Paul Anka - Diana
I'm something od a compulsive tidier.
16912.straighten things up(姿勢を正す)
I love to straighten things up and toss things out.
16913.get one's start(その・今の仕事・キャリアを始める)
How did you get your start?
16914.on assignment for(~の仕事で、任務で)
I'm on assignment for a travel magazine.
It has its perks, but it's also hard work.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I'm something od a compulsive tidier.
16912.straighten things up(姿勢を正す)
I love to straighten things up and toss things out.
16913.get one's start(その・今の仕事・キャリアを始める)
How did you get your start?
16914.on assignment for(~の仕事で、任務で)
I'm on assignment for a travel magazine.
It has its perks, but it's also hard work.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That's a good workout for an office drone like me. and spry(元気いっぱいで)
He is very fit and spry for his age.
16908.putter about the garden(庭いじりする)
He goes for a walk around the neighborhood just every day and
putters about the garden.
16909.every so often(時折、時々)
I do try to take short breaks every so often.
16910.viable option(現実的な選択肢)
My work rarely involves people in other departments, so that's not really viable option for me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That's a good workout for an office drone like me. and spry(元気いっぱいで)
He is very fit and spry for his age.
16908.putter about the garden(庭いじりする)
He goes for a walk around the neighborhood just every day and
putters about the garden.
16909.every so often(時折、時々)
I do try to take short breaks every so often.
16910.viable option(現実的な選択肢)
My work rarely involves people in other departments, so that's not really viable option for me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

![]() | 婚活1000本ノック |
クリエーター情報なし | |
新潮社 |
何がなんでも彼氏が欲しい、結婚したい――そんな貴女に捧ぐ、ガチンコ婚活小説! 南綾子、32歳。
自分をヤリ逃げしたサイテー男の幽霊を成仏させるため、本気で婚活することに。講師だけがイケメンのお料理合コン、場末感漂うオーバー30お見合いパーティー、そして、最終手段の婚活サイト……幸せになりたい崖っぷち女の魂の叫びが炸裂! 爆笑&号泣の剛速球ラブコメ。
◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆
16901for an extended period(長期間)
Sitting for an extended period can have a negative effect on your mood and activity. expectancy(平均余命)
It would add two years to the average life expectancy. to impossible(不可能に近い)
Most of us find it next to impossible to get enough exercise to burn off those extra calories.
16904.go for a quick run(ちょっと走りに行く)
I make a point of going for a quick run in the morning.
16905.get the old juice flowing(活力を巡らせる)
That helps get the old juice flowing and make me feel ready to take on anything the day throw at me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Sitting for an extended period can have a negative effect on your mood and activity. expectancy(平均余命)
It would add two years to the average life expectancy. to impossible(不可能に近い)
Most of us find it next to impossible to get enough exercise to burn off those extra calories.
16904.go for a quick run(ちょっと走りに行く)
I make a point of going for a quick run in the morning.
16905.get the old juice flowing(活力を巡らせる)
That helps get the old juice flowing and make me feel ready to take on anything the day throw at me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

16896there's no getting around(避けて通れない)
There's no getting around the fact we eat too much.
That's the main cause of the obesity epidemic.
16898.sit around(のらりくらりしている)
One way to get started on a healthier lifestyle and get rid of those surplus calories is to not sit around.
16899.for a long stretch(長い間)
People who sit for a long stretch.
16900.mortality rate(死亡率)
Do get regular exercise have haigher mortality rate.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

There's no getting around the fact we eat too much.
That's the main cause of the obesity epidemic.
16898.sit around(のらりくらりしている)
One way to get started on a healthier lifestyle and get rid of those surplus calories is to not sit around.
16899.for a long stretch(長い間)
People who sit for a long stretch.
16900.mortality rate(死亡率)
Do get regular exercise have haigher mortality rate.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Officials from the United States and Cuba have reached another historic milestone. They've officially restored diplomatic relations for the first time in over 50 years.
On Monday, the Cuban Interests Section in Washington became the Cuban Embassy. People broke into song as the flag went up over the building. On the same day, the U.S. Interests Section in Havana became the American Embassy.
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez met his U.S. counterpart John Kerry at the State Department. The two held a news conference.
(John Kerry / U.S. Secretary of State)
"... the Cold War ended long ago, and that the interests of both countries are better served by engagement than by estrangement, and that we have begun a process of full normalization that is sure to take time but will also benefit the people in both Cuba and the United States."
(Bruno Rodriguez / Cuban Foreign Minister)
"We both ratified our interest in normalizing bilateral relations, knowing that this will be a long and complex process which will require the willingness of both countries."
◆counterpart ~に相当する人(物)、~と同等の人(物)
◆news conference 記者会見
◆engagement 関与、関わり合い
◆estrangement 離反、仲たがい
◆willingness 意欲
16891hats off to(~に脱帽で、~に敬意を表して)
Hats off to your medical practioner.
It may sounds a bit daunting. parked in front of(釘付けになっている)
People like us who are parked in front of computer.
I was forced to talk unappealing hostess.
many office workers who use computers suffer from an ailment.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Hats off to your medical practioner.
It may sounds a bit daunting. parked in front of(釘付けになっている)
People like us who are parked in front of computer.
I was forced to talk unappealing hostess.
many office workers who use computers suffer from an ailment.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

16886sit up straight(背筋を伸ばして坐る)
Didn't your mother tell you sit up straight when you were a kid.
16887.maintain good posture(正しい姿勢を保つ)
It's important to maintain good posture.
They include reducing pain in your back and joint.
He give me tips about how to improve it and maintain a good healthy posture.
My doctor always asks me about my posture when go in for a checkup.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Didn't your mother tell you sit up straight when you were a kid.
16887.maintain good posture(正しい姿勢を保つ)
It's important to maintain good posture.
They include reducing pain in your back and joint.
He give me tips about how to improve it and maintain a good healthy posture.
My doctor always asks me about my posture when go in for a checkup.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Zi Gong asked about friendship. Confucius replied, "You should guide your friend to the good direction with advice. If your friend rejects your advice, you should not compel him. Otherwise, you would humiliate yourself."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
16881take exception to(~に腹を立てる)
Their parents may take exception to that.
16882.lay down the law(命令的に言い渡す)
The tour guides really laid down the law.
Too many visitors can disrupt delicate habitats.
16884.under the weather(体調、具合が良くない)
You look a little under the weather today.
They have a policy of zero litterbug.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Their parents may take exception to that.
16882.lay down the law(命令的に言い渡す)
The tour guides really laid down the law.
Too many visitors can disrupt delicate habitats.
16884.under the weather(体調、具合が良くない)
You look a little under the weather today.
They have a policy of zero litterbug.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News