Andy Williams - Moon River (1961)
9401.take it easy(のbんびりする、ゆっくりする)
He should take it easy at home for a couple of days.
9402.pile up(山積みになる、たまる)
It will pile up so high you'ii never be able to get through it all. more with less(少ない資源でより多くのことをする)
That's especially true these days when it seems everyone isdoing more with less.
I got the sniffles.
Sick emplyees may spread germs in the office.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

He should take it easy at home for a couple of days.
9402.pile up(山積みになる、たまる)
It will pile up so high you'ii never be able to get through it all. more with less(少ない資源でより多くのことをする)
That's especially true these days when it seems everyone isdoing more with less.
I got the sniffles.
Sick emplyees may spread germs in the office.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

※歌川 広重(うたがわ ひろしげ、寛政9年(1797年) - 安政5年9月6日(1858年10月12日)
浮世絵師。江戸の町火消しの安藤家に生まれ家督を継ぎ、その後に浮世絵師となったが 現代広く呼ばれる安藤広重(あんどう ひろしげ)なる名前は使用しておらず、浮世絵師としては歌川広重が正しいと言える。
なお、つてを頼って幕府の行列に加えてもらったとの伝承が伝わるが、実際には旅行をしていないのではないかという説もある[2]。 また、司馬江漢の洋画を換骨奪胎して制作したという説もある。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
※歌川 広重(うたがわ ひろしげ、寛政9年(1797年) - 安政5年9月6日(1858年10月12日)
浮世絵師。江戸の町火消しの安藤家に生まれ家督を継ぎ、その後に浮世絵師となったが 現代広く呼ばれる安藤広重(あんどう ひろしげ)なる名前は使用しておらず、浮世絵師としては歌川広重が正しいと言える。
なお、つてを頼って幕府の行列に加えてもらったとの伝承が伝わるが、実際には旅行をしていないのではないかという説もある[2]。 また、司馬江漢の洋画を換骨奪胎して制作したという説もある。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
But if we falter the earth will itself be at risk.
There was outrage in his voice.
I marveled that Hindus refused to eat beef.
9399.take five(5分間休憩する、仕事をひと休みする)
You need to take five minutes to cool off, then come back and we can talk again.
9400.take baby step(少しずつ前進する)
Just had to take baby steps and I did that all year.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

But if we falter the earth will itself be at risk.
There was outrage in his voice.
I marveled that Hindus refused to eat beef.
9399.take five(5分間休憩する、仕事をひと休みする)
You need to take five minutes to cool off, then come back and we can talk again.
9400.take baby step(少しずつ前進する)
Just had to take baby steps and I did that all year.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

![]() | 親鸞 (下)五木 寛之講談社このアイテムの詳細を見る |
だれよりも深く悩み、時代の闇を生き抜いた親鸞。史上最大規模の新聞連載ネットワークで全国二千万人を感動させた連載! 人間・親鸞を描く感動の長編小説、さらに佳境へ!【講談社創業100周年企画】

9391.take heart(元気を取り戻す、気を取り直す、勇気づく)
Each time she faltered,she took heart and tried again.
9392.walk all over(人をこき使う、人の感情を踏みにじる)
It infuriates me how he just lets her walk all over him.
9393.walk out on(~を放棄する、~を見捨てる)
The boss was outraged when he suddenly walked out on his contract.
9394.walk tall(胸を張る、自信を持つ)
Now go walk tall and marvel us with your impressive presentation.
The governor's insensitive remarks about women and minority groups have often infuriated people.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Each time she faltered,she took heart and tried again.
9392.walk all over(人をこき使う、人の感情を踏みにじる)
It infuriates me how he just lets her walk all over him.
9393.walk out on(~を放棄する、~を見捨てる)
The boss was outraged when he suddenly walked out on his contract.
9394.walk tall(胸を張る、自信を持つ)
Now go walk tall and marvel us with your impressive presentation.
The governor's insensitive remarks about women and minority groups have often infuriated people.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


巨勢山の・・・・・巻一・五四 坂門人足
巨勢山の・・・・・巻一・五四 坂門人足
「巨勢山の つらつら椿 つらつらに 見つつ思はな 巨勢の春野を」
「巨勢山乃 列ゝ椿 都良ゝゝ尒 見乍思奈 許湍乃春野乎」
巨勢山の・・・・・巻一・五四 坂門人足
「巨勢山の つらつら椿 つらつらに 見つつ思はな 巨勢の春野を」
「巨勢山乃 列ゝ椿 都良ゝゝ尒 見乍思奈 許湍乃春野乎」
9386.take pity on(要求されていない、頼んでいないのに与えられた[送りつけられた])
My daighter took pity on the abandoned kitten and brought it home.
9387.take around(大幅に削減する)
Would you kindly take Mr.brown around the factory.
9388.take heed(色などがさえない、くすんだ、殺風景な、単調な)
When driving,you must take heed of the traffic signals.
9389.take advantage of(洋服ダンス、持ち衣装)
Why not take advantage of this great opportunity?
9390.take after(人をイライラさせて怒らせる)
I take after my father in stubbornness.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

My daighter took pity on the abandoned kitten and brought it home.
9387.take around(大幅に削減する)
Would you kindly take Mr.brown around the factory.
9388.take heed(色などがさえない、くすんだ、殺風景な、単調な)
When driving,you must take heed of the traffic signals.
9389.take advantage of(洋服ダンス、持ち衣装)
Why not take advantage of this great opportunity?
9390.take after(人をイライラさせて怒らせる)
I take after my father in stubbornness.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


9381.take down(~を書き留める)
The professor recommends that we take down notes in his class.
9382.take part in(~に参加する、~に加わる、~に貢献する)
Did Mr.Tanaka take part in director's meeting yesterday?
9383.take off for(~へと旅立つ、~に向けて急いで立ち去る)
As soon as their mother handed them change, the boys took off for the candy store.
9384.take someone's breath away(驚きなどで人に息をのませる)
Tom took his breath away the moment he saw her enter the room.
9385take place(起こる、行われる、開催される)
This story takes place in a small village in Holland.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The professor recommends that we take down notes in his class.
9382.take part in(~に参加する、~に加わる、~に貢献する)
Did Mr.Tanaka take part in director's meeting yesterday?
9383.take off for(~へと旅立つ、~に向けて急いで立ち去る)
As soon as their mother handed them change, the boys took off for the candy store.
9384.take someone's breath away(驚きなどで人に息をのませる)
Tom took his breath away the moment he saw her enter the room.
9385take place(起こる、行われる、開催される)
This story takes place in a small village in Holland.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


9376.take away(~を運び去る、~をかたづける)
Would you take away the finished plates,please?
9377.take down(~を倒す、~をやっつける、~を書き留める)
We took down the opposing team by winning the championship.
9378.take apart(バラバラにする)
The hurricane has taken apart the roof of my house.
9379.take up(時間・場所などを取る、~を取り上げる、~に着手する)
This job is taking up too much time.
9380.take turns(交代で~する)
We can take turns driving.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Would you take away the finished plates,please?
9377.take down(~を倒す、~をやっつける、~を書き留める)
We took down the opposing team by winning the championship.
9378.take apart(バラバラにする)
The hurricane has taken apart the roof of my house.
9379.take up(時間・場所などを取る、~を取り上げる、~に着手する)
This job is taking up too much time.
9380.take turns(交代で~する)
We can take turns driving.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The Duke Ai asked Tsai Wo about the altars of the spirits of the land. Tsai Wo replied, "The Hsia sovereign planted the pine tree about them; the men of the Yin planted the cypress; and the men of the Chau planted the chestnut tree, meaning thereby to cause the people to be in awe."
When the Master heard it, he said, "Things that are done, it is needless to speak about; things that have had their course, it is needless to remonstrate about; things that are past, it is needless to blame."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
9371.impulse purchase(衝動買い
I definitely improved my bargain-hunting abilities and have cut down considerably on impulse purchase.
9372.power tie(勝負ネクタイ)
I guess that is why so-called power tie are usually bright red.
9373.take an oath(誓う、宣誓する)
In court,you are obliged to take an oath that you will tell the truth.
9374.take charge of(~を担当する、~の管理を引き受ける)
Mr.Yamada took charge of the meeting.
9375.take over(仕事・職務・責任・家などを〕引き継ぐ)
Mr.Yamada will be taking over for the manager next month.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I definitely improved my bargain-hunting abilities and have cut down considerably on impulse purchase.
9372.power tie(勝負ネクタイ)
I guess that is why so-called power tie are usually bright red.
9373.take an oath(誓う、宣誓する)
In court,you are obliged to take an oath that you will tell the truth.
9374.take charge of(~を担当する、~の管理を引き受ける)
Mr.Yamada took charge of the meeting.
9375.take over(仕事・職務・責任・家などを〕引き継ぐ)
Mr.Yamada will be taking over for the manager next month.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Sarah Brightman - Harem(HQ)
Artist: Sarah Brightman
Album: Harem
Burning sands, winds of desire
Mirrored oasis reflect a burning fire
Within my heart, unwatered, feeding the flame
Welcoming you to my Harem
Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage
Deep desires, sleep untold
Whispers that echo the desert of my soul
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem
Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage
Time is change, time's fool is man
None will escape the passing sands of time
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem
Artist: Sarah Brightman
Album: Harem
Burning sands, winds of desire
Mirrored oasis reflect a burning fire
Within my heart, unwatered, feeding the flame
Welcoming you to my Harem
Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage
Deep desires, sleep untold
Whispers that echo the desert of my soul
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem
Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage
Time is change, time's fool is man
None will escape the passing sands of time
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem