A new survey is looking at why many people in Japan continue to wear masks.
The Japanese government eased its coronavirus guidelines earlier this month, leaving it up to individuals to decide if they should put on face coverings.
A university research group conducted the survey. About 50 percent of respondents said the infection situation in their local area was their main concern.
Others said they are influenced by what people around them are doing or follow reports from medical institutions.
Many in Tokyo say they are putting their masks away more often.
“I wear it at work, but I usually remove it when I shop. I feel relieved that, even if I forget to wear a mask, I don't need to worry anymore.”
“I don't wear a mask when I walk around the city. But if I talk with people or I am in a crowded room, then I would wear a mask.”
The Japanese government eased its coronavirus guidelines earlier this month, leaving it up to individuals to decide if they should put on face coverings.
A university research group conducted the survey. About 50 percent of respondents said the infection situation in their local area was their main concern.
Others said they are influenced by what people around them are doing or follow reports from medical institutions.
Many in Tokyo say they are putting their masks away more often.
“I wear it at work, but I usually remove it when I shop. I feel relieved that, even if I forget to wear a mask, I don't need to worry anymore.”
“I don't wear a mask when I walk around the city. But if I talk with people or I am in a crowded room, then I would wear a mask.”
◆ feel relieved (心配などから解放されて)安心する、ホッとするfeeling happy because you are no longer worried about something