

上機嫌な言葉 366日

2020年02月29日 | 読書日記





次は同じ著者の老いてこそ上機嫌 (文春文庫)」に挑戦しよう。

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/29)

2020年02月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
24866.make fun of(揶揄う)to make unkind insulting remarks about someone or something 
No, I'm not making fun of you. My friend just sent me a funny text. 
24867.lose heart(心がくじける)
I mean that even if we don't win,we never lose heart.
24868.not quite(すっかり~という訳ではない)not completely
 I can't quite grasp what you want to say.
How do you mean?  Could you elaborate a little?
24870.go through the roof(非常に高くなる / 限度を超えて上昇する)  
The prices are going through the roof right now. I'm just going to sit tight for a while. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/28)

2020年02月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
Can someone cover my class tonight? I'm not feeling well. 
24862.archaeology(考古学 )the study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools etc 
I thought teaching and archaeology were your life.
24863.one 's best day(全盛時代、〈人の〉・全盛期)
MI bought a loofah.--- You bought a what?
24864.loofah a rough bath sponge, made from the dried inner part of a tropical fruit 
I’m bad at asking for help. I tend to do things on my own.
24865.common courtesy(礼儀)a polite way of behaving that you expect from people   
It’s common courtesy to cover your mouth when you sneeze. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/27)

2020年02月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
24856.Would it be OK if(~してよろしいでしょうか)
Would it be OK if I reserved a table at sushi restaurant? 
24857.resume(履歴書) a short written account of your education and your previous jobs that you send to an employer when you are looking for a new job 
Can you show me how to write a effective resume
24858.reschedule  to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned 
Would it be possible to reschedule  Friday's meeting?
24859.dumb stupid   
I made a dumb mistake. .
24860.I'm not a fan of(好きじゃない)  
I'm not a big fan of online shopping. I'd rather go buy it in person. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年02月26日 | 爺英語
The Japan Tourism Agency has made a series of video clips aimed at addressing overtourism, an issue currently causing tensions between visitors and residents. The clips explain a bit about manners and customs in the country.
(Clip: Public Transportation Scene #04)
"Please place suitcases and other large luggage out of the way of other passengers."
The agency has produced 10 videos. People playing the roles of ninjas and "kuroko," stage assistants dressed in black, humorously act out various scenarios.
(Clip: Public Baths and Hotels Scene #06)
"Everyone bathes together in a hot spring. Please wash yourself before getting into the bath."
The agency says it hopes travelers will watch the videos at transportation facilities and tourist information centers.

video clip 短く切り取った場面の動画
address 取り組む
over tourism オーバーツーリズム、観光公害

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/26)

2020年02月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
24851.kind of(ちょっとした)spoken slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 類義語 sort of 
I'm kind of in a hurry!
24852.for free (無料で)
Please take the coupon so that you'll get the next one for free.
24853.invoice (請求書)a list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done, showing how much you owe for them → bill 
I do apologize. I'll issue you a new invoice right away.
24854.apologize to tell someone that you are sorry that you have done something wrong  
Please allow me to apologize. That was a very careless mistake.
24855.say something to someone’s face(考えや気持ちを正直に伝える)to criticize someone or say something unpleasant directly to them instead of saying it to someone else   
I heard about the rumors. He'll never say it to my face though. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第三十六段

2020年02月25日 | 徒然草を読む


「随分とないがしろにしてしまったから、きっと怒っているだろうなと、自分の惰性を責めながら、謝罪の言葉も見つけられずに放心していたら、彼女の方から、暇にしている家政婦さんはいませんか? いたら、一人紹介してくださいね、なんて言ってきてくれて、そんなことは誰にでも出来る芸当でもなく、予想外の出来事で、びっくらこいたよ。こういうハートを持った女の人は最高だね」と、ある人が言っていたけど、私も本当にそういう女の子がいればいいと思った。


Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/25)

2020年02月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
24846.go too far  to do something too extreme 
I think he goes a little too far sometimes
having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion etc 
You can visit some sophisticated art galleries.
24848.offensive(いやな、不快な) very rude or insulting and likely to upset people OPP inoffensive 
Some of his jokes are offensive though.
24849.diligent someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough 
I think most workers in Vietnam are very diligent.
24850.eye-opener(目を見張らせるようなもの、真相を示す新事実 )an experience from which you learn something surprising or new   
I was an eye-opener.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/24)

2020年02月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
24841.put one's mind to(専念する)
You can do it if you put your mind to it. 
24842.degree(学位) a course of study at a university or college, or the qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course 
After I get degree, I'll look for management position.
24843.call for(…を求めて呼ぶ、…を取りにいく、を連れに訪れる、…を必要とする、に値する、ふさわしい)
This calls for a celebration..
24844.rewarding (するだけの価値がある)  making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing something useful or important, even if you do not earn much money → satisfying, worthwhile 
It’s rewarding experience.  
24845.off the beaten track(踏み慣らされた道、普通の方法、世間の常識)a place that is off the beaten track is not well known and is far away from the places that people usually visit 
If you want to go off the beaten track, I recommend HIrayu Onsen in Gihu

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/23)

2020年02月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
24836.chip in(みんなでお金を少しずつ出し合う)if each person in a group chips in, they each give a small amount of money so that they can buy something together 
We chipped in and bought him a new laptop. 
24837.in love with((恋愛の)愛してる/恋してる)to have or develop very strong feelings of love for someone 
I'm in love with her.
24838.insecure (精神的に不安定/自意識過剰)
He feels insecure about his pronunciation.
He has a timid look on his face.
24840.fall on(〜に当たる)  
What happens when payday falls on a holiday? Do we get paid the day before or after? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

タイガー理髪店心中 小暮夕紀子

2020年02月22日 | 読書日記


選考委員・評論家諸氏絶賛! !


磯崎憲一郎氏「単にユーモラスなだけでは済まない、独特の緊張感すら漂う夫婦の関係が巧みに描き出されている」(朝日新聞平成30年3月30日 文芸時評)、
石原千秋氏「一言で、この作品の全編に殺意がみなぎっていたのだと『錯覚』させる。これが文学というものだ」(産経新聞平成30年3月25日 時評文芸)、

◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆
1960年岡山県生まれ。岡山大学法文学部卒業。2018年「タイガー理髪店心中」で第四回林芙美子文学賞を受賞しデビュー。家族は夫一人 と猫九匹。




Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/22)

2020年02月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
24831.magnificently(雄大に、豪華に、すばらしく、見事に)very good or beautiful, and very impressive 
The location of the town along the river is magnificent. 
24832.carvings of Buddha(仏像)an object or pattern made by cutting a shape in wood or stone for decoration → carve 
Do you like the carvings of Buddha there?
24833.throughout(至る所、すっかり、すみからすみまで) in every part of a particular area, place etc 
The disease spread rapidly throughout Europe. .
24834.charismatic(カリスマの、カリスマ的な)a natural ability to attract and interest other people and make them admire you   
She is very charismatic.
24835.inconvenient causing problems, often in a way that is annoying OPP convenient 
Monday’s a bit inconvenient for me. How about Wednesday? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News