしている)
I’m fed up with buying a plastic umbrellas from convenience store all the time
25244.tactic(戦術) a method that you use to achieve something
If they don't change their tactics,they will lose the match..
25245.croissant(クロワッサン )a type of sweet bread, shaped in a curve and usually eaten for breakfast
If we go to Paris, we can eat the most delicious croissant.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
野杁 泉●のいり・いずみ
25236.grown-up(大人) fully developed as an adult
You’re grown-up now. You have to take responsibilities for your actions.
25237.aggressive(攻撃的な)behaving in an angry threatening way, as if you want to fight or attack someone
He can be a bit aggressive though.
25238.demanding(多くを要求する、過酷な、きつい )needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill
The job was very demanding.
25239.efficient(能率的な、効率のいい、(むだなく効果的に仕事をする意味で)有能な、敏腕の、(…に)有能で、すぐれていて)if someone or something is efficient, they work well without wasting time, money, or energy OPP inefficient
We aim to provide our clients with an efficient and friendly service.
25240.run out of (〜が切れる / 〜を使い果たす)
The copy machine is running out of paper.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
25231.switch over to (~に切り替える)
You should switch over to my gym. The facility is much nicer and it’s cheaper.
25232.in love(恋して)
Goddess, I think you're in love.
25233.scared of height(高所恐怖症)
Although he's scared of height, he went bungee jumping.
25234.pour(土砂降りの) if a lot of liquid or smoke pours out, it comes out from somewhere in very large amounts
Even though it was pour with rain, they still played golf.
25235.cunning(ズル賢い) behaviour or actions that are cunning are clever but dishonest and unfair, and are used to get what you want
He had a security system installed, but the cunning thief still broke in.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
25226.That's/It's so you! (あなたらしいね)
I What do you think of my new website? It's so you! I love it.
25227.Do you need some help?(何かお困りですか)
Do you need some help?
25228.dish(料理、皿) a flat container with low sides, for serving food from or cooking food in → bowl /a type of food that is cooked in a particular way and served as part of a meal
What's the name of this dish?
25229.hard to hear(聞こえづらい)
It’s a little hard to hear you.
25230.for some reason(どういうわけか)
Yeah.It’s pretty crowded today for some reason.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News