

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/30)

2023年04月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
30401.on one's end   (~の側、~の方 )
I’ve just shared the slide. Can you see it on your end?
30402.fire away(どしどし質問する )
Just mute yourself and fire away.
30403.induction (入社、就任 )
This induction seminar covers three topics.
30404.stand the test of time  (時の試練に耐える)
Our ties have stood the test of time.
30405.ordeal   (厳しい試練、苦しい体験 )a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time 
How did you overcome that ordeal?

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/29)

2023年04月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
30396.Don't tell me   (まさか~ではないでしょうね )used to interrupt someone because you know what they are going to say or because you want to guess – used especially when you are annoyed 
Don’t tell me. You got promoted.
30397.lead to(~につながる )
One lie lead to another.
30398.seize (掴む、捉える)to take hold of something suddenly and violently 類義語 grab 
When the lead actor quit the film, HIyori seized the opportunity.
30399.settle in (慣れる)to begin to feel happy and relaxed in a new situation, home, job, or school 
How are you settling in?
30400.take in   (吸収する、新しく覚える )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home 
It’s been a lot to take in

雨の山吹 (新潮文庫)

2023年04月29日 | 読書日記
【 内容】
1 暗がりの乙松2 喧嘩主従3 彩虹4 恋の伝七郎著5 山茶花帖6 半之助祝言7 雨の山吹8 いしが奢る9 花咲かぬリラの話10 四年間

【 著者】


5 山茶花帖



Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/28)

2023年04月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
30391.How’s today treating you?   (元気ですか)
How’s today treating you?  Never been better. you doing better.
30392.have got to(~しなければならない )
This I 've got to hear. Have a seat .
30393.same old same old  (相変わらずの / 代わり映えのない / いつもとおなじ  )spoken used to say that a situation has not changed, when this is boring or annoying but you did not really expect it to change 
Nothing interesting's going on - just same old same old
I've never seen you look so down. Is every thing OK.
30395.in good mood   (機嫌がよい)
You're certainly. in good mood today.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/27)

2023年04月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
30386.depreciate   (市価が下落する,値下がりする  )to decrease in value or price OPP appreciate 
If thee yen keeps depreciating, some Japanese businesses might start going under. 
30387.intervene(介入する)to become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens intervene in 
The government intervened in the market by buying yen and selling dollars.
30388.boggle one’s mind (唖然とさせる / びっくりさせる )
It boggles my mind that people actually vote for him. What is this world coming to? 
30389.something has come up (急用ができました )
Something's come up and I won't be able to make it to dinner tonight.
30390.DUI  (酒気帯び運転、酒気帯運転  )(driving under the influence) the crime of driving when you have had too much alcohol to drink 類義語 DWI 


2023年04月26日 | 爺英語

April is a season for new beginnings here in Japan. It's not just the start of the new fiscal year — it also marks the start of school for millions of kids.
And this year, they're being overseen by a new government body.
An inauguration ceremony was held Monday at the Tokyo office for the Children and Families Agency.
(Kishida Fumio / Japanese Prime Minister)
“To create a society focused on children, the most important thing we can do is listen to their voices, take them seriously, and reflect their perspectives in our policies.”
The new agency covers some functions previously managed by the health and welfare ministry and other bodies.
It's tasked with handling child benefits and support for people going through pregnancy and childbirth.
It'll also handle nursery school services and issues facing kids like abuse, bullying, and poverty.
The government is hoping the agency and expanded childcare benefits will help raise Japan's plummeting birthrate.

 oversee 見守る to be in charge of a group of workers and check that a piece of work is done satisfactorily 類義語 supervise
 inauguration 就任、開始、発足  
take ~ seriously~に真摯に向き合う、~を真剣に受け止める  
child benefit 児童手当、子ども手当
abuse 虐待  cruel or violent treatment of someone 
plummet(価格や数値が)急落する、急に減少するto suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount 類義語 plunge 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/26)

2023年04月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
30381.narrow down (絞り込む )to reduce the number of things included in a range 
There’s no way we can visit all of these places in one day. We have to narrow them down
30382.go too far (~をやり過ぎる )to do something too extreme 
Do you think I went too far? I didn’t mean to offend him. 
30383.soundly (完全に、ぐっすり)
I've never been sleep soundly on a plane.
30384.insomnia  (不眠症)if you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep
How long have you been suffering from insomnia?
30385.genuine(素直(な人) )someone who is genuine is honest and friendly and you feel you can trust them OPP false 
I’m looking for someone that’s genuine

徒然草 第二百一段

2023年04月25日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/25)

2023年04月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
30376.be happy to(喜んで~する )
I'd be happy to handle this job. 
30377.readly(快く、ちゅうちょなく、二つ返事で、容易に、たやすく  ) quickly and easily 
This client readily accepted our first offer.
30378.jump at (飛びつく)to eagerly accept the chance to do something
I jumped at the chance  to meet Sakurada Hiyori for dinner.
30379.rotate (回転する、循環する、自転する、交替する、輪番でする )to turn with a circular movement around a central point, or to make something do this /if a job rotates, or if people rotate jobs, they each do a particular job for a particular period of time 
My personal trainer told me to rotate my head 10 times before starr a workout.
30380.brainteaser   (難問、クイズ )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home 
Let’s do a little brainteaser to warm up before the test, shall we?

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/24)

2023年04月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
30371.sorely (痛ましく、痛んで、ひどく、はなはだしく、非常に )very much or very seriously 類義語 greatly 
I imagine you’ll be sorely missed by your colleagues. 
30372.A outweigh B(AがBを上回る )to be more important or valuable than something else 
The benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages. 
30373.mixed feeling (複雑な心境;複雑な気持ち )
You will probably experience mixed feelings  when leave your current company.
30374.cherish  (大切にする)to love someone or something very much and take care of them well 
Please cherish the remaining days at your present firm.
30375.considerate   (思いやりのある)always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them OPP inconsiderate 
It is very considerate of you. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/23)

2023年04月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
30366.punchline(聞かせ所、さわりの言葉、おち )the last few words of a joke or story, that make it funny or surprising 
So...the joke is over?That was the punchline
30367.hook up(つなぐ、接続する )a temporary connection between two pieces of equipment such as computers, or between a piece of equipment and an electricity or water supply 
Can I hook up a smartphone to my TV
30368.click (意気投合する) if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other 
We clicked immediately, and three weeks later, w were married.
30369.compatible  (相性が良い、気が合っている) able to exist or be used together without causing problems 
I still haven't found someone I'm compatible with.
30370.rapport(信頼し合う関係、心が通い合うこと)friendly agreement and understanding between people → relationship 
Doctor Riviera has an excellent rapport with his patients. 

柳橋物語・むかしも今も (新潮文庫)

2023年04月22日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】

