The Fall Of Love
28281.solo(たったひとつの、~だけの) the sole person, thing etc is the only one 類義語 only
My uncle is the sole owner of the company.
28282.peerless(比類のない、無双の)written better than any other 類義語 incomparable
On the baseball field, Icdhiro was peerless..
28283.the one(運命の人)
As soon as I saw her face, I knew I'd found the one.
My uncle is the sole owner of the company.
28282.peerless(比類のない、無双の)written better than any other 類義語 incomparable
On the baseball field, Icdhiro was peerless..
28283.the one(運命の人)
As soon as I saw her face, I knew I'd found the one.
28284.omen(前兆)a sign of what will happen in the future
People say that seeing a black cat is bad omen..
28285.foreshadow(~の前兆となる)to show or say that something will happen in the future
The clouds foreshodowed a storm.
28285.foreshadow(~の前兆となる)to show or say that something will happen in the future
The clouds foreshodowed a storm.
This translation app is rally handy when i travel abroad..
28277.delegate(代表、代表者)someone who has been elected or chosen to speak, vote, or take decisions for a group → representative
Each delegate from each country will vote on the issue
They’re showing some of Picasso'searly masterpieces at the museum.
This translation app is rally handy when i travel abroad..
28277.delegate(代表、代表者)someone who has been elected or chosen to speak, vote, or take decisions for a group → representative
Each delegate from each country will vote on the issue
They’re showing some of Picasso'searly masterpieces at the museum.
28279.pon behalf of(代表して) instead of someone, or as their representative
On behalf of the whole country, thank you for your ser.
28280.dormant(休止状態の)not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active later OPP active
The volcano has been domant for rcenturies.
28280.dormant(休止状態の)not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active later OPP active
The volcano has been domant for rcenturies.
約300篇ある 山本周五郎全作品を読破したいが、私の年令ではもう無理かもしれないが、挑戦してみよう。
約300篇ある 山本周五郎全作品を読破したいが、私の年令ではもう無理かもしれないが、挑戦してみよう。
I'm going to use a rideshare.
28272.swamp(沼地)land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water
Lousiasna has a lot of swamp.
28273.sunbath(日光浴)to sit or lie outside in the sun, especially in order to become brown
An alligator is taking a saunbath.
I'm going to use a rideshare.
28272.swamp(沼地)land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water
Lousiasna has a lot of swamp.
28273.sunbath(日光浴)to sit or lie outside in the sun, especially in order to become brown
An alligator is taking a saunbath.
28274.pheasant(キジ)a large bird with a long tail, often shot for food, or the meat of this bird
The pheasant is Japan's national bird.
28275.soak(浸す)if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it covered with a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or easier to clean
We were soaking ourselves in a hot bath.
28275.soak(浸す)if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it covered with a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or easier to clean
We were soaking ourselves in a hot bath.
28266.besides( 加えて) in addition to someone or something else that you are mentioning
Besides basketball, I play baseball and soccer.
28267.refresh(スッキリする、リフレッシュする)to make someone feel less tired or less hot
I feel refreshed after working out.
28268.the way to go(~をするのがベスト・一番) American English used to tell someone that they have done something very well or achieved something special
I think making English speaking friends is the way to go.
Besides basketball, I play baseball and soccer.
28267.refresh(スッキリする、リフレッシュする)to make someone feel less tired or less hot
I feel refreshed after working out.
28268.the way to go(~をするのがベスト・一番) American English used to tell someone that they have done something very well or achieved something special
I think making English speaking friends is the way to go.
28269.condo condominium one apartment in a building with several apartments, each of which is owned by the people living in it
I would like to rent a three bedroom condo.
28270.plenty of sunshine(日当たりがよい) the light and heat that come from the sun when there is no cloud
Does this condo have plenty of sunshine?
28270.plenty of sunshine(日当たりがよい) the light and heat that come from the sun when there is no cloud
Does this condo have plenty of sunshine?
28261.stand out (目立つ、際立つ、ずば抜けている) to be much better than other similar people or things
You traveled the world right? What's your favorite country? Is there a particular country that stands out?
28262.eye-catching(人の目に留まる)something eye-catching is unusual or attractive in a way that makes you notice it
Can you create an eye-catching design?
28263.turn down(断る)to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
I asked her out to dinner but she turned me down.
You traveled the world right? What's your favorite country? Is there a particular country that stands out?
28262.eye-catching(人の目に留まる)something eye-catching is unusual or attractive in a way that makes you notice it
Can you create an eye-catching design?
28263.turn down(断る)to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
I asked her out to dinner but she turned me down.
28264.reject(拒絶する)to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
Unfortunately, I have to reject your request.
28265.staple(主食、定番)a food that is needed and used all the time
Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine.
28265.staple(主食、定番)a food that is needed and used all the time
Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine.

The film "Drive My Car" has made history as the first Japanese movie to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.
(Nominee announcement)
"Finally, the big one. Here are the nominees for Best Picture ... 'Drive My Car.'"
The film, directed by Hamaguchi Ryusuke, received four nominations for the 94th Academy Awards. The nominations were announced on Tuesday.
He is also up for the Best Director award, the first Japanese to be so nominated since Kurosawa Akira in 1986.
Based on a short story by the renowned Japanese author Murakami Haruki, the film centers on a stage actor and director who comes to terms with the death of his wife through his interaction with a woman assigned to be his driver.
The awards will be presented on March 27 in Los Angeles.
(Nominee announcement)
"Finally, the big one. Here are the nominees for Best Picture ... 'Drive My Car.'"
The film, directed by Hamaguchi Ryusuke, received four nominations for the 94th Academy Awards. The nominations were announced on Tuesday.
He is also up for the Best Director award, the first Japanese to be so nominated since Kurosawa Akira in 1986.
Based on a short story by the renowned Japanese author Murakami Haruki, the film centers on a stage actor and director who comes to terms with the death of his wife through his interaction with a woman assigned to be his driver.
The awards will be presented on March 27 in Los Angeles.
◆nominee 候補となった人や作品
◆up for ~の候補になって
◆come to terms with~を(困難などを諦めて)受け入れる、折り合いをつける
28256.Asian glow(お酒を飲んで顔が赤くなる) enjoying life and not worrying about things 類義語 easy-going
My face usually doesn’t turn red when I drink but I get the Asian glow when I drink red wine.
28257.go hard(お酒をたくさん飲む)
I went too hard last night. I have a really bad hangover today.
I can’t drink that much. I’m a lightweight.
My face usually doesn’t turn red when I drink but I get the Asian glow when I drink red wine.
28257.go hard(お酒をたくさん飲む)
I went too hard last night. I have a really bad hangover today.
I can’t drink that much. I’m a lightweight.
28259.hammered(泥酔)very drunk
John is hammered. He’s slurring and he can’t even walk straight.
I’m pretty buzzed right now. I’m feeling good.
I’m pretty buzzed right now. I’m feeling good.

生活必需品を持つだけで、後は何も持たない方が良いのである 。
生活必需品を持つだけで、後は何も持たない方が良いのである 。
28251.What inspired you to(~するきっかけは何でしたか?) to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something
What inspired you to become a teacher?
28252.What brought you to(~に来るきっかけは何でしたか?)
What brought you to Tokyo?
28253.How did you get into(~をはじめたきっかけは何でしたか?) informal to begin to enjoy something or be interested in it
How did you get into accounting?
What inspired you to become a teacher?
28252.What brought you to(~に来るきっかけは何でしたか?)
What brought you to Tokyo?
28253.How did you get into(~をはじめたきっかけは何でしたか?) informal to begin to enjoy something or be interested in it
How did you get into accounting?
28254.Why did you (decide to) (〜をした理由は何ですか?)
Why did you decide to move here?
28255.That was a blow out(ボロ勝ち)American English spoken to easily defeat someone
Germany blew out Portugal.
28255.That was a blow out(ボロ勝ち)American English spoken to easily defeat someone
Germany blew out Portugal.
28246.point fingers(非難する) enjoying life and not worrying about things 類義語 easy-going
We need to stop pointing fingers at each other and figure out what caused this problem.
28247.double check to check something again so that you are completely sure it is correct, safe etc
You should have double checked the inventory.
28248.protocol a system of rules about the correct way to behave on an official occasion
We need to stop pointing fingers at each other and figure out what caused this problem.
28247.double check to check something again so that you are completely sure it is correct, safe etc
You should have double checked the inventory.
28248.protocol a system of rules about the correct way to behave on an official occasion
Hold on. Are you putting the blame on me? I was just following protocol.
28249.guilty pleasure(後ろめたい楽しみ)
Eating junk food and binge-watching TV shows are my guilty pleasures.
28250.give someone the cold shoulder(冷たい態度をとる / 冷たく突き放す / 無視をする)informal to deliberately ignore someone or be unfriendly to them, especially because they have upset or offended you→ cold
Is he mad at me? He's been giving me the cold shoulder.
28250.give someone the cold shoulder(冷たい態度をとる / 冷たく突き放す / 無視をする)informal to deliberately ignore someone or be unfriendly to them, especially because they have upset or offended you→ cold
Is he mad at me? He's been giving me the cold shoulder.