真珠の首飾 グレン・ミラー
26331.help someone see(相手に気づかせる)
As a teacher, it's my responsibility to help the students see that speaking English is fun.
26332.any chance(〜できますか?)
Any chance you have a room with an ocean view?
26333.clueless(無知な)having no understanding or knowledge of something
I’m clueless about celebrity gossip. I don’t follow that stuff at all.
26334.have a sweet tooth(甘党) to like eating things that are sugary or taste sweet
My sister has always had a sweet tooth since she was a kid.
26335.soft spot(弱点) a sentimental fondness (esp in the phrase have a soft spot for)
You know I have a soft spot for cheese cakes. Of course, I'll take one.
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26326.In my eyes(私にしてみれば / 私としては / 私からすると)to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned
In my eyes, I have the cutest cat.
26327.play it by ear(臨機応変にやる / その場の状況に合わせてやる)hto act as he situation demands, without a preconceived plan; improvise
I'm not sure yet. I'm just going to play it by ear.
26328.go the extra mile(期待以上の働きをする / 一層の努力をする)
He always goes the extra mile for us. .
26329.down the road(将来いつか / 今後 / そのうち) in the future
I want to start my own business but that's several years down the road.
26330.look into(詳しく調べる) extremely tired
Did you get a chance to look into that issue?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
誰も知らない「集団就職」の真実 働くことの意味とは?
評者:稲泉 連
(週刊文春 2017.07.06号 掲載)
【澤宮 優 (さわみや・ゆう)】
26321.partly(時々、部分的) to some extent, but not completely.
The news said it's going to be partly cloudy today.
26322.genre(映画や音楽、小説などの作品の分野を表す)kind, category, or sort, esp of literary or artistic work
Mystery and crime-related stories are my favorite type of book genres .
I typically study English on my commute to work.
26324.on the edge of one’s seat(ハラハラドキドキ) If you say that someone is on the edge of their seat or chair, you mean that they are very interested in what is happening or what is going to happen.
That movie kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.
I think it's pretty lame. The original logo looks way better.
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せ ☆戦友星 昭和15年7月 テイチク T3025B 歌・美ち奴 詞・島田磬也 曲・八洲秀章
26316.Let me put it this way(つまりこういうことです。言い方を変えてみましょう)
Let me put it this way: an engaged employee is probably satisfied―but not all satisfied employees are engaged.
26317.dead end ((通路などの)行き止まり、袋小路、行き詰まり、窮境 )a situation in which further progress is impossible
The question that managers have to ask is whether workers believe working for the company offers them opportunities to advance their careers―or whether they see it as a professional dead end.
26318.put together(組み立てる)If you put something together, you join its different parts to each other so that it can be used.
My mum and I put puzzle together.
26319.soar(高く舞い上がる、急上昇) If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air. /If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.
I watched abeautiful bird soar into the air
26320.peck If a bird pecks at something or pecks something, it moves its beak forward quickly and bites at it.
A pigeon was pecking at something on the ground.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
26311.wait till(~を楽しみに、~したら驚くよ)spoken used when you are excited about telling or showing someone something
Wait till you taste my miso soup!
26312.foul If someone has a foul temper or is in a foul mood, they become angry or violent very suddenly and easily.
If I were you, I wouldn't go see the boss right now. She is in a foul mood.
26313.You might want to(~したほうがいい)
You might want to check weather report before you set off.
26314.no matter what it takes(何が何でも)
I'm going to make my dream come true, no matter what it takes.
26315.pick someone's brain(s)(ある分野に詳しい人に助言を求めること ) to obtain information or ideas from someone
I'd like to pick your brains for a few minutes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

We start this hour in the U.S., where Joe Biden is vowing to unify the country after declaring victory over Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election.
(Joe Biden / Projected U.S. President-elect)
"I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify, who doesn't see red states and blue states – only sees the United States."
His running mate Kamala Harris is set to become the country's first female vice president.
She will also be the first African American and the first Asian American to assume the post.
(Kamala Harris / Projected U.S. Vice President-elect)
"For four years, you marched and organized for equality and justice, for our lives and for our planet, and then, you voted."
"And you delivered a clear message. You chose hope and unity, decency, science, and yes, truth."
(Joe Biden / Projected U.S. President-elect)
"I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify, who doesn't see red states and blue states – only sees the United States."
His running mate Kamala Harris is set to become the country's first female vice president.
She will also be the first African American and the first Asian American to assume the post.
(Kamala Harris / Projected U.S. Vice President-elect)
"For four years, you marched and organized for equality and justice, for our lives and for our planet, and then, you voted."
"And you delivered a clear message. You chose hope and unity, decency, science, and yes, truth."
◆unify 結束させる to make or become one; unite
◆assume 就任する、就く to take upon oneself; undertake or take on or over (a position, responsibility, etc)
to assume office
to assume office
◆deliver (考えなどを)伝える、発する
◆decency 良識 conformity to the prevailing standards of propriety, morality, modesty, etc
26306.big day(大事な日)to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned
It's my sister's big day tomorrow. She's turning 21 years old!
26307.have a big day(大変な一日)
It sounds like you had a big day. Do you want to go grab a beer?
26308.freak out to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid
I'm so relieved that I found my passport. I was freaking out.
26309.aromatic(芳香の、かんばしい) having a strong pleasant smell SYN fragrant
to experience physical or mental pain
The spices are so aromatic.
26310.shut up(黙る) If someone shuts up or if someone shuts them up, they stop talking. You can say 'shut up' as an impolite way to tell a person to stop talking.
Would you mind shutting up for a second?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

暇で放心している事に耐えられない人は、何を考えているのだろうか? 誰にも邪魔されないで、一人で変な事をしているのが一番いいのだ。
26301.renowned(有名で活躍する)known and admired by a lot of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or quality SYN famous
She is a renowned around the world as the top medical researcher.
26302.I’m hoping for your success (活躍を期待しています)
I’m positive you will continue to be successful.
26303.have a big impact on((大きな影響を及ぼす)活躍 )
Masahiro Tanaka had a big impact on the game. .
26304.Have you had a chance to(〜していただけましたでしょうか?)
Have you had a chance to review the report that I sent to you last week?
26305.I'm between jobs(失業中)
I'm between jobs right now. I actually have a job interview tomorrow.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
グレン・ミラー物語 (1954) イン・ザ・ムード In The Mood
26296.wall to wall coverage(総力報道、全面報道、総力取材)
I’m not a big fan of his, but there 's been wall-to-wall coverage all week.
26297.snap A snap decision or action is one that is taken suddenly, often without careful thought.
Don't make a snap decision. Take your time to weigh all the option.
26298.in/of two minds(決めかねている)If you are in two minds, you are uncertain about what to do, especially when you have to choose between two courses of action. The expression of two minds is also used, especially in American English.
I'm in two minds whether to quit my part-timer job.
26299.play a role((役割を果たす)活躍) If something or someone plays a part or plays a role in a situation, they are involved in it and have an effect on it.
She is playing a significant role in the entertainment industry.
26300.works in/for((活動をする)活躍) extremely tired
My friend is a singer who works in Japan.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News