

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/31)

2021年01月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
26631.mole(ほくろ)A mole is a natural dark spot or small dark lump on someone's skin. 
She has a cute little mole by her mouth. 
26632.goosebumps(鳥肌)If you get goose bumps, the hairs on your skin stand up so that it is covered with tiny bumps. You get goose bumps when you are cold, frightened, or excited. 
I get goose bumps just thinking about frogs. 
26633.scar(傷跡)A scar is a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed. 
He has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. 
26634.revenge(復讐(ふくしゆう)、仕返し) Revenge involves hurting or punishing someone who has hurt or harmed you. 
I will get my revenge on him for betraying me..
26635.sob(すすり泣く、涙にむせぶ) When someone sobs, they cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breaths. 
He was sobbing in the corner of the room.

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超初心者のための落語入門 (カルチャー図解)

2021年01月30日 | 読書日記

【著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)


古典落語名作30 に異存はないが、「聴いてみて損はナシ!いま注目の腕利きの噺家たち」に柳家権太郎がなぜいないのか?

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/30)

2021年01月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
26626.bruise(打撲傷、あざ)A bruise is an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken. 
I have a bruise on my knee, but I don't know how I got it. 
26627.cramp(けいれん、こむら返り)Cramp is a sudden strong pain caused by a muscle suddenly contracting. You sometimes get cramp in a muscle after you have been making a physical effort over a long period of time. 
I got a cramp when I was stretching my leg.
26628.itchy(かゆい、皮癬(ひぜん)にかかった)If a part of your body or something you are wearing is itchy, you have an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch. 
I have itchy eye because of hay fever.. 
26629.hiccup(しゃっくりが出る) When you have hiccups, you make repeated sharp sounds in your throat, often because you have been eating or drinking too quickly. 
I don't stop hiccupping. Do you know a good cure?.
26630.snore(いびきをかく) When someone who is asleep snores, they make a loud noise each time they breathe. 
Did I snore

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/29)

2021年01月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
26621.I'm all for that(大賛成)
I'm all for that. We've done quire enough for one day. 
26622.run late for(~に遅れる)
Sorry, I'd love to help, but I'm already running late for doctor's appointment. 
26623.bigger point(大局)
I agree with you up to a point, but I think you're missing the bigger point. 
26624.I understand where you come from(あなたの考え方がわかる) 
I understand where you come from, but don't you think you're rather biased.
26625.hold water(完璧である) If an argument or theory does not hold water, it does not seem to be reasonable or be in accordance with the facts. 
No way, your argument is just doesn't hold water 

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/28)

2021年01月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
26616.Keep under wraps(秘密にしておく、隠しておく)to keep secret  
We’ll really miss you when you leave, but please keep this under wraps until we find your replacement. 
26617.fad(ブーム)You use fad to refer to an activity or topic of interest that is very popular for a short time, but which people become bored with very quickly.  I don't trust fad diets.
26618.get back to(あとで~に連絡する)If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it. 
Let me do a web search and get back to you. 
26619.fully support(~を完全に支持する) 
fully support the development of renewable energy.
26620.Nothing ventured, Nothing gained(危険を冒さなければ、何も得られない) extremely tired   
It's worth try. Nothing ventured, Nothing gained, right?

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2021年01月27日 | 爺英語
French fashion designer Pierre Cardin has died at the age of 98. The world-renowned creator is also known for bringing stylish clothes to the masses.
Cardin was born in Italy. He emigrated to France with his parents when he was a small child.
He worked for Christian Dior, after serving as an apprentice to tailors. The designer set up his own fashion house in 1950.
He began selling his ready-to-wear collections to the masses in 1959. Haute couture for wealthy people was the focus of the fashion world at the time.
Cardin expanded his business overseas and became famous around the world. He came to Japan for the first time in the late 1950s.
He brought innovation to the country's fashion business by introducing his three-dimensional cutting method.
The designer visited Japan 10 years ago and spoke to NHK. He said he was most content when he was able to concentrate on his work and forget about everything else.

masses 最下位 
apprentice 見習い、徒弟    An apprentice is a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill.  
Haute couture 特別仕立ての高級婦人服   Haute couture refers to the designing and making of high-quality fashion clothes, or to the clothes themselves. 
three-dimensional 三次元の、立体感のある     A three-dimensional object is solid rather than flat, because it can be measured in three different directions, usually the height, length, and width. The abbreviation 3-D can also be used. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/27)

2021年01月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
26611.Actually (やっぱり)
Actually let me get the pizza instead of the hamburger.  
26612.on the way(〜へ行くついでに〜する)
On the way to Fukuoka, we stopped by Osaka and ate steamed pork buns at 551 Horai.
26613.I can't take it anymore(もう我慢できない)
 I can’t take it anymore! I’m going to go upstairs and complain. 
26614.This is the last straw(もう我慢の限界 / 堪忍袋の緒が切れる) to experience physical or mental pain 
My husband came home really drunk again last night. That's five nights in a row. That's the last straw. 
26615.Keep it to yourself(内緒にしておいてね)
Sally is leaving the company at the end of this year. Please keep this to yourself until we make the formal announcement.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第八十四段

2021年01月26日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/26)

2021年01月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
26606.step up to the plate(先頭に立って行動する、進んで物事に取り組む、責任を引き受ける)to come forward and take responsibility for something 
If you ask me, software makers need to step up to the plate and provide more built-in protection so all of us can feel safe and secure when we're in the digital world. . 
26607.tracked down(~を見つけ出す)If you track down someone or something, you find them, or find information about them, after a difficult or long search. 
It's going to be difficult to track him down. He quit our company 10 years ago.
26608.actually(実は〜です)You use actually to indicate that a situation exists or happened, or to emphasize that it is true. 
Actually, he is the owner of that company. 
26609.actually(実際に〜・本当に〜) to experience physical or mental pain 
I suffered from homesickness during the first few months of college.
26610.actually(意外と〜) extremely tired   
She's actually really stingy. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/25)

2021年01月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
26601.acupuncture(鍼)Acupuncture is the treatment of a person's illness or pain by sticking small needles into their body at certain places. 
I'm not sure if acupuncture will help, but it's worth a try. 
26602.take one's point(~の意見・言い分を理解する)
I take your point, but I think you've misunderstood what I meant.
26603.cash in on(…を利用して利益を得る[もうける] )to get profit or profitable use from 
They try to cash in on the coronavirus panic by pushing fake cures, asking for donations to phony charities, or selling face masks, hand sanitizer and toilet paper at exorbitant prices. 
26604.phony(偽の) not genuine; false, counterfeit, spurious, pretentious, etc. 
Mother says that the child's illnesses are phony.
26605.con man((信用)詐欺師、ペテン師) extremely tired  My uncle knows such a thing doesn't exist, and he told the

 to get lost. 
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/24)

2021年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
26596.collar bone(鎖骨)Your collarbones are the two long bones which run from throat to your shoulders. 
This dress highlights the delicate line of your shoulders and collarbone area
26597.eyelid(まぶた)Your eyelids are the two pieces of skin which cover your eyes when they are closed. 
WI got a mosquito bite on my eyelid
26598.armpit(腋の下)Your armpits are the areas of your body under your arms where your arms join your shoulders. 
My armpits sweat when I'm nervous. 
26599.sigh(ため息をつく) When you sigh, you let out a deep breath, as a way of expressing feelings such as disappointment, tiredness, or pleasure. 
My mother sighed when she saw my test score.
26600.gasp(はっと息をのむ) A gasp is a short quick breath of air that you take in through your mouth, especially when you are surprised, shocked, or in pain. 
She gasped when she saw the figure in the shadows.. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2021年01月23日 | 読書日記

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)


