Karelia Suite-March カレリア行進曲
22781.Can I leave my bag here?(荷物を預かってもらえますか?)
I have to go to the bathroom. Can I leave my bag with you?
22782.Cost an arm and a leg(費用がかさむ / 高くつく)to be very expensive
The bullet trains in Japan cost an arm and leg. It's cheaper to fly.
22783.cost a fortune(財産[大金・莫大な金]がかかる )
I really want to but it costs a fortune.
22784.trick(こつ)an effective or quick way of doing something
What's the trick?
22785.font size="3" color="red" style="line-height:">get the hang of(〜のコツをつかむ)to learn how to do something, especially if it is not obvious or simple
I'm starting to get the hang of it.
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I have to go to the bathroom. Can I leave my bag with you?
22782.Cost an arm and a leg(費用がかさむ / 高くつく)to be very expensive
The bullet trains in Japan cost an arm and leg. It's cheaper to fly.
22783.cost a fortune(財産[大金・莫大な金]がかかる )
I really want to but it costs a fortune.
22784.trick(こつ)an effective or quick way of doing something
What's the trick?
22785.font size="3" color="red" style="line-height:">get the hang of(〜のコツをつかむ)to learn how to do something, especially if it is not obvious or simple
I'm starting to get the hang of it.
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22776.regret(後悔する)to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it
You told me you regretted not attending Mari's high school graduation.
22777.random order(順不同)
Our teacher calls upon us in random order.
22778.mail order(通信販売)a method of buying and selling in which the buyer chooses goods at home and orders them from a company which sends them by post
We will ship your order within a week of receiving your e-mail order.
22779.tropical(熱帯の) weather that is tropical is very hot and wet
It's a kind of sponge made from a tropical plant.
22780.go on(旅行などに出掛ける)a natural ability to attract and interest other people and make them admire you
My sister is going on a trekking tour in Hokkaido this September
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You told me you regretted not attending Mari's high school graduation.
22777.random order(順不同)
Our teacher calls upon us in random order.
22778.mail order(通信販売)a method of buying and selling in which the buyer chooses goods at home and orders them from a company which sends them by post
We will ship your order within a week of receiving your e-mail order.
22779.tropical(熱帯の) weather that is tropical is very hot and wet
It's a kind of sponge made from a tropical plant.
22780.go on(旅行などに出掛ける)a natural ability to attract and interest other people and make them admire you
My sister is going on a trekking tour in Hokkaido this September
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![]() | 雨上がりの川 |
クリエーター情報なし | |
幻冬舎 |
22771.window screen(網戸; 窓網戸)a reduction in the usual price of something
Then can you give me a window screen on the dress and this 2,000 yen shawl?
22772.countryside(地方、田舎)land that is outside cities and towns
i want to get a house in the countryside when I retire.
22773.suburb(郊外)an area where people live which is away from the centre of a town or city
Ready for a suburb with a Physical Therapist.
22774.fluffy(けばの、綿毛の、ふわふわした) very light and soft to touch
This dog is unbelievably fluffy.
22775.faucet(蛇口)the thing that you turn on and off to control the flow of water from a pipe
I turned on the faucet and washed my face.
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Then can you give me a window screen on the dress and this 2,000 yen shawl?
22772.countryside(地方、田舎)land that is outside cities and towns
i want to get a house in the countryside when I retire.
22773.suburb(郊外)an area where people live which is away from the centre of a town or city
Ready for a suburb with a Physical Therapist.
22774.fluffy(けばの、綿毛の、ふわふわした) very light and soft to touch
This dog is unbelievably fluffy.
22775.faucet(蛇口)the thing that you turn on and off to control the flow of water from a pipe
I turned on the faucet and washed my face.
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Wasurena-gusa wo Anata ni 忘れな草をあなたに Forget-me-nots to You goo.gl/jLxBNN
— 日本男道記 (@60norinori) 2018年12月28日 - 06:26
Wasurena-gusa wo Anata ni 忘れな草をあなたに Forget-me-nots to You
22766.flat(気の抜けた)a drink that is flat does not taste fresh because it has no more bubbles of gas in it
This beer is flat. Can you give me another one?
22767.turn over(引っくり返す)
Cook for a few minutes, then turn over.
22768.zip(ジッパーを閉める)to fasten something using a zip
Can you zip up the back of my dress.
22769.layer(重ね着する、層にする)to make a layer of something or put something down in layers
I am layering this dress over my T-shirt.
22770.intercom(内部通話(装置)、インターホン)a communication system by which people in different parts of a building, aircraft etc can speak to each other
When you arrive, call me on the intercom.
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This beer is flat. Can you give me another one?
22767.turn over(引っくり返す)
Cook for a few minutes, then turn over.
22768.zip(ジッパーを閉める)to fasten something using a zip
Can you zip up the back of my dress.
22769.layer(重ね着する、層にする)to make a layer of something or put something down in layers
I am layering this dress over my T-shirt.
22770.intercom(内部通話(装置)、インターホン)a communication system by which people in different parts of a building, aircraft etc can speak to each other
When you arrive, call me on the intercom.
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22761.Take a look at(ちょっとこれ見て)
My computer is broken. Can you take a look at it?
22762.check out(確認する)
When you get a minute, can you check out my phone? I think there's something wrong with it.
22763.think highly of(~を高く評価する / 〜を尊重する)
Absolutely. Many students think highly of him.
22764.ointment(軟膏)a soft cream that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical treatment
I rubbed some ointment on my leg.
22765.gargle(うがいをする)to clean the inside of your mouth and throat by blowing air through water or medicine in the back of your throat
I gargle with salty water every night
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My computer is broken. Can you take a look at it?
22762.check out(確認する)
When you get a minute, can you check out my phone? I think there's something wrong with it.
22763.think highly of(~を高く評価する / 〜を尊重する)
Absolutely. Many students think highly of him.
22764.ointment(軟膏)a soft cream that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical treatment
I rubbed some ointment on my leg.
22765.gargle(うがいをする)to clean the inside of your mouth and throat by blowing air through water or medicine in the back of your throat
I gargle with salty water every night
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22756.discount((…を)割引する、割引して聞く、(…を)無視する、(…の)価値・効果を減じる、割引して手放す、割引、減価、割引額)a reduction in the usual price of something
Then can you give me a discount on the dress and this 2,000 yen shawl?
22757.in the works.(計画中 / 進行中 / 準備中)
The new project is in the works.
22758.break up with(〜と別れる)
I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday.
I just got dumped by my girlfriend. She sent me a text saying we should end it.
22760.charismatic(カリスマの、カリスマ的な、(キリスト教の)カリスマ派の)a natural ability to attract and interest other people and make them admire you
Who would you like to be as charismatic as?
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Then can you give me a discount on the dress and this 2,000 yen shawl?
22757.in the works.(計画中 / 進行中 / 準備中)
The new project is in the works.
22758.break up with(〜と別れる)
I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday.
I just got dumped by my girlfriend. She sent me a text saying we should end it.
22760.charismatic(カリスマの、カリスマ的な、(キリスト教の)カリスマ派の)a natural ability to attract and interest other people and make them admire you
Who would you like to be as charismatic as?
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Zi Xia said, "If you learn widely, aspire after an ideal eagerly, ask a question seriously and consider the question yours, benevolence is in your heart."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
22751.cut corners(手を抜くこと、近道をすること、無駄を省くこと、時間や経費を節約する)to save time, money, or energy by doing things quickly and not as carefully as you should
I don't care how long it takes to finish. Just make sure you don't cut corners.
22752.work out(何とかなる、うまくいく、良い結果がでる)out to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it
You will figure out a way to work it out.
22753.on earth(一体全体)
What on earth made you quit such a good jog?
22754.hit it off(意気投合する)
They are hitting it off. I knew they would get along.
We just clicked as soon as we met.
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I don't care how long it takes to finish. Just make sure you don't cut corners.
22752.work out(何とかなる、うまくいく、良い結果がでる)out to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it
You will figure out a way to work it out.
22753.on earth(一体全体)
What on earth made you quit such a good jog?
22754.hit it off(意気投合する)
They are hitting it off. I knew they would get along.
We just clicked as soon as we met.
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22746.Best Wishes(くさんの幸せが訪れますように、今後もよろしくお願いします;今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。;今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします、お幸せに)used, especially in cards and letters, to say that you hope someone will be happy, successful, or healthy
It says, "Happy Holidays and Best Wishes!"
22747.make it(うまくやり遂げる、成功する、間に合う、都合をつける、(…と)セックスする)spoken to be able to go to an event, meeting etc that has been arranged
I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it on Sunday after all.
22748.invitation(招待、勧誘、招待状、魅力、誘惑、誘発、誘い、誘因)a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something
He turned down this invitation.
22749.cause(原因)to make something happen, especially something bad
What do you think the cause?
22750.startup(開始、起動、始動、立ち上げ、新興企業、新規事業、成金(産業))the action or process of starting or making something start
Who do you suggest can help us establish our startup?
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It says, "Happy Holidays and Best Wishes!"
22747.make it(うまくやり遂げる、成功する、間に合う、都合をつける、(…と)セックスする)spoken to be able to go to an event, meeting etc that has been arranged
I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it on Sunday after all.
22748.invitation(招待、勧誘、招待状、魅力、誘惑、誘発、誘い、誘因)a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something
He turned down this invitation.
22749.cause(原因)to make something happen, especially something bad
What do you think the cause?
22750.startup(開始、起動、始動、立ち上げ、新興企業、新規事業、成金(産業))the action or process of starting or making something start
Who do you suggest can help us establish our startup?
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