ロス・インディオス&シルヴィア 別れても好きな人 / LOS INDIOS&Silvia Wakaretemo Sukina Hito
22926.mostly(ほとんどは)used to talk about most members of a group, most occasions, most parts of something etc
I mostly study English in the train during my commute.
22927.obsessed with(〜にはまっている)
Is there anything you are obsessed with these days?
22928.over and over(何度も)in addition to something
He kept repeating the same thing over and over again.
22929.all over the place(至る所に)everywhere
Why do you always leave your things all over the place?
22930.bring back memories(思い出が蘇る)
That story brings back a lot of good memories from our college days.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I mostly study English in the train during my commute.
22927.obsessed with(〜にはまっている)
Is there anything you are obsessed with these days?
22928.over and over(何度も)in addition to something
He kept repeating the same thing over and over again.
22929.all over the place(至る所に)everywhere
Why do you always leave your things all over the place?
22930.bring back memories(思い出が蘇る)
That story brings back a lot of good memories from our college days.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

A Buddhist monk in Japan is refusing to pay a fine he was given for driving in a religious robe. The priest in his 40s was stopped by police while he was driving a car to attend a memorial service.
The incident happened in September in Fukui City on the Sea of Japan coast. The monk was fined for driving while wearing traditional religious attire. Police said the robe could impair safe driving.
The police add wearing monk's robes while driving does not necessarily constitute a violation, but the robe in question had 30-centimeter-wide sleeves that could get caught on a lever or other controls. They also note the kimono he was wearing underneath the robe was too tight to allow him to press the brake pedal when necessary. The police say the combination of tight and loose clothing could impair safe driving.
The monk has refused to pay the traffic ticket worth about 55 dollars. Nishi Honganji Temple in Kyoto is the head temple of the monk's denomination. It says it's important to abide by the law, but issuing a traffic ticket because of the robe is not acceptable.
◆robe(聖職者の)衣服、衣装a long loose piece of clothing, especially one worn for official ceremonies
◆memorial service告別式、法要
◆impair損なう、害するto damage something or make it not as good as it should be
◆abide by~に従う、~を守るto accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it
22921.romantic experience(ロマンチックな経験)others
That was definitely one of the most romantic experiencee of my life.
22922.specially(特別に)spoken much more than usual, or much more than other people or things
Lisa is specially trained to teach autistic children.
22923.What if (もし〜だったらどうするの?)
But what if you succeed? Trust yourself. You can do it.
22924.What (would you do) if(もし〜だったらどうする?)
What if you could live anywhere in the world? Where would you live?
22925.So what if(〜だから何だって言うの?)
So what if I don't want to go to college. It's my choice. Leave me alone.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That was definitely one of the most romantic experiencee of my life.
22922.specially(特別に)spoken much more than usual, or much more than other people or things
Lisa is specially trained to teach autistic children.
22923.What if (もし〜だったらどうするの?)
But what if you succeed? Trust yourself. You can do it.
22924.What (would you do) if(もし〜だったらどうする?)
What if you could live anywhere in the world? Where would you live?
22925.So what if(〜だから何だって言うの?)
So what if I don't want to go to college. It's my choice. Leave me alone.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Zi Xia said, "You must not violate great virtues. You can step across daily manners."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
22911.turn out to be(結局~だということ)
The first boy friend I had turn out to be a real jerk!
22912.ring a bell(~に聞き覚えがある)informal if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is
Her face ring a bell!
22913.It's been a while(お久し振り)
It's been a while.
22914.It's been ~ years(何年振り)
It's been about ten years.
22915.curiosity(好奇心)the desire to know about something
The simple emotion that we discover in the human mind is curiosity.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The first boy friend I had turn out to be a real jerk!
22912.ring a bell(~に聞き覚えがある)informal if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is
Her face ring a bell!
22913.It's been a while(お久し振り)
It's been a while.
22914.It's been ~ years(何年振り)
It's been about ten years.
22915.curiosity(好奇心)the desire to know about something
The simple emotion that we discover in the human mind is curiosity.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

22906.treasure(〈…を〉大事にする,秘蔵する; (将来のために)取っておく,蓄える.)to keep and care for something that is very special, important, or valuable to you
She treasures everything her mother has given her.
22907.once-in a-lifetime(一生に一度の)
It's a once-in a-lifetime present.
22908.superb(素晴らしい)extremely good
In the center of the crown is a superb diamond
22909.old familiar faces(懐かしい面々)able to do something well or skilfully
I see old familiar face tonight.
22910.font size="3" color="red" style="line-height:">old(昔の)
John is my old English teacher.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

She treasures everything her mother has given her.
22907.once-in a-lifetime(一生に一度の)
It's a once-in a-lifetime present.
22908.superb(素晴らしい)extremely good
In the center of the crown is a superb diamond
22909.old familiar faces(懐かしい面々)able to do something well or skilfully
I see old familiar face tonight.
22910.font size="3" color="red" style="line-height:">old(昔の)
John is my old English teacher.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

![]() | 元気で長生きな人に共通する生活習慣29 - 決め手は「きょういく」と「きょうよう」です - (ワニブックスPLUS新書) |
クリエーター情報なし | |
ワニブックス |
ロングセラー『ピンピンコロリの法則』(小社刊)著者による最新刊! どんな生活をしている人が長生きか、どこに住みどんなものを食べていると病気になりにくいかについて、著者が長年にわたり調査・研究した結果から、特に重要な29のポイントを紹介。
◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆
22901.When it comes to(〜のことになると・〜に関して言うと)
When it comes to money, he is very stingy.
22902.picky(えり好みする、気難しい)someone who is picky only likes particular things and not others, and so is not easy to please
She is picky when it comes to wine.
22903.Kill two birds with one stone(一石二鳥)to achieve two things with one action
I like to listen to a podcasts when I go running. That way, I’m killing two birds with one stone, I’m learning English while I exercise.
22904.bite the hand that feeds you(恩を仇で返す)to harm someone who has helped or supported you
You shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you.
22905.Seeing is believing(百聞は一見にしかず)used to say that you will only believe that something happens or exists when you actually see it
While I don’t doubt that you cleaned your room, seeing is believing!
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

When it comes to money, he is very stingy.
22902.picky(えり好みする、気難しい)someone who is picky only likes particular things and not others, and so is not easy to please
She is picky when it comes to wine.
22903.Kill two birds with one stone(一石二鳥)to achieve two things with one action
I like to listen to a podcasts when I go running. That way, I’m killing two birds with one stone, I’m learning English while I exercise.
22904.bite the hand that feeds you(恩を仇で返す)to harm someone who has helped or supported you
You shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you.
22905.Seeing is believing(百聞は一見にしかず)used to say that you will only believe that something happens or exists when you actually see it
While I don’t doubt that you cleaned your room, seeing is believing!
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

22896.get down to business(本題に入りましょう)
Enough chitchatting. Can we get down business?.
22897.get started(始めましょう)
Is everyone ready to get started?
22898.get straight to the point(すぐ要点(本題)に入リましょう)
Don't beat around the bush. Just get straight to the point.
22899.Let me put it this way(別の言い方をするなら)
Let me put it this way. I want to help people I like.
22900.doom(運命、破滅、死)to make someone or something certain to fail, die, be destroyed etc
Many species are doomed to extinction.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Enough chitchatting. Can we get down business?.
22897.get started(始めましょう)
Is everyone ready to get started?
22898.get straight to the point(すぐ要点(本題)に入リましょう)
Don't beat around the bush. Just get straight to the point.
22899.Let me put it this way(別の言い方をするなら)
Let me put it this way. I want to help people I like.
22900.doom(運命、破滅、死)to make someone or something certain to fail, die, be destroyed etc
Many species are doomed to extinction.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

22891.What’s the deal with(〜はどうなっているんだ)
What’s the deal with John? Why is he in such a bad mood?
22892.traumatize(トラウマになる)to shock someone so badly that they are affected by it for a very long time
A dog bit her when she was a kid. She’s been traumatized ever since then.
22893.lock in(集中する)
He has a short attention span. He has a hard time locking in.
22894.glued to(〜に夢中 / 〜に熱中している)
My husband loves baseball. He was glued to the TV all day.
22895.roll up one's sleeves(気合いを入れる)
Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

What’s the deal with John? Why is he in such a bad mood?
22892.traumatize(トラウマになる)to shock someone so badly that they are affected by it for a very long time
A dog bit her when she was a kid. She’s been traumatized ever since then.
22893.lock in(集中する)
He has a short attention span. He has a hard time locking in.
22894.glued to(〜に夢中 / 〜に熱中している)
My husband loves baseball. He was glued to the TV all day.
22895.roll up one's sleeves(気合いを入れる)
Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

22886.lucky day(大安; 吉日)spoken used to say that something good and often unexpected will happen to someone
It's your lucky day.
22887.get back to(~にあらためて連絡を取る、折り返し連絡する)
I'll give him a call and get back to you, Ok?
This is a well-written essay. Did you write this?
22889.well-spoken person(話し上手な人)able to do something well or skilfully
You should ask him to be your emcee. He’s a very well-spoken person.
22890.emcee(司会者)someone who introduces the performers on a television or radio programme or at a social event
The emcee announces that we have raised close to $ 700,000 today.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It's your lucky day.
22887.get back to(~にあらためて連絡を取る、折り返し連絡する)
I'll give him a call and get back to you, Ok?
This is a well-written essay. Did you write this?
22889.well-spoken person(話し上手な人)able to do something well or skilfully
You should ask him to be your emcee. He’s a very well-spoken person.
22890.emcee(司会者)someone who introduces the performers on a television or radio programme or at a social event
The emcee announces that we have raised close to $ 700,000 today.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News