The Russian Revolution marks its 100th anniversary on Tuesday. In 1917, a radical socialist movement led by Vladimir Lenin toppled the provisional government. This event led to the establishment of the Soviet Union, the world's first socialist state.
An exhibition featuring articles related to the revolution has opened in Moscow. Among other items on display is a gun used to kill the then emperor.
Russians have mixed feelings about the revolution. Some praise it for contributing to the country's industrial development. Others point to the many lives lost during Joseph Stalin's purges in the 1930s.
A recent poll by a state-run research agency says 38 percent of respondents have a positive view of the event. That's up 11 points from the previous survey, conducted five years ago. The proportion is higher among the younger generation. Experts say young Russians believe the revolution gave people their age opportunities to advance in society by ousting the privileged class.
◆topple 倒す、打倒する、転覆させる
◆provisional 暫定的な、仮の、臨時の
◆respondent 回答者
◆conduct (調査などを)行う、実施する
◆oust 追放する、失脚させる