三橋美智也 北海盆唄
32376.smooth out (障害や壁を取り除く)to make something such as paper or cloth flat by moving your hands across it
Then, with a visible change of heart, she carefully smoothed it out again.
32377.crucial (決定的な、(きわめて)重大な、重要な、決定的で、(きわめて)重要で )something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it 類義語 vital
Then, with a visible change of heart, she carefully smoothed it out again.
32377.crucial (決定的な、(きわめて)重大な、重要な、決定的で、(きわめて)重要で )something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it 類義語 vital
Those three days were crucial.
32378.fear(恐れる)the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad is going to happen
I fear that shareholder might inquire about the losses.
32379.push back (遅らせる )
We'll push back the dinner start time by an hour.
32380.casualy(何気なく、不用意に、ふと、臨時に、ふだん着で、カジュアルに )
We'll push back the dinner start time by an hour.
32380.casualy(何気なく、不用意に、ふと、臨時に、ふだん着で、カジュアルに )
I know places where you can casually experience tea ceremony.
32371.salvage (救済する)to save something from an accident or bad situation in which other things have already been damaged, destroyed, or lost
Do you think there's a way to salvage the semiconductor department.
32372.bleak (寒い、吹きさらしの、寒々とした、荒れた、寂しい、厳しい、わびしい、もの悲しい、暗い )cold and without any pleasant or comfortable features
Do you think there's a way to salvage the semiconductor department.
32372.bleak (寒い、吹きさらしの、寒々とした、荒れた、寂しい、厳しい、わびしい、もの悲しい、暗い )cold and without any pleasant or comfortable features
The outlook may be bleak.
32373.noticeable(人目を引く、顕著な、目立つ、注目に値する、重要な )easy to notice
The losses would be less noticeable.
32374.grim (いかめしい、厳格な、怖い、恐ろしい、冷酷な、残忍な、ぞっとするような、不愉快な、いやな、厳然たる )making you feel worried or unhappy 類義語 harsh
The future may appear grim.
The future may appear grim.
32375.autonomy (自治(権)、自主性、自治団体 )the ability or opportunity to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else 類義語 independence
Losing autonomy is still much better than not being rescued at all.
Cloud computing providers in Japan are responding to customer demands for better security by offering what's known as data sovereignty services.
Data sovereignty refers to safeguarding information by keeping it within a country's borders and subject to local laws and regulations. The European Union and a number of other countries are adopting such procedures to improve data security.
Fujitsu has teamed up with U.S. IT giant Oracle to start a cloud computing service in fiscal 2025 that will keep data transfer and storage within Japan. Officials say the agreement ensures use of Fujitsu's local data centers, and no information will move offshore.
In a related development, NEC and NTT offer a service to Japanese companies using generative AI. It processes data through in-house servers without using data centers.
◆offshore 沖合で、海外に
32366.last stop (終点)
Just take this train to the last stop.
32367.landslide (土砂崩れ)a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down a hill, cliff etc
Just take this train to the last stop.
32367.landslide (土砂崩れ)a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down a hill, cliff etc
There was a landslide, so the rains aren't running now.
32368.track number four(4番線)
The commuter express train leaves from track number two.
32369.in a row (連続して)happening a number of times, one after the other 類義語 consecutively
The company guideline state that if an operation loses money three year in a row, it will not be pursued further.
32370.pull out (撤退する )
The company guideline state that if an operation loses money three year in a row, it will not be pursued further.
32370.pull out (撤退する )
If we pull out, the authorities' may not be so cooperative in the future.
夫、人の友とあるものは、富めるをたふとみ、懇ろなるを先とす。必ずしも情あるとすなほなるとをば不愛。只絲竹、花月を友とせむにはしかじ。人の奴たるものは、賞罰のはなはだしく、恩顧厚きを先とす。更にはぐくみあはれむと、やすくしずかなるをば願はず、只わが身を奴婢とするにはしかず。いかが奴婢とするならば、若しなすべきことあれば、すなはちおのづから身をつかふ。たゆからずしもあらねど、人を従へ、人をかへりみるよりはやすし。若し歩くべき事あれば、みづから歩む。苦しといへども、馬鞍、牛車と心を悩ますにはしかず。 今一身をわかちて。二つの用をなす。手の奴、足の乗物、よくわが心にかなへり。心身のくるしみを知れゝば、苦しむ時は休めつ、まめなれば使ふ。使ふとてもたびたび過ぐさず。物うしとても、心を動かす事なし。いかにいはむや、常に歩き、常に働くは、養生なるべし。なんぞいたづらに休み居らむ。人を惱ます、罪業なり。いかゞ他の力をかるべき。 衣食のたぐひ、又同じ。藤の衣、麻の衾、得るに隨ひて肌を隠し、野邊のおはぎ、嶺の木の實、わづかに命をつぐばかりなり。人にまじらはざれば、姿を耻づる悔もなし。糧乏しければ、おろそかなる報をあまくす。総てかやうの樂しみ、富める人に對していふにはあらず、たゞわが身一つにとりて、昔今とをなぞらふるばかりなり。 |
32361.What's the damage? (お会計はいくら? )a measure of how hot or cold a place or thing is
What's the damage? Let's see...It's not that bad. It's only 50 bucks.
32362.excuse (言い訳、弁解、免除 )to forgive someone for doing something that is not seriously wrong, such as being rude or careless
What's the damage? Let's see...It's not that bad. It's only 50 bucks.
32362.excuse (言い訳、弁解、免除 )to forgive someone for doing something that is not seriously wrong, such as being rude or careless
Stop making excuse. Just do your homework on time.
32363.You might want to (~した方がいいかも )
You might want to dress up. It's a formal event.
32364.iffy (微妙、怪しい )not very good/ not certain to happen 類義語 doubtful
The weather is looking iffy. We might have to cancel the BBQ party.
32365.roll over (寝返りを打つ )to turn your body over once so that you are lying in a different position, or to turn someone’s body over
The weather is looking iffy. We might have to cancel the BBQ party.
32365.roll over (寝返りを打つ )to turn your body over once so that you are lying in a different position, or to turn someone’s body over
He rolled over from his belly to back
Victor Young 映画「80日間世界一周」 Around the world
32356.revolve (回転する)to move around like a wheel, or to make something move around like a wheel → revolution, turn
How long does it take for Jupiter to revolve around sun?
32357.sequence (連続、続発、(因果的)連鎖、(連続して起こる)結果、ひと続き、(起こる)順序、(同じ組の)続き札、順位札、シークエンス、(数)列 )the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in
How long does it take for Jupiter to revolve around sun?
32357.sequence (連続、続発、(因果的)連鎖、(連続して起こる)結果、ひと続き、(起こる)順序、(同じ組の)続き札、順位札、シークエンス、(数)列 )the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in
You have to follow the instructions and do the steps in the correct sequence.
32358.chlonological(年代順)arranged according to when things happened or were made
Arrange the following events in chronological order..
32359.text (携帯でtext message を送る. )to send someone a written message on a mobile phone
I'll text you the address of the restaurant where we are.
32360.low (なくなりそうな、不十分な)small, or smaller than usual, in amount, level, or value OPP high
I'll text you the address of the restaurant where we are.
32360.low (なくなりそうな、不十分な)small, or smaller than usual, in amount, level, or value OPP high
I can't download any videos because my phone is low on free space.
32351.procurement cost(調達コスト)the act of ordering and buying the equipment, supplies, services etc needed by a company or other organization
As the recent increase in procurement costs has impacted our profits.
32352.kind of (どことなく、少し、ちょっと)slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 類義語 sort of
As the recent increase in procurement costs has impacted our profits.
32352.kind of (どことなく、少し、ちょっと)slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 類義語 sort of
It kind of looks like a mouse with along tail,right.
32353.bad news(厄介者、危険人物)someone or something that always causes trouble
I’d avoid her if I were you. She’s bad news.
32354.throw out (処分する、廃棄する )to get rid of something that you do not want or need
It is so hard for some people to throw things out.
32355.sunlight (太陽の光、日光)natural light that comes from the sun
It is so hard for some people to throw things out.
32355.sunlight (太陽の光、日光)natural light that comes from the sun
You need to store these skincare products out of direct sunlight..
児童文学作家、ひこ・田中氏がイッキ読み! 「『貧乏なのはそいつの責任』なんて蹴っ飛ばし、権利を守るため、地道に情報を集める二人。うん。痛快だ。」
児童文学作家、ひこ・田中氏がイッキ読み! 「『貧乏なのはそいつの責任』なんて蹴っ飛ばし、権利を守るため、地道に情報を集める二人。うん。痛快だ。」
安田 夏菜
兵庫県西宮市生まれ。大阪教育大学卒業。第54回講談社児童文学新人賞に佳作入選した『あしたも、さんかく 毎日が落語日和』でデビュー。第5回上方落語台本募集で入賞した創作落語が、天満天神繁昌亭にて口演される。
ほかの著書に、『ケロニャンヌ』『レイさんといた夏』『おしごとのおはなし お笑い芸人 なんでやねーん!』(以上、講談社)、『あの日とおなじ空』(文研出版)がある。日本児童文学者協会会員。「季節風」「こてまり」同人。
兵庫県西宮市生まれ。大阪教育大学卒業。第54回講談社児童文学新人賞に佳作入選した『あしたも、さんかく 毎日が落語日和』でデビュー。第5回上方落語台本募集で入賞した創作落語が、天満天神繁昌亭にて口演される。
ほかの著書に、『ケロニャンヌ』『レイさんといた夏』『おしごとのおはなし お笑い芸人 なんでやねーん!』(以上、講談社)、『あの日とおなじ空』(文研出版)がある。日本児童文学者協会会員。「季節風」「こてまり」同人。
32346.omit(省略する)to not include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget to do it 類義語 leave out
Is there any reason you've omitted the details surrounding current assets on the balance sheet.
32347.add up (数字が合う)to calculate the total of several numbers
Is there any reason you've omitted the details surrounding current assets on the balance sheet.
32347.add up (数字が合う)to calculate the total of several numbers
The budget and actual expenses doesn't add up.
32348.gravity(重大さ、容易ならぬこと、(罪・病気などの)容易ならぬこと、重さ、まじめさ、真剣さ、厳粛、沈着、地球引力、重力 )the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation
I recognize the gravity of the situation.
32349.miscalculation (計算違い)a mistake made in deciding how long something will take to do, how much money you will need etc
I’m hopeful it might just be a miscalculation.
32350.ekeep ~updated (~に適宜知らせる)
I’m hopeful it might just be a miscalculation.
32350.ekeep ~updated (~に適宜知らせる)
That's very kind ,Kaoru. I'll keep you updated on the developments.
32341.rail pass (一定金額を支払うと乗り放題になるもの )
You have a rail pass.
32342.active at night (夜行性)
You have a rail pass.
32342.active at night (夜行性)
We don’t see kiwis very often because they are shy and active at night.
32343.sleep over(外泊する、ひと晩泊まる)to sleep at someone’s house for a night – used especially by children
My daughter Maria had a sleep over. So I was pretty busy with cooking.
32344.submission deadline (提出期限 )
I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday.
32345.apprehensive (不安な)worried or nervous about something that you are going to do, or about the future
I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday.
32345.apprehensive (不安な)worried or nervous about something that you are going to do, or about the future
You sound a bit apprehensive. If there any issues, let'e me know.