

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/31)

2025年01月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
32591.mark down(値下げする)a reduction in the price of something 
Do brand-name bags ever get marked down?
32592.shut down(閉鎖する、停止する)if a company, factory, large machine etc shuts down or is shut down, it stops operating, either permanently or for a short time 
I'm so sad. My favorite little cafe shut down.
32593.turn down(却下する、辞退する) to turn the switch on a machine such as an oven, radio etc so that it produces less heat, sound etc OPP turn up/to refuse an offer, request, or invitation 
This offer is too good to turn down. Let’s go for it.
32594.site (場所、敷地、現場) a place where something important or interesting happened /an area of ground where something is being built or will be built 
This is the site of a famous battle in Japanese history.
32595.position (位置、立場、姿勢)the way someone is standing, sitting, or lying 
You're no position to criticize me.

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/30)

2025年01月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
32586.summer house(夏の別荘 )
I have a summer house in Nagano where I go when I want to relax.
32587.Do you have any idea (〜心当たりありますか? )
Do you have any idea how this happened? 
32588.I think I know (〜心当たりあります / 思い当たる節がある )
I think I know why they broke up. 
32589.ring a bell (心当たりがある / ピンとくる ) if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is 
That rings a bell. Is that a name of a restaurant? 
32590.leverage (活用する、利用する)to spread or use resources (=money, skills, buildings etc that an organization has available), ideas etc again in several different ways or in different parts of a company, system etc 
The company seeks to leverage partnerships to to expand its global reach.


2025年01月29日 | 爺英語

A Japanese organization has ranked the country's top cities for night views. For the first time, Yokohama has made the list. The YAKEI Convention & Visitors Bureau released the rankings last month. Yokohama came in at number two, alongside Kitakyushu and Nagasaki. It's the first time an area in greater Tokyo has made the list. Yokohama is notable for its Yorunoyo event. For several weeks, areas across the city, including the Minato Mirai waterfront, are lit up at night. Yokohama also holds fireworks displays at the local port. The ranking is presented every three years. The goal is to try to rejuvenate local communities by promoting their night views as tourist attractions. Kitakyushu came in first, retaining its number one spot. Both it and third-place Nagasaki are in the Kyushu region.

 ◆fireworks display  花火大会    to gradually reduce something such as someone’s power or confidence 
 rejuvenate 活性化する、若返らせる 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/29)

2025年01月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
32581.lose someone (亡くす、失う)
He lost a friend to drug addiction. 
32582.cut someone off (誰かを遮る,遮断する,関係を断つ )
He has a bad habit of cutting people off in conversation. 
32583.keen on/to (keen on/to ) wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much 類義語 eager 
I'm keen on learning about different cultures and traditions. 
32584.(be) stationed (~に駐留する )
I’m getting transferred this year and will be stationed in Singapore. 
32585.familiarize oneself with (〜に慣れる  )to learn about something so that you understand it, or to teach someone else about something so that they understand it 
Before traveling, it's good to familiarize yourself with the local customs. 

黒崎~箱の浦 1

2025年01月28日 | 土佐日記


二月一日。 朝のうち、雨が降った。お昼ごろにやんだので、和泉の灘(たな川)という所から出て、漕いで行く。


Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/28)

2025年01月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32576.Let’s hit the(~しようよ)
Let's hit the road.
32577.thoroughly(徹底的に、完全に、全面的に )slow and unwilling OPP willing
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
32578.Would you kind enough to(~していただけますか) very angry
Would you kind enough to hand me the sunscreen
32579.Would you kind enough to (おそれいりますが)to be important or valuable
Would you kind enough to putting sunscreen on my back
32580.work on (〜に取り組む  )to try very hard to improve or achieve something 
We’re working on fixing this issue. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/27)

2025年01月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32571.get off the phone (電話で話したよ )
I just got off the phone with the hotel to confirm our booking. 
32572.do one’s homework (下調べをする)
Make sure you do your homework before the interview. 
32573.come along (順調に進む)to be developing or making progress 類義語 progress 
Slowly but surely, I feel like my English is coming along
32574.make a right/left (右/左に曲がる )
Go down this street and make a right on Sakura Street. 
325750.jerk(嫌な奴、 自分勝手な人 、最低な人 )someone, especially a man, who is stupid or who does things that annoy or hurt other people 類義語 idiot 
I can’t believe you embarrassed your girlfriend in front of everyone. You’re such a jerk!

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/26)

2025年01月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
That seal caught every fish the zookeeper threw.
32567.yell(どなる、大声を上げる)slow and unwilling OPP willing 
My sister started yelling at me, but I didn't know what she was mad about.
32568.furiously(怒り狂って、猛烈に) very angry
Residents in the area are furious at the decision. 
32569.count (重要である、価値がある)to be important or valuable 
You only live once. Every minute counts.
32570.be on the horizon (待ち受けている、兆しが見える )to seem likely to happen in the future 
With the new product launch, a new customer base is on the horizon. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/25)

2025年01月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32561.biased(偏った、偏見のある)unfairly preferring one person or group over another 
There’s so much biased information out there.
32562.criterion(ものごとを判断する基準)a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something 
There is only one smartphone that meets your criteria.
32563.attic(屋根裏部屋)a space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things
Can you help me move some old toys from Kaori's bedroom to the attic?
32564.homebody (家で過ごすのが好きな人) someone who enjoys being at home 
Tomoko is a homebody, but that doesn't  mean she's shy. 
32565.formative (形を作る、形成の )
The music you listen to in your formative years stays with you forever. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/24)

2025年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32556.I'm exhausted(くたくたです)extremely tired 類義語 worn out 
I'm exhausted.
32557.I can’t complain(まずまずです) to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy about something or someone → complaint 
I can 't complain.
32558.Same old same old(変わらずです)spoken used to say that a situation has not changed, when this is boring or annoying but you did not really expect it to change
Nothing interesting's going on - just same old same old.→ same 
32559.swamp (圧倒される、無力になる )to suddenly give someone a lot of work, problems etc to deal with 類義語 inundate 
Not bad. But I was swapped with work all day.
32560.inundate (氾濫(はんらん)させる、水浸しにする、(大水のように)押し寄せる、殺到する、(…を)(…で)満たす、充満する、あふれさせる ) to cover an area with a large amount of water 類義語 flood 
The tidal wave inundated vast areas of cropland