

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/31)

2024年03月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
32076.tycoon (大物)someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power 
Did you think ever a real-estate tycoon would become president?
32077.bokeh (写真や映像のボケ)
Bokeh can give photos a cool sense of depth. 
I’m going to add a skosh of salt to accent the flavors
32079.zen (落ち着いて動じない)a kind of Buddhism from Japan that emphasizes meditation 
I thin of fishing as a vary zen hobby.. 
The coach’s voice echoed through the gym. 


2024年03月30日 | 読書日記
2017年8月公開、映画『ボブという名の猫 幸せのハイタッチ』の原作本。
運命的に2人は出会い、支え合い、互いの人生を変えていく……! ホームレスと野良猫の心温まる奇跡の友情物語。
(原題:A Street Cat Named Bob)

ジェームズ・ボーエン James Bowen

映画『ボブという名の猫 幸せのハイタッチ』見て。

※second chance=help given to someone who has failed, in the hope that they will succeed this time 
セカンドチャンスとは、犯罪者、 不登校者、中退者、ホームレス、リストラなどによって失敗した人生をもう1度やり直すことで ある。


Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/30)

2024年03月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
32071.look over (ざっと目を通す)to examine something or someone quickly, without paying much attention to detail 
Look over your answers before you turn in your test.
32072.perspective (味方、観点)a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences → viewpoint 
Becoming a teacher gave me a new prospective on the learning process . 
32073.think better of(考え直してやめる、見直す)to not do something that you had planned to do, because you realize that it is not a good idea 
I was going to call my ex-girlfriend, but I think better of.
32074.rise up (立ち上がる、湧き上がる)
Do you think robots will rise up against humans someday? 
32075.uprising(暴動、反乱)an attempt by a group of people to change the government, laws etc in an area or country 類義語 rebellion 
The president went into hiding as the uprising gained momentum. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/29)

2024年03月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
32066.Have you ever heard of (人や物をご存じですか)
Have you ever heard of a person named "Kurosawa Akira"?
32067.bear fruit (実を結ぶ)if a plan, decision etc bears fruit, it is successful, especially after a long period of time 
We can proudly say the tough negotiations finally bore fruit
32068.questionnaire(質問事項 アンケート)ha written set of questions which you give to a large number of people in order to collect information 
The purpose of the questionnaire us to highlight communication issues and help improve relations between
and national staff .
32069.scratch the surface (上っ面をなでる)to deal with only a very small part of a subject or problem 
We should find a root cause instead of scratching the surface. 
32070.chip in(人の話に割り込む)to interrupt a conversation by saying something that adds more detail 
Please feel free to chip in you have any questions or comments. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/28)

2024年03月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32061.fussy  (ぐずる、騒ぎ立てる、小うるさい、神経質な、うるさくて  )
She's been a bit fussy the past few days. 
32062.what-cha-ma-call (あれ、何て言うんだっけ?」/「え〜、何だっけ? )spoken a word you use when you cannot remember the name of something 
Do you have a what-cha-ma-call-it for back pain?
32063.pain patch(湿布)
Do you mean pain(relieving) patch?
32064.on the tip of my tongue (のどまで出かかっている)if a word, name etc is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it 
The name of that Filipino dessert is on the tip of my tongue.
I’m embarrassed  to say I've never heard of that person.


2024年03月27日 | 爺英語

 new survey has found that, for the second straight year, Japanese companies see India as the most favorable overseas investment destination.
The poll also showed that China had dropped a notch to third place.
The survey was conducted by the government-owned Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
It asked the companies which countries they see as promising investment destinations in the next three years. More than 48 percent opted for India.
JBIC conducts the survey of Japanese manufacturers operating overseas every year. This year, it received replies from about 530 firms.
(Kawakami Nao / Japan Bank for International Cooperation)
“India is strongly promoting infrastructure development. And its population is set to continue growing. There is still room for domestic demand to expand.”
China came third after Vietnam at 28 percent. And that's the lowest since the survey began in 1992.

notch (物差しや測定器の)目盛り、階級、等級  
bid 申請 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/27)

2024年03月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32056.pull for(~を応援する )to encourage a person or team to succeed 
Good luck on your game tomorrow. I'm pulling for you. 
32057.surreal (超現実的な、夢のような)a situation or experience that is surreal is very strange and difficult to understand, like something from a dream 
Seeing my childhood home with other people living in it was a surreal experience. 
32058.surplus(超過分、黒字)an amount of something that is more than what is needed or used 類義語 excess /he amount of money that a country or company has left after it has paid for all the things it needs 
When was the last time the Us had a trade surplus?
32059.surrender (降伏する、引き渡す)o say officially that you want to stop fighting, because you realize that you cannot win 
When did Hojo Ujimasa surrender to Toyotomi HIdeyoshi?
32060.rethink(見直す、考え直す) to think about a plan or idea again in order to decide if any changes should be made 類義語 reconsider 
Now that the deadline is in April, not May, we have to rethink our plan. 


2024年03月26日 | 方丈記を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/26)

2024年03月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32051.on one’s way (今向かっています )to make something start happening or to make someone start doing something 
Sorry, I'm running about 15 minutes late. I'm on my way, though 
32052.in the works  (計画中、準備中、進行中 )
We have a new app in the works and should be ready for release by next month . 
32053.turn down (依頼や申し出、要求や提案などを断る )to turn the switch on a machine such as an oven, radio etc so that it produces less heat, sound etc OPP turn up /to refuse an offer, request, or invitation 
I asked her out to dinner but she turned me down
32054.pass up  (魅力的な要求や申し出を断る時 )to not make use of a chance to do something 
Yeah I did. It looks great but I have to pass up on it this time. 
32055.take time off (仕事を長期間を休む意味 )
I'm thinking about taking some time off from school and backpacking the world. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/25)

2024年03月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32046.Nowadays  (最近は)now, compared with what happened in the past 類義語 today 
Nowadays, it is more common for people to shop online than to go to physical stores. 
32047.reasonable  (妥当な)fair and sensible OPP unreasonable / fairly good, but not especially good 類義語 average 
Your idea sounds reasonable. Let’s give it a try. 
32048.skyrocketing (急激に上昇する )if a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly 
Gas prices are skyrocketing. Maybe it’s time for me to get an EV. 
32049.I mean  (つまり、だって ) used when explaining or giving an example of something, or when pausing to think about what you are going to say next /used to quickly correct something you have just said 
I love Japan. I mean everyone is friendly and the food is amazing 
32050.Have a hard time (〜に苦労する )to have a lot of problems or bad experiences 
I’m having a hard time adjusting to my new job. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/24)

2024年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32041.extravagant (浪費する、ぜいたくな )spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford 
Bollywood movies often feature extravagant sets and costume
32042.choreography (舞踊術、振りつけ )the art of arranging how dancers should move during a performance 
Bollywood choreography incorporates a wide variety of dance style
32043.prediction(予測、予想、予言)a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statement 
The  expert said he couldn't make any prediction s about the election result.
32044.presumably(推定されるように、おそらく)used to say that you think something is probably true 
Presumably, he'll be in the hospital   for a month or so.. 
32045.deposit(鉱床)a layer of a mineral, metal etc that is left in soil or rocks through a natural process 
We need to find new ways of mining deposits

繁あね 美しい女たちの物語 (講談社文庫)

2024年03月23日 | 読書日記
1 おさん   7-762 三十二刻   77-1153 柘榴   117-1424 つばくろ   143-1915 あだこ   193-2426 蜜柑の木   243-2567 繁あね   257-270





「繁あね」は「青べか物語 七章」であり短編で私にはあまり響かなかったが、つばくろの主人公紀平高雄の生き方には心打たれた。