南部牛追唄 (なんぶうしおいうた)「岩手県民謡」
32731.cram(詰め込む、詰込みの勉強をする)to force something into a small space
I stayed up all night cramming for today’s examination.
32732.crystal clear(透明な、非常に明瞭な) very clearly stated and easy to understand
The crystal clear water at Vocab Beach was stunning.
32733.smooth sailing (順風満帆)thin in a healthy and attractive way
The match wasn't all smooth sailing but Max came out on top.
I had a little chat-chat with Chihiro on the way back from the store.
32735.itty-bitty(ちっちゃな、ちっぽけな)very small – used humorously
It took me forever to find the itty-bitty button to close the ad.
The crystal clear water at Vocab Beach was stunning.
32733.smooth sailing (順風満帆)thin in a healthy and attractive way
The match wasn't all smooth sailing but Max came out on top.
I had a little chat-chat with Chihiro on the way back from the store.
32735.itty-bitty(ちっちゃな、ちっぽけな)very small – used humorously
It took me forever to find the itty-bitty button to close the ad.
32726.hidden spots(穴場)
I came across a nice hidden spot by the train station yesterday.
32727.essence(本質 、真髄、 核心、 重要な部分 )the most basic and important quality of something
I think the essence of teaching is to help students figure out problems on their own.
32728.work(作業)tto do a job that you are paid for/ to spend time and effort doing something
She attributed her success to hard work.
32729.job(対価として報酬が支払われる仕事)the regular paid work that you do for an employer / something that you are responsible for doing
Nursing isn't just a job; it's a way of life.
32730.occupation(社会の中でその人が占める位置 ) a job or profession
Please fill out your name, address and occupation.
I think the essence of teaching is to help students figure out problems on their own.
32728.work(作業)tto do a job that you are paid for/ to spend time and effort doing something
She attributed her success to hard work.
32729.job(対価として報酬が支払われる仕事)the regular paid work that you do for an employer / something that you are responsible for doing
Nursing isn't just a job; it's a way of life.
32730.occupation(社会の中でその人が占める位置 ) a job or profession
Please fill out your name, address and occupation.
32721.take someone a long way (大いに役立つ ) used to refer to a particular person or thing when you do not give a specific name → such and such
Your hard work will take you a long way in your career.
32722.building blocks (重要な構成要素 )the pieces or parts that together make it possible for something big or important to exist
Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are the building blocks for living a healthy life.
32723.put something together (物を組み立てる、計画やアイデアをまとめる、人や物を集めて何かする )to prepare or produce something by collecting pieces of information, ideas etc
How long did it take you to put together this plan?
32724.(be) acquainted with(~に精通している、~と知り合いである )
I'm acquainted with John, but we’re not close friends.
32725.self-discipline/control(自制心がある )the ability to make yourself do the things you know you ought to do, without someone making you do them
Self-disciplined kids can resist temptation.
Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are the building blocks for living a healthy life.
32723.put something together (物を組み立てる、計画やアイデアをまとめる、人や物を集めて何かする )to prepare or produce something by collecting pieces of information, ideas etc
How long did it take you to put together this plan?
32724.(be) acquainted with(~に精通している、~と知り合いである )
I'm acquainted with John, but we’re not close friends.
32725.self-discipline/control(自制心がある )the ability to make yourself do the things you know you ought to do, without someone making you do them
Self-disciplined kids can resist temptation.

この港の浜には、いろいろきれいな貝や石などが多かった。だから、ただもう、死んだ子ばかりを恋しく思い思いして、船にいる人が詠んだ歌は、 寄せる波… (寄せる波よ、どうか打ち寄せておくれ、恋しく思う人のことを忘れることのできるという忘れ貝を。そうしたら船を下りて拾うから) と言ったら、ある人が堪えきれずに、船旅の気晴らしということで詠んだ歌は、 忘れ貝拾ひしもせじ… (亡き子を忘れてしまうという忘れ貝を拾おうとも思わない。白玉のような子を恋しがることだけでもあの子の形見と思いましょう) とこんなふうに詠っている。さてさて、その女の子のことになると、親はとんと分別を失ってしまうものとみえる。 「球と言うほどの子ではなかったろうに」と人は言うであろう。けれどもまた、「死んでしまった子は、器量がよかった」と言うようでもある。 やはり、同じところで日をむなしく過ごすのを嘆いて、ある女が詠んだ歌は、 手をひてて… (手を浸して寒さを感じるわけでもない<名ばかりの>和泉という所で、水を汲むわけでもなく、むなしく日を過ごすことだ) |
32716.no-brainer(考えるまでもない、当然 ) a decision that is easy, and that you do not need to think about, used when you want to emphasize that it is really very easy
My boss gave me the option to work from home, and it was a no-brainer. I took it on the spot.
32717.Let’s cut to the chase (ズバリ要点を言ってください )
Let's cut to the chase. This is about our contract right?
32718.Get (straight) to the point (要点を述べる )
Yeah, have a seat. Look, I'm going to get straight to the point. Your work has been subpar the past month.
32719.keep options open(選択の余地を残す )to wait before making a decision
Let's cut to the chase. This is about our contract right?
32718.Get (straight) to the point (要点を述べる )
Yeah, have a seat. Look, I'm going to get straight to the point. Your work has been subpar the past month.
32719.keep options open(選択の余地を残す )to wait before making a decision
Making hot pot tonight was a good call.
32711.leave someone hanging (宙ぶらりんにする ) used when emphasizing that something is no more and no less than a number or amount, or is completely correct in every detail
Don’t leave me hanging. So what ended up happening?
32712.absolutely (絶対的に、無条件に、きっぱりと、完全に、まったく)completely and in every way
This cake is absolutely delicious.
32713.definitely (明確に、はっきりと、確実に、確かに、そうですとも、絶対に )without any doubt 類義語 certainly
The hotel fitness center is definitely worth a visit.
32714.frown(まゆをひそめる,顔をしかめる. ) to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving your eyebrows together
She frowned as she read the letter.
32715.bright and early(朝早く、早朝に )very early in the morning
I got up bright and early and went for a morning run.
This cake is absolutely delicious.
32713.definitely (明確に、はっきりと、確実に、確かに、そうですとも、絶対に )without any doubt 類義語 certainly
The hotel fitness center is definitely worth a visit.
32714.frown(まゆをひそめる,顔をしかめる. ) to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving your eyebrows together
She frowned as she read the letter.
32715.bright and early(朝早く、早朝に )very early in the morning
I got up bright and early and went for a morning run.
32706.affection(愛情、愛着) a feeling of liking or love and caring 類義語 fondness
There are many way to show affection.
32707.pose (問題などを引き起こす、もたらす)to exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc
What kind of threats do alien fish species pose?
32708.imminent (今にも起ころうとしている、迫りくる)an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon
A major transformation in education is imminent.
32709.neutralize((…を)無効にする、(…の)効力を消す、(…を)中和する、中立化する ) to prevent something from having any effect 類義語 balance out
As a guard, it's my job to neutralize anything that might pose an imminent threat.
What kind of threats do alien fish species pose?
32708.imminent (今にも起ころうとしている、迫りくる)an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon
A major transformation in education is imminent.
32709.neutralize((…を)無効にする、(…の)効力を消す、(…を)中和する、中立化する ) to prevent something from having any effect 類義語 balance out
As a guard, it's my job to neutralize anything that might pose an imminent threat.
Did you hear that Jun and Nozomi are a thing?
Did you hear that Jun and Nozomi are a thing?
32701.Mercury(水星)the planet that is nearest the Sun /mercury=a heavy silver-white poisonous metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures, and is used in thermometers. It is a chemical element: symbol Hg
Mercury is the closest planets to the sun.
32702.Venus (金星)the planet that is second in order from the Sun
Most people say Venus is the easiest planet to see with the naked eye.
32703.thoroughly (徹底的に,まったく)completely
The mayor promised to investigate the situation thoroughly
32704.crush (恋心) a strong feeling of romantic love for someone, especially one that a young person has for someone older who they do not know well → infatuation
I’ve had a crush on you since we were in kindergarten.
32705.adore(大好きである、敬愛する) to love someone very much and feel very proud of them /to like something very much
My sister adores John.She says he's the man of her dreams.
Most people say Venus is the easiest planet to see with the naked eye.
32703.thoroughly (徹底的に,まったく)completely
The mayor promised to investigate the situation thoroughly
32704.crush (恋心) a strong feeling of romantic love for someone, especially one that a young person has for someone older who they do not know well → infatuation
I’ve had a crush on you since we were in kindergarten.
32705.adore(大好きである、敬愛する) to love someone very much and feel very proud of them /to like something very much
My sister adores John.She says he's the man of her dreams.
32696.friend from work(仕事仲間、会社の同僚)
This is a friend from work, Kery.
32697.pronounce(訳発音する、音読する、(…を)(熟慮の末、厳粛に)宣言する )to make the sound of a letter, word etc, especially in the correct way → pronunciation
My name is hard to pronounce..
32698.bland (もの柔らかな、人当たりがよい、穏やかな、落ち着いた、温和な、口当たりのよい、さっぱりした、気の抜けた、おもしろみのない、無感情の )without any excitement, strong opinions, or special character 類義語 dull/ food that is bland has very little taste 類義語 tasteless
The cafeteria is soup is usually a bit bland.
32699.on weekdays any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday
On weekdays I usually wake up around six to listen to music.
32700.retain (維持する、持ち続ける) to keep something or continue to have something
It seems like you're facing challenges with retaining global talent.
My name is hard to pronounce..
32698.bland (もの柔らかな、人当たりがよい、穏やかな、落ち着いた、温和な、口当たりのよい、さっぱりした、気の抜けた、おもしろみのない、無感情の )without any excitement, strong opinions, or special character 類義語 dull/ food that is bland has very little taste 類義語 tasteless
The cafeteria is soup is usually a bit bland.
32699.on weekdays any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday
On weekdays I usually wake up around six to listen to music.
32700.retain (維持する、持ち続ける) to keep something or continue to have something
It seems like you're facing challenges with retaining global talent.
32691.book smart(学問から知識を得た人 )
She's very book smart and excels in mathematics and science.
32692.street smart (学は無くても実体験をもとに知識や知恵を身に着けている人 )
He may not have a college degree, but he's incredibly street smart and can navigate complex social situations.
32693.unruly (手に負えない )violent or difficult to control 類義語 wild
I had to deal with an unruly customer today.
32694.brown-nose (ごますり ) to try to make someone in authority like you by being very nice to them – used to show disapproval
I can’t believe he got promoted. I guess all that brown-nosing worked.
32695.drive someone to and from (車で送迎する)
I drive my little brother to and from school every day.
He may not have a college degree, but he's incredibly street smart and can navigate complex social situations.
32693.unruly (手に負えない )violent or difficult to control 類義語 wild
I had to deal with an unruly customer today.
32694.brown-nose (ごますり ) to try to make someone in authority like you by being very nice to them – used to show disapproval
I can’t believe he got promoted. I guess all that brown-nosing worked.
32695.drive someone to and from (車で送迎する)
I drive my little brother to and from school every day.