31921.concern (気がかりなこと)
There is one concern about our sales strategy
31922.result in (~という結果をもたらす)to make something happen 類義語 cause
There is one concern about our sales strategy
31922.result in (~という結果をもたらす)to make something happen 類義語 cause
Sun-drenched days and cool nights result in aroma-intensive-wine.
31923.bring about(~を生じさせる)to make something happen 類義語 cause
Making English the official language has brought about a sense of unity with in company.
31924.lead to (~につながる)one of two children born at the same time to the same mother
A sharp depreciation of the yen would lead to a decline in personal consumption.
31925.embark on(計画・事業などに乗り出す、着手する)to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting
A sharp depreciation of the yen would lead to a decline in personal consumption.
31925.embark on(計画・事業などに乗り出す、着手する)to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting
What made you decide to embark on winemaking?

Japanese high school students scored high marks in a test of international academic performance released on Tuesday.
They ranked in the top 5 globally in all three categories: mathematics, science, and reading.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, conducts the Programme for International Student Assessment every three years.
It assesses the academic performance of 15-year-olds around the world.
The latest evaluation was delayed a year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
About 690,000 students from 81 countries and regions took part. That included about 6,000 students at 183 senior high schools around Japan.
Compared to the last assessment in 2018, average scores rose in all three categories.
Japanese students climbed one spot to fifth in mathematics. In science, they rose from fifth place to second. And in reading, they jumped from 15th place to third.
Singapore ranked first in all three categories.
They ranked in the top 5 globally in all three categories: mathematics, science, and reading.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, conducts the Programme for International Student Assessment every three years.
It assesses the academic performance of 15-year-olds around the world.
The latest evaluation was delayed a year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
About 690,000 students from 81 countries and regions took part. That included about 6,000 students at 183 senior high schools around Japan.
Compared to the last assessment in 2018, average scores rose in all three categories.
Japanese students climbed one spot to fifth in mathematics. In science, they rose from fifth place to second. And in reading, they jumped from 15th place to third.
Singapore ranked first in all three categories.
◆assess 評価する、判断する to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it 類義語 judge
31916.deal with (〜に対応する / (問題などに)取り組む )to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem 類義語 handle
I deal with expats who live in Japan.
31917.expat someone who lives in a foreign country
I deal with expats who live in Japan.
31917.expat someone who lives in a foreign country
Sydney is a popular place for expats because of its good healthcare, beautiful beaches and friendly locals.
31918.handle (〜を対処する / 〜を処理する / 〜を担当する )to deal with a situation or problem by behaving in a particular way and making particular decisions
How do you handle difficult customers?
31919.mess up(間違う、しくじる、へまをする )to spoil or ruin something, especially something important or something that has been carefully planned
I sent my boss a message that was supposed to be sent to my boyfriend. I messed up!
31920.blow it (失敗する、台無しにする )said to show annoyance or surprise
I sent my boss a message that was supposed to be sent to my boyfriend. I messed up!
31920.blow it (失敗する、台無しにする )said to show annoyance or surprise
I couldn’t answer most of the questions properly at the job interview today. I blew it.

31911.pose (問題などを引き起こす、もたらす)to make something start happening or to make someone start doing something
What kinds of threats do alien fish species pose?
31912.imminent(差し迫った)an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon
What kinds of threats do alien fish species pose?
31912.imminent(差し迫った)an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon
A major transformation in education is imminent..
31913.neutralize(無力化する)to make a substance chemically neutral
As a guard, it's my job to neutralize anything that might pose an imminent threat
31914.on the flip side (その一方で )
My job is demanding, but on the flip side, it's rewarding, and I enjoy it.
31915.pile of (山積みの、山のような ) informal a lot of something
My job is demanding, but on the flip side, it's rewarding, and I enjoy it.
31915.pile of (山積みの、山のような ) informal a lot of something
I can't go out tonight. I have a pile of homework to do.
31906.crush (恋心)someone who you have a feeling of romantic love for, but who you do not know well
I've had a crash on you since we were in kindergarten.
31907.adore (大好きである、敬愛するtto love someone very much and feel very proud of them
I've had a crash on you since we were in kindergarten.
31907.adore (大好きである、敬愛するtto love someone very much and feel very proud of them
My sister adores John. She says he's the man of her dream.
31909.affection (愛情、愛着)a feeling of liking or love and caring 類義語 fondness
There are many ways to show affection.
31910.A and B are a thing(AとBはカップルである)
There are many ways to show affection.
31910.A and B are a thing(AとBはカップルである)
Did you hear that John and Nozomi are a thing.
31901.a weigh off one's shoulder (肩の荷を降ろす)
That's a huge weigh off my shoulder.
31902.chill out (落ち着いて)
That's a huge weigh off my shoulder.
31902.chill out (落ち着いて)
Chill out.There's no need to get angry.
31903.out of the blue(突然に)if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected
Symptoms of the disease often appear out of the blue.
31904.be up in the air if something is up in the air, no decision has been made about it yet
Our trip to Orlando is still up in the air.
31905.It's too much trouble(面倒くさい)
Our trip to Orlando is still up in the air.
31905.It's too much trouble(面倒くさい)
It's too much trouble. Why wrap a present when I can just put pack in the box.
年を重ねることが、楽しくなってくる本! “50代以降の生き方”の教科書、第4弾!(「老いに親しむレシピ」シリーズ)
50代以降の「人生の後半戦」は、じつはスマホが最強の武器になる! 「もの忘れ」「目や耳の衰え」「お金の心配」「孤立の寂しさ」「災害への不安」……中高年の多くの人が抱える悩みの9割は、スマホが解決してくれます!
シニアはこのままデジタルと無縁でいいのでしょうか? 私の答えは「ノー」です。むしろ「シニアにこそデジタルを!」と思っています。そう考えるきっかけとなったのが、105歳まで現役の医師を続けておられた日野原重明氏でした。
牧 壮
50代以降の「人生の後半戦」は、じつはスマホが最強の武器になる! 「もの忘れ」「目や耳の衰え」「お金の心配」「孤立の寂しさ」「災害への不安」……中高年の多くの人が抱える悩みの9割は、スマホが解決してくれます!
シニアはこのままデジタルと無縁でいいのでしょうか? 私の答えは「ノー」です。むしろ「シニアにこそデジタルを!」と思っています。そう考えるきっかけとなったのが、105歳まで現役の医師を続けておられた日野原重明氏でした。
牧 壮
スマホ活用アドバイザー。「パソコムプラザ」代表。デジタル推進委員。2000年に千葉県浦安市で、ミセス・シニア・初心者のためのスマホ・パソコン教室「パソコムプラザ」を開校。「“知る” を楽しむ」をコンセプトに、パソコンやスマートフォンの講座を行っている。レッスンはオンラインでも受講可能。2007年には、YouTubeチャンネル「ゆきチャンネル」を開設。スマートフォンの楽しい使い方や、ビジネスでの活用術を解説した動画を多数配信している。シニアへのデジタルやSNS活用の啓蒙活動が評価され、2022年にデジタル庁から「デジタル推進委員」に任命された。
スマホ活用アドバイザー。「パソコムプラザ」代表。デジタル推進委員。2000年に千葉県浦安市で、ミセス・シニア・初心者のためのスマホ・パソコン教室「パソコムプラザ」を開校。「“知る” を楽しむ」をコンセプトに、パソコンやスマートフォンの講座を行っている。レッスンはオンラインでも受講可能。2007年には、YouTubeチャンネル「ゆきチャンネル」を開設。スマートフォンの楽しい使い方や、ビジネスでの活用術を解説した動画を多数配信している。シニアへのデジタルやSNS活用の啓蒙活動が評価され、2022年にデジタル庁から「デジタル推進委員」に任命された。
31896.in line with (~に沿った)
Companies are considering wage increases in line with inflation
31897.at the expense of (~を犠牲にして)
Companies are considering wage increases in line with inflation
31897.at the expense of (~を犠牲にして)
The market has increased sales at the expense of small local retailers.
31898.best-effort basis(努力目標)
UHow about we do a minimum of 2000bottles and then the rest on best-effort basis?
31899.all sales are final (返品不可)
They are very sneaky. It says they don't refunds. All sales are final
31900.be ashamed of(恥ずかしく思う) feeling very sorry and embarrassed because of something you have done
They are very sneaky. It says they don't refunds. All sales are final
31900.be ashamed of(恥ずかしく思う) feeling very sorry and embarrassed because of something you have done
I'm ashamed of how I behaved last night.
【イタリア語】女心の歌 (La donna è mobile) - リゴレット (日本語字幕)
31891.stating today (今日から)
Starting today, we can join meeting remotely.
31892.be excited to (すごく楽しみ)
Starting today, we can join meeting remotely.
31892.be excited to (すごく楽しみ)
I am excited to work in Tokyo.
31893.outfit(服装)a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion
She bought a new outfit for the party.
31894.sink in(実感がわく)if information, facts etc sink in, you gradually understand them or realize their full meaning
Well, thanks. It hasn't sunk in Yet.
31895.have ~in common(~という共通点がある)to have the same interests, attitudes etc as someone else
Well, thanks. It hasn't sunk in Yet.
31895.have ~in common(~という共通点がある)to have the same interests, attitudes etc as someone else
I think these 2 areas have a lot in common.
31886.nosy (おせっかいな人 / 詮索好きな人 )always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs
You are so nosy! Mind your own business.
31887stingy (ケチな人 )not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean
You are so nosy! Mind your own business.
31887stingy (ケチな人 )not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean
He's pretty stingy. He'll never split the bill.
31888.stickler (こだわる人 / 言い張る人 )be a stickler for detail/rules/accuracy etc
He is such stickler for details. It drives me crazy.
31889.all talk (all talk )spoken someone who is all talk talks a lot about what they intend to do, but never actually does it
Paul is all talk and no action.
31890.slacker (怠け者 ) someone who is lazy and does not do all the work they should – used to show disapproval
Paul is all talk and no action.
31890.slacker (怠け者 ) someone who is lazy and does not do all the work they should – used to show disapproval
I wouldn't count on him to get the job done. He's a slacker.