


2024年01月31日 | 爺英語

Now the holiday travel rush is worsening labor shortages around the country, especially in the tourism industry.
But one inn has come up with a unique system to ease the effects of the problem.
Popular sightseeing spots here in Tokyo are packed with tourists. But the effects of the labor shortage can be seen all around.
A rickshaw tour business in Asakusa lost nearly half of its drivers during the pandemic.
Some have returned, but the staff is still about 20 percent smaller than its pre-pandemic size. 
It has no choice but to turn some customers away.
But this inn in Shizuoka Prefecture is turning to an unlikely source of manpower – the guests themselves.
The inn has organized a “work while travel” system that pays visitors for tasks such as cleaning and serving meals.
The program also includes accommodation, food, and access to the on-site hot spring during non-working hours.

neural 観光業界、観光産業  

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/31)

2024年01月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
31776.due (支払いや提出の期日 )
The due date for the assignment is next Wednesday. 
31777.due (電車など乗り物の到着予定 )
When is the baby due? 
31778.Keep it to yourself (内緒にしておいてね )
My wife is pregnant! But please keep it to yourself, we haven’t told her family yet. 
31779.geek  ((社交的な)マニア・オタク )
Oh my gosh! How do you know so much about the supermoon? You're such a geek
31780.nerd ((内向的な)オタク )someone who seems only interested in computers and other technical things – used to show disapproval 類義語 geek 
I guess she's a little nerdy. She wears glasses and is a bit socially awkward. 

徒然草 第二百四十一段

2024年01月30日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/30)

2024年01月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
31771.heap a large untidy pile of things 
There are heaps of amazing ramen shops in this area. 
31772.more or less  (大体)almost 
Today’s meeting will last an hour, more or less
31773.smush (押しつぶす )
The train was packed this morning. I was smushed against the window. 
31774.Break a leg  (頑張ってね )spoken used to wish someone luck, especially just before they perform on stage 
I’m sure you’re going to kill this presentation. Break a leg
31775.It’s not rocket science (難しいことではない )
Learning how to play the guitar is not rocket science. You just have to practice. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/29)

2024年01月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
31766.mix up  (混ぜ合わせる、勘違いする )
Peter is running late because he mixed up the time. 
31767.A for effort (よく頑張る )to make someone or something better so that they reach the necessary standard 
Even though my students didn't win the speech contest, I give them an A for effort
31768.in season (野菜や果物の旬 )vegetables and fruit that are in season are cheap and easily available because it is the time of year when they are ready to eat. If they are out of season, they are expensive or not available 
Japanese radishes are in season now. 
31769.push back  (延期する )
The BBQ party got pushed back to next Saturday because of the rain. 
31770.How do you say ~ in polite way? (~は丁寧な英語表現でどう言うのですか? )
How do you say “I can’t go” in a polite way

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/28)

2024年01月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
31761.zookeeper someone who looks after animals in a zoo 
That seal caught every fish the zookeeper threw.
31762.exotic (外来の、異国情緒あふれる)something that is exotic seems unusual and interesting because it is related to a foreign country – use this to show approval 
The San Diego Zoo is home to many exotic animals, including okapi. 
31763.mad(怒って、頭にきて)especially American English angry 
My wife is mad me for forgetting our anniversary.
31764.yell (怒鳴る、大声を上げる)to shout or say something very loudly, especially because you are frightened, angry, or excited 
My sister started yelling at me, but didn't know what she was mad about. 
31765.furiously(怒り狂って、猛烈に) very angry 
"Get to work!" Mr.Chandler roared furiously.


2024年01月27日 | 読書日記





Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/27)

2024年01月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
31756.on cloud nine (天に昇る気持ちの;大変幸福な)informal to be very happy about something 
Did you hear?John got accepted to Asahi University. He's on cloud nine.
31757.be intrigued by (興味がある)
I've been intrigued by the process that children acquired. 
31758.in a positive light(ポシティヴに考えれば)
We should accept the result in a positive light.
31759.looking on the bright side (明るい面に目を向ければ)
Looking on the bright side, we didn't suffer any losses. 
31760.on a positive note(プラスに考えれば)
The takeover didn't happen, but on a positive note, we didn't have to borrow money. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/26)

2024年01月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
31751.have a crush on (~に熱を上げる)t
She has a crush on Taro.
31752.have a feelings for (~が大好き、惚れている)
If you have a feelings for him, you have to tell him. Don't keep that bottled up inside . 
31753.Tell me more(もっと教えて)
Tell me more about yourself. How did you come to live in Japan?
31754.in the first place (そもそも)used to talk about the beginning of a situation, or the situation before something happened 
YI don't want to be called an "android" in the first place
31755.couldn't care less about(~なんてどうでもいい)
I couldn't care less about one review on a website. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/25)

2024年01月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
31746.the proper way (正しい作法)
Do you know the proper way  to use  chopsticks in Japan?
31747.stroller (ベビーカー)a small folding chair on wheels that a baby or small child sits in and is pushed around in 
Actually, strollers don’t go there. they go here. 
31748.ahead of(~よりすすんで)
We urgently need to establish a mass production system ahead of our peers
31749.clear-cut (明確な)easy to understand or be certain about 類義語 definite 
The definition is not clear-cut
31750.overstatement(言い過ぎ、誇張)類義語 exaggerate OPP understate 
It’s an overstatement to say that the man’s a fool. 


2024年01月24日 | 爺英語

The day may not be far off when we can look into other people's minds.
A group of Japanese researchers says it's developed a method to reconstruct imagined images from brain activity using generative AI technology.
The researchers recorded people's neural signals as they viewed various images of landscapes and objects.
Then they quantified the physical characteristics of actual images into numeric values and developed a unique program that translates neural signals into numeric values.
The program makes it possible to convert imagined images of landscapes or other objects into numbers.
Artificial intelligence is then able to process those numbers and reproduce the mental images.
The group hopes the findings will lead to the development of new devices that allow the brain to convey people's intentions without using words or gestures.

neural 神経の、神経系の 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/24)

2024年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
31741.come a long way (大きな発展・進歩・成長を遂げる)to have made a lot of progress 
Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s. 
31742.know a lot of people  (顔が広い)
John is from this area and he knows a lot of people here. 
31743.sleep in to let yourself sleep later than usual in the morning 
We usually sleep in on Sunday mornings. 
31744.a long way to go  (まだまだ)
I feel like my listening is getting better but I still have ways to go with my speaking. 
31745.revise ((間違いを)訂正する )to change something because of new information or ideas 
Attached is the revised annual report.