24116.especially (特に・なかでも )used to emphasize that something is more important or happens more with one particular thing than with others 類義語 particularly
I can't handle hard liquor, especially tequila.
24117.specially (特別に )ifor one particular purpose, and only for that purpose
Lisa is specially trained to teach autistic children.
24118.chin up ((顎をあげて)元気を出せ )
I know things are tough right now but keep your chin up.
24119.head up (元気を出せ)
No matter how tough the situation is, he always keeps his head up.
24120.small talk (雑談)polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects
It was fun. Everyone was making small talk about work.
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24111.craving (無性に〜が欲しい・〜を切望する ) an extremely strong desire for something → longing
I’m craving something sweet.
24112.have an urge to (~したい衝動に駆られる・無性に〜したい )
I had a sudden urge to eat ice cream last night.
24113.feel like (〜したい気分 )
I feel like eating something spicy.
24114.meeting point(待ち合わせ場所) impossible or unable to move from a particular position
Let me jnow where the meeting point. OK?
24115.minor(未成年) law someone who is below the age at which they become legally responsible for their actions
The law doesn't permit the sale of alchol to minor.
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ドラマ化決定! 主演・大泉洋
ドラマ化決定! 主演・大泉洋
24106.envision(心に描く、直面する)to imagine something that you think might happen in the future, especially something that you think will be good 類義語 envisage
I can envision a world with no hunger or war
24107.discredit to make people stop respecting or trusting someone or something/ to make people stop believing in a particular idea
The lawyer tried to discredit the witness’ account of the incident..
24108.retreat(退却、後退 )to move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle OPP advance
My father always retreats to his study when he wants to be alone.
24109.confine(限る、制限する、とどめる、(…を)閉じ込める )to keep someone or something within the limits of a particular activity or subject 類義語 restrict
The fighting was confined to one area of the city
24110.transmit(送る、渡す、送り届ける) to send out electronic signals, messages etc using radio, television, or other similar equipment /
formal to send or pass something from one person, place or thing to another 類義語 pass
The spaceship transmitted its signal back to earth.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24101.sloppy (だらしない ) not done carefully or thoroughly 類義語 careless
She is sloppy with money.
24102.irresponsible (だらしない / いい加減 )doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible bad results OPP responsible
How can you forget the appointment? You're so irresponsible!
24103.flip(指先などで)(…を)はじく、ぽんと打つ、(ひょいと)ほうり上げる) to make a flat object such as a coin go upwards and turn over in the air 類義語 toss
24103.flip(指先などで)(…を)はじく、ぽんと打つ、(ひょいと)ほうり上げる) to make a flat object such as a coin go upwards and turn over in the air 類義語 toss
The referee flipped a coin to see which team would kick-off.
24104.sweep(掃除する、掃く、払う、掃きのける ) to clean the dust, dirt etc from the floor or ground, using a brush with a long handle 類義語 brush position to form a long curved shape
Recently, a wave of pessimusm seems to be sweeping the country.
24105.illustrate(説明する、例示する)to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples / to be an example which shows that something is true or that a fact exists
He illustrated his point ny telling us a story about his childhood.
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24096.part with(手放す)
I couldn't stand to part with my ipod.
24097.It goes without saying that(言うまでもなく)in a way that improves the situation
It goes without saying that a good education helps get a good job
2409 truancy(無断欠席、ずる休み )when students deliberately stay away from school without permission
The whole question of truancy is now under discussion
24099.as to~については)concerning something
I'm puzzled as to how I made a such a silly mistake..
24100.as of(ある特定の日から)
As of next month, all classes will be held in the new building.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Japan's prime minister has officially released the lineup of his new Cabinet. Shinzo Abe is shifting most of the posts, bringing in 13 fresh faces.
This is the first shakeup since July's Upper House election. The vote saw the ruling coalition lose seats, but maintain a healthy majority.
Toshimitsu Motegi will be Japan's new foreign minister. He has already made a name for himself in international circles as the top negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and a Japan-U.S. trade deal. He's taking over from Taro Kono. In turn, Kono is becoming the new defense minister.
Abe is keeping in place two Cabinet heavyweights. Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga will retain the portfolios they've held since Abe returned to power in 2012.
New to the Cabinet is Shinjiro Koizumi, who will take over as environment minister. He is a rising star in the LDP and the son of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
This is the first shakeup since July's Upper House election. The vote saw the ruling coalition lose seats, but maintain a healthy majority.
Toshimitsu Motegi will be Japan's new foreign minister. He has already made a name for himself in international circles as the top negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and a Japan-U.S. trade deal. He's taking over from Taro Kono. In turn, Kono is becoming the new defense minister.
Abe is keeping in place two Cabinet heavyweights. Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga will retain the portfolios they've held since Abe returned to power in 2012.
New to the Cabinet is Shinjiro Koizumi, who will take over as environment minister. He is a rising star in the LDP and the son of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
◆ruling coalition 連立政権、与党連合
◆made a name for oneself 名を成す、名声を得る
◆heavyweight 重鎮、有力者 someone or something that is very important or has a lot of influence
◆rising star 期待の星
24091.to the best of one's knowledge(私の知る限りでは )
To the best of my knowledge, the TOEIC is held 8 times a year.
24092.scam(詐欺)a clever but dishonest way to get money
Many people get taken in by internet scams
24093.on the spot(その場で ) if you are on the spot, you are in the place where something is happening
If you steal from the store, youwill be fired on the spot.
24094.on good terms with(良い関係で)
She's on good terms with all her classmate.
24095.have words with(口論する)
I had words with my daughter again about the way she dresses.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24086.move on (前に進む ) to leave your present job, class, or activity and start doing another one
There's nothing we can do about it now. Let's forget about what happened and move on.
24087.all over (至る所に / あちこち )in a way that improves the situation
Reviews about our new product is all over the internet.
24088.act up(あばれる、騒ぐ、ふざける、いたずらをする、調子が悪くなる、(また)悪化する、痛みだす )if a machine or part of your body acts up, it does not work properly if children act up, they behave badly
That vendng machine always acts up. Sorry for the incovenience
24089.on one's own(独力で)
I prefer to study on my own.
24090.on the go(働きづめ)if you have something on the go, you have started it and are busy doing it very busy doing a lot of things
Teachers are always on the go.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Roger Williams - Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
24081.I was trying to(~するつもりでした )
I was trying to pay with my credit card.
24082.behavior (行動 ) the way that someone or something acts in different situations
You must be on your best behavior when interviewing for a job.
24083.attitude (態度 ) the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something, especially when this is shown in your behaviour
She may not be the best player on the team, but she has a great attitude.
24084.goof (まぬけ、へま、どじ )especially American English informal to make a silly mistake
Mary, stop goofing around and behave yourself!
24085.get over something/someone (立ち直る )
You guys broke up over a year ago. You need to get over him.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News