26776.tight spot(厳しい場所・立場)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
Well, I guess that puts me in a tight spot!
Well, I guess that puts me in a tight spot!
26777.jersey(ジャージ)A jersey is a knitted piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms and does not open at the front. Jerseys are usually worn over a shirt or blouse.
Is that your son in the purple Jersey?
Is that your son in the purple Jersey?
26778.in the lead(先頭で)
He is in the lead.
26779.broad range (広範囲な、幅広い)
You need to have a broad range of skills to run a business.
27780.areas of concern(関心事、気になる点)
I've been looking over your report, and I'd like to point out several areas of concern.
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He is in the lead.
26779.broad range (広範囲な、幅広い)
You need to have a broad range of skills to run a business.
27780.areas of concern(関心事、気になる点)
I've been looking over your report, and I'd like to point out several areas of concern.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
26771.close game(接戦)
It's hard to say. It's going to be a close game.
It's hard to say. It's going to be a close game.
26772.nail-biter(ハラハラドキドキ)a situation or activity, as a suspenseful drama or highly competitive game in sports, with an outcome so uncertain that it creates much tension or anxiety
Did you watch the game last night. It was a nail-biter!
Did you watch the game last night. It was a nail-biter!
26773.worn out(ボロボロ / 擦り切れている / 履き古されている)ASomething that is worn out is so old, damaged, or thin from use that it cannot be used any more.
I need to throw away my worn-out shoes.
26774.hand out(配る)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
Let's go to the station and hand out some fliers.
26775.rusty(下手になる / 腕が鈍る) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
My piano playing is pretty rusty but I'll give it a try.
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I need to throw away my worn-out shoes.
26774.hand out(配る)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
Let's go to the station and hand out some fliers.
26775.rusty(下手になる / 腕が鈍る) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
My piano playing is pretty rusty but I'll give it a try.
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We begin here in Japan. The government has officially decided to release treated water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean.
Before that happens, the water will be diluted so the concentration of contaminants meets global safety levels.
The plan has been endorsed by the Cabinet.
The decision comes a decade after a massive earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan, triggering a triple meltdown at the power plant.
Water is used to cool molten nuclear fuel. It mixes with rain and groundwater that flows into damaged reactor buildings, amounting to more than 100 tons each day.
That water undergoes a treatment process that removes most radioactive material, but it still contains radioactive tritium.
After that, the treated water is stored. There are about 1,000 tanks, now 90 percent full. The remainder is expected to fill up sometime next year.
Before that happens, the water will be diluted so the concentration of contaminants meets global safety levels.
The plan has been endorsed by the Cabinet.
The decision comes a decade after a massive earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan, triggering a triple meltdown at the power plant.
Water is used to cool molten nuclear fuel. It mixes with rain and groundwater that flows into damaged reactor buildings, amounting to more than 100 tons each day.
That water undergoes a treatment process that removes most radioactive material, but it still contains radioactive tritium.
After that, the treated water is stored. There are about 1,000 tanks, now 90 percent full. The remainder is expected to fill up sometime next year.
◆treated 処理された
◆crippled 損傷した、不能になった physically incapacitated
◆dilute 薄める If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker.
◆endorse 承認する、支持する If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them
◆trigger 引き起こす If something triggers an event or situation, it causes it to begin to happen or exist.
◆radioactive 放射性の Something that is radioactive contains a substance that produces energy in the form of powerful and harmful rays.
◆radioactive 放射性の Something that is radioactive contains a substance that produces energy in the form of powerful and harmful rays.
26766.portray(描写する)When a writer or artist portrays something, he or she writes a description or produces a painting of it.
This documentary portrays him as a greedy person.
This documentary portrays him as a greedy person.
26767.ask someone out(〜をデートに誘う)
I heard Tim asked out Jenny yesterday but she turned him down.
I heard Tim asked out Jenny yesterday but she turned him down.
26768.from scratch(一から、最初から) If you do something from scratch, you do it without making use of anything that has been done before.
When I was 30 years old, I quit my company and started my business from scratch.
26769.from the ground up (一から)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
Yeah, he fired the majority of the employees and rebuilt the company from ground up.
26770.go out with someone(付き合う)
I went out on a date with a couple times but it just didn't work out.
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When I was 30 years old, I quit my company and started my business from scratch.
26769.from the ground up (一から)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
Yeah, he fired the majority of the employees and rebuilt the company from ground up.
26770.go out with someone(付き合う)
I went out on a date with a couple times but it just didn't work out.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

26761.get caught (バレる / 捕まる)
Tom got caught drinking and driving.
Tom got caught drinking and driving.
26762.fall asleep(寝てしまう / 眠りに落ちる / 寝入る)When you fall asleep, you start sleeping.
I almost fell asleep while I was driving today.
I almost fell asleep while I was driving today.
26763.at times(時々) You use at times to say that something happens or is true on some occasions or at some moments.
I consider myself a pretty optimistic person but I worry about my future at times.
26764.across the board(全体的に)If a policy or a situation applies across the board, it affects everything or everyone in a particular group.
Our company is planning on cutting budgets across the board.
26765.to a certain degree(ある程度は) You use expressions such as to some degree, to a large degree, or to a certain degree in order to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true.
Talking to yourself in English is effective to a certain degree. But if you want to become a good English speaker, you have to go out and talk to people.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
I consider myself a pretty optimistic person but I worry about my future at times.
26764.across the board(全体的に)If a policy or a situation applies across the board, it affects everything or everyone in a particular group.
Our company is planning on cutting budgets across the board.
26765.to a certain degree(ある程度は) You use expressions such as to some degree, to a large degree, or to a certain degree in order to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true.
Talking to yourself in English is effective to a certain degree. But if you want to become a good English speaker, you have to go out and talk to people.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Summer of '42( おもいでの夏 )- Michel Legrand
26756.split ends(枝毛)If you have split ends, some of your hairs are split at the ends because they are dry or damaged
Could you do a treatment for split ends?.
26757.starch(洗濯用ののり)Starch is a substance that is found in foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice and gives you energy./Starch is a substance that is used for making cloth stiffer, especially cotton and linen.
I think you should starch your collar to keep it straight.
26758.delicatessen(惣菜)A delicatessen is a shop that sells high quality foods such as cheeses and cold meats that have been imported from other countries.
Could you do a treatment for split ends?.
26757.starch(洗濯用ののり)Starch is a substance that is found in foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice and gives you energy./Starch is a substance that is used for making cloth stiffer, especially cotton and linen.
I think you should starch your collar to keep it straight.
26758.delicatessen(惣菜)A delicatessen is a shop that sells high quality foods such as cheeses and cold meats that have been imported from other countries.
We're having delicatessen for dinner
26759.produce section(青果コーナー)
The produce section is right by the entrance.
26760.trainer(指導者) I
26759.produce section(青果コーナー)
The produce section is right by the entrance.
26760.trainer(指導者) I
a person who trains athletes in a sport.
His trainer used to be a professional basket Player.
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His trainer used to be a professional basket Player.
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26751.level-headed(冷静な)If you describe a person as level-headed, you mean that they are calm and sensible even in difficult situations.
He never gets rattled. He’s always level-headed.
26752.cross the line(一線を超える)
It’s not funny at all. You’re crossing the line. Stop being a jerk.
26753.tough break(ついてない)A stretch of time is a period of time
He's had a lot of tough breaks recently. I feel bad for him.
26754.for good(永遠に)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
She is leaving him for good.
26755.lolerant(寛大な / 寛容な / 懐が深い) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
You need to be a little more tolerant with them. You have to remember, they're still kids.
He never gets rattled. He’s always level-headed.
26752.cross the line(一線を超える)
It’s not funny at all. You’re crossing the line. Stop being a jerk.
26753.tough break(ついてない)A stretch of time is a period of time
He's had a lot of tough breaks recently. I feel bad for him.
26754.for good(永遠に)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
She is leaving him for good.
26755.lolerant(寛大な / 寛容な / 懐が深い) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
You need to be a little more tolerant with them. You have to remember, they're still kids.
序章 私の患者体験
1章 患者,家族の声を聴く――電話相談
2章 患者や家族が直面したこと――COMLに届いた相談から
相談① 老老介護へのかかわりがむずかしい娘の立場/相談② 生きがいである仕事に復帰できず死活問題/相談③ あまりに杜撰な管理状況/相談④ 八時間足らずの入院で二日分の請求?/相談⑤ 患者が選べない“かかりつけ薬剤師”って?/相談⑥ 入院継続なら差額ベッド料を支払えなんて/相談⑦ 抜歯中に上あごを傷つけたのに処置もなく/相談⑧ しわとりの美容医療でいびつな状態になって/相談⑨ 肛門は残せたけれど一日中便が出続ける状態に/相談⑩ 残っていたガラス片が移動して筋肉や神経を傷つけ/相談⑪ 急性大動脈解離だと思い込みの治療をされ死亡した父/相談⑫ 過失がないから医療事故調査・支援センターに届けない?
3章 患者が医療を受けるとき――『新 医者にかかる箇条』
賢い患者とは/新 医者にかかる箇条/誕生のきっかけ/子ど10ものための「か条」/子どもと保護者のためのワークショップ
4章 患者が医学教育にかかわる――模擬患者
5章 患者が病院を変えていく――病院探検隊
利用者の“虫の目”で/どこを見るのか1 外回り,受付/どこを見るのか2 外来/どこを見るのか3 病棟/どこを見るのか4 患者が利用する場/病院の改革につなげる
5章 患者が参加する――「医療をささえる市民養成講座」
6章 患者を“支え抜く”ということ――辻本好子のキーパーソンとして
序章 私の患者体験
1章 患者,家族の声を聴く――電話相談
2章 患者や家族が直面したこと――COMLに届いた相談から
相談① 老老介護へのかかわりがむずかしい娘の立場/相談② 生きがいである仕事に復帰できず死活問題/相談③ あまりに杜撰な管理状況/相談④ 八時間足らずの入院で二日分の請求?/相談⑤ 患者が選べない“かかりつけ薬剤師”って?/相談⑥ 入院継続なら差額ベッド料を支払えなんて/相談⑦ 抜歯中に上あごを傷つけたのに処置もなく/相談⑧ しわとりの美容医療でいびつな状態になって/相談⑨ 肛門は残せたけれど一日中便が出続ける状態に/相談⑩ 残っていたガラス片が移動して筋肉や神経を傷つけ/相談⑪ 急性大動脈解離だと思い込みの治療をされ死亡した父/相談⑫ 過失がないから医療事故調査・支援センターに届けない?
3章 患者が医療を受けるとき――『新 医者にかかる箇条』
賢い患者とは/新 医者にかかる箇条/誕生のきっかけ/子ど10ものための「か条」/子どもと保護者のためのワークショップ
4章 患者が医学教育にかかわる――模擬患者
5章 患者が病院を変えていく――病院探検隊
利用者の“虫の目”で/どこを見るのか1 外回り,受付/どこを見るのか2 外来/どこを見るのか3 病棟/どこを見るのか4 患者が利用する場/病院の改革につなげる
5章 患者が参加する――「医療をささえる市民養成講座」
6章 患者を“支え抜く”ということ――辻本好子のキーパーソンとして
【著者略歴 について】
山口育子(やまぐち いくこ)
1. 伝えたいことはメモして準備
2. 対話の始まりはあいさつから
3. よりよい関係づくりはあなたにも責任が
4. 自覚症状と病歴はあなたの伝える大切な情報
5. これからの見通しを聞きましょう
6. その後の変化も伝える努力を
7. 大切なことはメモをとって確認
8. 納得できないことは何度でも質問を
9. 医療にも不確実なことや限界がある
10. 治療方法を決めるのはあなたです
1. 伝えたいことはメモして準備
2. 対話の始まりはあいさつから
3. よりよい関係づくりはあなたにも責任が
4. 自覚症状と病歴はあなたの伝える大切な情報
5. これからの見通しを聞きましょう
6. その後の変化も伝える努力を
7. 大切なことはメモをとって確認
8. 納得できないことは何度でも質問を
9. 医療にも不確実なことや限界がある
10. 治療方法を決めるのはあなたです
26746.No matter who(誰でも)
No matter who we play, we will play hard.
26747.No matter when(いつ~しても)
No matter who we play, we will play hard.
26747.No matter when(いつ~しても)
No matter when I visit his house, he's never home.
26748.No matter how(どんなに~であろうとも)
No matter how hard I exercise, I can't lose weight.
26749.Most of the time(大抵の場合)
Most of the time, I listen to this podcast on my way to work.
No matter how hard I exercise, I can't lose weight.
26749.Most of the time(大抵の場合)
Most of the time, I listen to this podcast on my way to work.
26750.vent(愚痴る) If you vent your feelings, you express them forcefully.
Every now and then, it’s good to vent and let your emotions out.
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Every now and then, it’s good to vent and let your emotions out.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
26741.booksmart(学識はあるが常識がない)having a good understanding of academic and theoretical matters
I think he is just book smart.
I think he is just book smart.
Someone who is street smart knows how to deal with difficult or dangerous situations, especially in big cities.
He is street smart and is not afraid of this neighborhood.
26743.No matter what(何があっても/何があろうと)
Don’t give up no matter what!
26744.No matter what I do(私が何をやっても)
No matter what I do, it never works out.
26745.No matter what happens(たとえ何が起こっても~)
He is street smart and is not afraid of this neighborhood.
26743.No matter what(何があっても/何があろうと)
Don’t give up no matter what!
26744.No matter what I do(私が何をやっても)
No matter what I do, it never works out.
26745.No matter what happens(たとえ何が起こっても~)