

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/31)

2023年03月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
30251.read each other well  (以心伝心 )
Read each other well .
30252.Go slow to be fast(急がば回れ)
Go slow to be fast.
30253.What's done is done (起こったことは仕方がない)
What’s done is done.
30254.It speaks  to my soul  (心に刺さるな)
It speaks to my soul.
30255.No one is to be blame(誰のせいでもない)
No one act is top be blame. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/30)

2023年03月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
30246.out of (〜の中 
Out of all the places you’ve traveled to, which country is your favorite? 
30247.the story behind (〜の裏話 )
Our tour guide explained the story behind the Ise Grand Shrine. 
30248.lives in fear(恐れて暮らす  )
You can’t live in fear of failure. Failure is the stepping stone to success. 
30249.There is more to the story (その話にはまだ続きがある )
That’s not the end of it. Actually, there’s more to the story
30250.keep away  (近づけない )
You should keep away from that area because a lot of homeless people live there. 


2023年03月29日 | 爺英語

The operator of the Kura Sushi conveyor-belt restaurant chain has developed an AI-powered alert system aimed at deterring anyone from tampering with their dishes.
This follows a recent series of videos of diners performing unhygienic pranks at conveyor-belt restaurants that went viral on social media.
(Okamoto Hiroyuki / Kura Sushi)
“We think these videos are extremely troubling and pose a threat to the very foundation of the sushi conveyor-belt business model.”
The company unveiled the alert system to the media.
As soon as the system's camera catches anyone returning a plate to the conveyor belt that has been touched by a customer, an alert is sent to the headquarters.
Officials will then contact the manager, who will approach the perpetrator.
deter (何かをするのを)思いとどまらせる、防ぐ、抑止する      to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results → deterrent 
tamper 迷惑行為をする     to touch something or make changes to it without permission, especially in order to deliberately damage it 
unhygienic 非衛生的な       dirty and likely to make people ill 
prank いたずら、悪ふざけ       a trick, especially one which is played on someone to make them look silly 
went viral (まるでvirus「ウイルス」のようにネットや口コミで)急速に広まる、拡散される、バズる   if a picture, video, joke etc goes viral, it spreads widely, especially on the Internet or mobile phones 
pose a threat to  ~を脅かす、~に脅威を及ぼす       t
perpetrator (悪質な)行為を実行した人、犯人、加害者     someone who does something morally wrong or illegal → culprit

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/29)

2023年03月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
30241.endangered species(絶滅危惧種 )an endangered animal, bird etc is one that may soon no longer exist because there are so few of them 
The chimpanzee is endangered species. . 
30242.hold back (留年する)
You’d better get your act together. You’re going to get held back again. 
30243.middle-schooler  (中学生 )
I hear that most middle schoolers have smartphones these days. 
30244.say again  (もう一度言ってくれる? )
Say again? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you because of the noise in the back. 
30245.running start (有利なスタートを切る )
I was in a running start program and took college classes when I was a senior. 

徒然草 第百九十七段

2023年03月28日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/28)

2023年03月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
30236.last-minute   (直前の、土壇場の )happening or done as late as possible before something else happens 
We had to make some last-minute changes to the script before filming.
30237.borderline(ぎりぎりで)used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
If you have borderline high cholesterol, watch what you eat.
30238.flavor (味、風味、味わい ) the particular taste of a food or drink 
Cooking is the art of combining flavors.
30239.bland  (もの柔らかな、人当たりがよい、穏やかな、落ち着いた、温和な、口当たりのよい、さっぱりした、気の抜けた、おもしろみのない、無感情の、味が薄い )food that is bland has very little taste 類義語 tasteless  
Taste this. Does this flavor seem a little bland to you..
30240.savor   (ゆっくり味わう,賞味する. ) to fully enjoy the taste or smell of something 
Savor the wine to get the full flavor. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/27)

2023年03月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
30231.capacity   (収容能力、最大限の収容力、容積、容量、包容力、度量、才能、(…の)知的能力、理解力、力  )formal someone’s job, position, or duty 類義語 role 
In my capacity as a doctor, I advise you to stop smoking. 
30232.What's more(さらに )used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
My new job is interesting and stimulating. What's more, I get to travel to many countries.
30233.posterity (後世の人、子孫)all the people in the future who will be alive after you are dead 
We have to preserve this tradition for posterity.
30234.postoperative (手術後の)relating to the time after someone has had a medical operation 
Everyone's postoperative recovery is different.
30235.posthumously   (死後に、遺作として )happening, printed etc after someone’s death 
He was posthumously given a special award for his acting legacy. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/26)

2023年03月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
30226.in-depth   (徹底した、詳細な )thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
We'll be doing more in-depth research this time. . 
30227.What's more(さらに )used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
My new job is interesting and stimulating. What's more, I get to travel to many countries.
30228.like (~のような )
I love many sports like rugby,soccer tennis and golf.
30229.downside  (良くない点、弱点)the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside 
But the downside is the membership fee is a bit expensive.
30230.stray   (逸れた、野良の )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home 
My aunt volunteers for a group devoted to rescuing stray cats. 


2023年03月25日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
著書に『これだけは読んでおきたい すてきな絵本100』。共著に『絵本の魅力 その編集・実践・研究』。

著書に『Life ライフ』(くすのきしげのり・作 瑞雲舎)、『ふくしまからきた子』シリーズ(松本猛 松本春野・作 岩崎書店)、『ねずみのリンのフィギュアスケート』(文溪堂)、『おやこでよもう! 金子みすゞ』シリーズ(JULA出版局)、『あかちゃんがきた! 』(サトシン・文 アリス館)、自身の子育て経験をお話にした『ノノちゃんとママ』(清流出版)などがある。


Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/25)

2023年03月25日 | Daily Vocabulary

30221.absolute  favorite (大のお気に入り )
I don't like Indian food? On the contrary, it's my absolute favorite.
30222.popular belief(通説)    
Contrary to popular belief, gorillas are shy and gentle creatures. 
30223.in ages (長い間)
I haven't seen you in ages
30224.get into shape (シエイプアップする、体調を整える  )
You can get into shape quickly.
30225.also (~もまた ) 
I recommend you go to the gym more often.  Also you have to cutdown on calories

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/24)

2023年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
30216.Let's do a duet   (デュエットしましょう)
Let's do a duet . Well、I’d rather just watch for now.
30217.in person(自分で、本人が、(写真などに対し)実物で  )  if you do something in person, you go somewhere and do it yourself, instead of doing something by letter, asking someone else to do it etc 
Oh really? I think I look older in person.
30218.adorable  (崇敬すべき、ほれぼれするような、かわいらしい  someone or something that is adorable is so attractive that they fill you with feelings of love 
Have you seen their new baby - she's simply adorable! 
30219.take after  (…をまねる、…に似る、…を追いかける )to look or behave like an older relative 
Do they take after their mom or dad?
30220.Life has ups and downs   (人生、山あり谷あり ) informal the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship 
Life has ups and downs.