27991.sequence(連続、続発、(因果的)連鎖、(連続して起こる)結果、ひと続き、(起こる)順序、(同じ組の)続き札、順位札、シークエンス、(数)列 ) the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in
Be careful to perform the actions in the correct sequence.
27992.visual contact(視認、目視、視野に入ること)
We have visual contact with each other's planes
27993.open to(開かれている、開放されている、受けやすい ,
Be careful to perform the actions in the correct sequence.
27992.visual contact(視認、目視、視野に入ること)
We have visual contact with each other's planes
27993.open to(開かれている、開放されている、受けやすい ,
If only they were more open to new ideas.
If only they were more open to new ideas.
27994.of two minds(決めかねている)be of two minds (about something) American English to be unable to decide what to do, or what you think about something
I'm of two minds about going abroad to study.
27995.fancy(装飾的でおしゃれな、高級な)fancy hotels, restaurants, cars etc are expensive and fashionable 類義語 swanky
I’ve never eaten at a fancy restaurant.
27995.fancy(装飾的でおしゃれな、高級な)fancy hotels, restaurants, cars etc are expensive and fashionable 類義語 swanky
I’ve never eaten at a fancy restaurant.
27986.pitch an idea(アイデアを売り込む) That sounds like a great idea. Why don’t you pitch that idea to your boss?
27987.people skills(コミュニケーション能力)the ability to deal with people well
She’s smart, personable, and has good people skills.
27988.in the long run(長期的に見れば)later in the future, not immediately → long-term
She’s smart, personable, and has good people skills.
27988.in the long run(長期的に見れば)later in the future, not immediately → long-term
Paying for higher-quality products saves you money in the long run.
27989.not comfortable(不快に感じる)
I’m going to leave. I don’t feel comfortable being here.
27990.carry oneself(早口言葉)a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly
She seems like a personable person, and she carries herself well.
She seems like a personable person, and she carries herself well.
People in the U.S. Midwest and South are cleaning up after tornadoes ravaged their homes and their livelihoods.
Tens of thousands of households and businesses are still without power, water, and gas. At least 88 people were killed. More than 120 have not been accounted for.
Tens of thousands of households and businesses are still without power, water, and gas. At least 88 people were killed. More than 120 have not been accounted for.
Residents of six states saw the first tornadoes hit late Friday.
Kentucky was the hardest hit. More than 1,000 families saw their homes leveled. People across the state have taken in relatives and friends.
Red Cross officials have turned schools and community centers into shelters. They've brought in blankets, clothing, and other necessities donated from local stores.
President Joe Biden has promised federal funds to help those affected by the storms.
Kentucky was the hardest hit. More than 1,000 families saw their homes leveled. People across the state have taken in relatives and friends.
Red Cross officials have turned schools and community centers into shelters. They've brought in blankets, clothing, and other necessities donated from local stores.
President Joe Biden has promised federal funds to help those affected by the storms.
◆ravage 破壊する、大損害を与えるto damage something very badly
27981.be good at/with(~が得意です)
My sister is not good with crowds.
27982.rusty(さびた、さびついた、(使用しないため)鈍くなって) if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time
My grammar is really rusty.
27983.informative(勉強になる)providing many useful facts or ideas
My sister is not good with crowds.
27982.rusty(さびた、さびついた、(使用しないため)鈍くなって) if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time
My grammar is really rusty.
27983.informative(勉強になる)providing many useful facts or ideas
Thank you for the very informative tour!.
27984.evacuate(引きあげる、撤退させる、撤退する、立ち退く、(…へ)立ち退かせる、避難させる)to send people away from a dangerous place to a safe place
Several families were evacuated from their homes. .
27985.extraterrestrial(地球外)a creature that people think may exist on another planet
Maybe the reason scientists have yet to receive signals from extraterrestrial intelligence is because there isn't any extraterrestrial intelligence sending signals.
27985.extraterrestrial(地球外)a creature that people think may exist on another planet
Maybe the reason scientists have yet to receive signals from extraterrestrial intelligence is because there isn't any extraterrestrial intelligence sending signals.
27976.directly connected to the station(駅に直結している)
Is the hotel directly connected to the station?
27977.learn how to(~できるようになる)
When I was five years old, I learned how to ride a bicycle
27978.the trick to(コツ) spoken if something does the trick, it solves a problem or provides what is needed to get a good result
What's the trick to ice-skating?.
Is the hotel directly connected to the station?
27977.learn how to(~できるようになる)
When I was five years old, I learned how to ride a bicycle
27978.the trick to(コツ) spoken if something does the trick, it solves a problem or provides what is needed to get a good result
What's the trick to ice-skating?.
27979.get better(上達する)to improve
I don't mind training hard, because you get better and better all the time.
27980.shoe horn(靴ベラ)a curved piece of metal or plastic that you put inside the back of a shoe when you put it on, to help your heel go in easily
Can I use that shoe horn?
27980.shoe horn(靴ベラ)a curved piece of metal or plastic that you put inside the back of a shoe when you put it on, to help your heel go in easily
Can I use that shoe horn?
27971.Stop bugging me(邪魔しないで) enjoying life and not worrying about things 類義語 easy-going
Stop bugging me. I'm trying to work.
27972.dip(つける、濡らす) to put something into a liquid and lift it out again
You dip them in the this spicy sauce.
27973.in your shoes(あなたの立場なら)
In your shoes, I would call her andapologize..
Stop bugging me. I'm trying to work.
27972.dip(つける、濡らす) to put something into a liquid and lift it out again
You dip them in the this spicy sauce.
27973.in your shoes(あなたの立場なら)
In your shoes, I would call her andapologize..
27974.be designed to/for(〜するように作られている / 〜を目的としている)
This app is designed to help improve vocabulary.
27975.get rid of(捨てる)
I finally got rid of that terrible smell.
27975.get rid of(捨てる)
I finally got rid of that terrible smell.
27966.story((建物の高さを示す)階) American English a floor or level of a building 類義語 storey British English
"One World Trade Center" is the tallest building in New York. It's 104 stories.
27967.floor((建物の特定の)階)one of the levels in a building
Excuse me, I'm looking for electronic products. What floor are they on?
27968.go through the roof(非常に高くなる / 限度を超えて上昇する) (also hit the roof) to suddenly become very angry/if a price, cost etc goes through the roof, it increases to a very high level
The prices are going through the roof right now. I'm just going to sit tight for a while.
"One World Trade Center" is the tallest building in New York. It's 104 stories.
27967.floor((建物の特定の)階)one of the levels in a building
Excuse me, I'm looking for electronic products. What floor are they on?
27968.go through the roof(非常に高くなる / 限度を超えて上昇する) (also hit the roof) to suddenly become very angry/if a price, cost etc goes through the roof, it increases to a very high level
The prices are going through the roof right now. I'm just going to sit tight for a while.
27969.see eye to eye(意見・気持ちが一致する)if two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
I don't always agree with him but we see eye to eye on important things.
27970.Come to an agreement / Reach an agreement(合意に至る)
We need to come to an agreement by tomorrow.
27970.Come to an agreement / Reach an agreement(合意に至る)
We need to come to an agreement by tomorrow.
残り7作品「うしろ姿」「 ちきしょう!」「人殺し」 「朝焼け」「 運の尽き」「 捨てた女」「 泣かない女」
【著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より】
27961.and things like that(〜など) enjoying life and not worrying about things 類義語 easy-going
We visited temples, castles and things like that. We did all the touristy stuff.
27962.touristy(観光客の)a place that is touristy is full of tourists and the things that attract tourists – used to show disapproval
Of course we did all the touristy things while we were in Washington
27963.other(別の・他の) used to refer to the second of two people or things, which is not the one you already have or the one you have already mentioned
We have other colors if you want.
We visited temples, castles and things like that. We did all the touristy stuff.
27962.touristy(観光客の)a place that is touristy is full of tourists and the things that attract tourists – used to show disapproval
Of course we did all the touristy things while we were in Washington
27963.other(別の・他の) used to refer to the second of two people or things, which is not the one you already have or the one you have already mentioned
We have other colors if you want.
27964.the other(残りの1つ・残りの全て)
That jacket is too big for you. I think the other one looks better.
27965.another(もう1つの・もう1人の)one more person or thing of the same type
This cookie is delicious. Can I eat another one?
27965.another(もう1つの・もう1人の)one more person or thing of the same type
This cookie is delicious. Can I eat another one?
27956.blur(かすんで見えるもの、(思い出など)ぼんやりしているもの) a shape that you cannot see clearly/something that you cannot remember clearly
The years are blurring together.
27957.soak wet(ぐしょ濡れの、ぐっしょり濡れている)very wet
If you had taken an umbrella, you might not be soaking wet now.
27958.observation deck(展望台) something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard
The years are blurring together.
27957.soak wet(ぐしょ濡れの、ぐっしょり濡れている)very wet
If you had taken an umbrella, you might not be soaking wet now.
27958.observation deck(展望台) something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard
We have to take the stairs to get to the observation deck.
27959.for starters(手始めに)spoken informal used to emphasize the first of a series of facts, opinions, questions etc
What should I do for starters? .
27960.Good point.(確かに)used to say that someone has just said or suggested something interesting or important that you had not thought of before
‘But it’s Sunday, the bank will be closed.’ ‘Good point.’
27960.Good point.(確かに)used to say that someone has just said or suggested something interesting or important that you had not thought of before
‘But it’s Sunday, the bank will be closed.’ ‘Good point.’