Helen Merrill with Clifford Brown / You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To
17811..I'm on my way!(直ぐに行きます)
I'm on my way!
17812.Can I buy you(~をご馳走する)
Can I buy you a cup of coffee.
17813.That's the least I can do(そのくらいはさせてください)
That's the least I can do.
17814.I grew up in(~育ちです)
I actually grew up in Yokohama.
She is gorgeous.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I'm on my way!
17812.Can I buy you(~をご馳走する)
Can I buy you a cup of coffee.
17813.That's the least I can do(そのくらいはさせてください)
That's the least I can do.
17814.I grew up in(~育ちです)
I actually grew up in Yokohama.
She is gorgeous.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

17806..the hassle of ~(~する手間)
I'd save you the hassle of waiting fora call from from Lost and Found.
17807.What are you driving at?(何が言いたいのか)
What are you driving at?.
17808.in person(直に、自分で)
I can return your phone to you in person.
17809.meet me(~で待ち合わせ)
Meet me in front of the cafe.
17810.I'm on my way(すぐに行きます)
I'm on my way.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I'd save you the hassle of waiting fora call from from Lost and Found.
17807.What are you driving at?(何が言いたいのか)
What are you driving at?.
17808.in person(直に、自分で)
I can return your phone to you in person.
17809.meet me(~で待ち合わせ)
Meet me in front of the cafe.
17810.I'm on my way(すぐに行きます)
I'm on my way.
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![]() | みんなのたあ坊の菜根譚―今も昔も大切な100のことば |
クリエーター情報なし | |
サンリオ |
17801..run over(車が引く)
I couldn't stop in time and run over a cat on my way home last night.
17802.run up(価格が上がる)
We should get the tickets before the price runs up too high.
There's an app to find lost phones, you know.
17804.get the bottom of(真相をつき求める、探る)
I7m going to get the bottom of this.
17805.play hardball with(手加減しない)
I'm going to play hardball with him.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I couldn't stop in time and run over a cat on my way home last night.
17802.run up(価格が上がる)
We should get the tickets before the price runs up too high.
There's an app to find lost phones, you know.
17804.get the bottom of(真相をつき求める、探る)
I7m going to get the bottom of this.
17805.play hardball with(手加減しない)
I'm going to play hardball with him.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

17796..run away(逃げる,家出する)
Mary ran away when she was sixteen.
17796..run down(機会が止まる)
I thik the battery has run down in my phone.
17798.run in(さっと立ち寄る)
We ran in in the store on the way home.
17799.run off(逃げる)
She ran off with her children and left her husband alone.
17800.run out(尽きる、無くなる)
It looks like time has run out us for today.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Mary ran away when she was sixteen.
17796..run down(機会が止まる)
I thik the battery has run down in my phone.
17798.run in(さっと立ち寄る)
We ran in in the store on the way home.
17799.run off(逃げる)
She ran off with her children and left her husband alone.
17800.run out(尽きる、無くなる)
It looks like time has run out us for today.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

A SpaceX rocket has exploded after a failed vertical landing attempt on a floating platform in the Pacific.
The U.S. space venture company launched its Falcon 9 rocket from California and successfully delivered a satellite into space on Sunday. The first stage of the rocket descended vertically and landed on the designated spot on the platform, but toppled over after one of its four supporting legs malfunctioned.
SpaceX aims to reduce launch costs by developing technology to reuse the first stage of rockets rather than having them fall into the ocean.
The company successfully landed a rocket vertically on land in December, though its previous attempts on a floating platform have also failed.
◆vertical landing 垂直着陸
◆descend 降りる、下降する
◆topple over 倒れる、倒す
17791..strong opinion(はっきりとした意見)
I don't have a strong opinion about that yet.
I totally disagree.
There is a problem with this bill ...I think.
There's a problem with my deposit.
17795.mix up(ごちゃまぜにする、混同する)
I get mixed up when you speak too fast.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I don't have a strong opinion about that yet.
I totally disagree.
There is a problem with this bill ...I think.
There's a problem with my deposit.
17795.mix up(ごちゃまぜにする、混同する)
I get mixed up when you speak too fast.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

He craimed he was a prince from A European country.
I'd live in the countryside.
17788.not enough(~の余裕がない)
At the end of my trop, there was not enough money.
17789.in plenty of time(時間に余裕を持って)
I wish I had left in plenty of time.
17790.Ah, sorry!(あ、ちょっと)
We Ah, sorry! We're on line here.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

He craimed he was a prince from A European country.
I'd live in the countryside.
17788.not enough(~の余裕がない)
At the end of my trop, there was not enough money.
17789.in plenty of time(時間に余裕を持って)
I wish I had left in plenty of time.
17790.Ah, sorry!(あ、ちょっと)
We Ah, sorry! We're on line here.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Confucius said, "It is easy to serve gentlemen and it is not easy to please them. You cannot please them without the right way and they put the right person in the right post. It is not easy to serve worthless men and it is easy to please them. You can please them without the right way."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
17781..keep watchful eye(注意を怠らないでいる)
I've got to keep watchful eye as she grows older.
17782.be ticked off(腹を立てている)
I am well and truly ticked off.
17783.in a state(いらだって)
What's got you in a state?
I can't believe the nerve of the people in coffee shop.
That's pretty outrageous.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I've got to keep watchful eye as she grows older.
17782.be ticked off(腹を立てている)
I am well and truly ticked off.
17783.in a state(いらだって)
What's got you in a state?
I can't believe the nerve of the people in coffee shop.
That's pretty outrageous.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Louis Armstrong - Hello Dolly Live
17776..go hand-in-hand(直接に関連がある)
The members of this new generation think being well-dressed and being successful go hand-in-hand.
17777.make it(成功する、うまくやり遂げる)
They also see having a nice car as sigh of having made it starts.
17778.self-centered materialist(自己中心的な物質主義者)
They are not self-centered materialist by any means.
17779.political unrest and conflict(政情不安や政治的対立)
They can't help being aware of social injustice, environmental issues,political unrest and conflict.
They have a strong social conscience.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The members of this new generation think being well-dressed and being successful go hand-in-hand.
17777.make it(成功する、うまくやり遂げる)
They also see having a nice car as sigh of having made it starts.
17778.self-centered materialist(自己中心的な物質主義者)
They are not self-centered materialist by any means.
17779.political unrest and conflict(政情不安や政治的対立)
They can't help being aware of social injustice, environmental issues,political unrest and conflict.
They have a strong social conscience.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News