

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/31)

2024年10月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
32136.wind chill(風冷え)the cooling effect of the wind 
Wind chill is how cold it really feels outside. 
32137.below zero(零下)
Water will freeze when the temperature falls below zero degrees Celsius. 
32138.clear up(きれいにする、きれいに片づける、整頓(せいとん)する、解く)if the weather clears up, it gets better 
I am hoping for the weather to clear up so we can go on our picnic .
32139.extreme heat(強烈な暑さ)
If you are old or have a bad heart, do not go out in the extreme heat
33140.plot(陰謀、策略、(小説・脚本などの)筋、構想) a secret plan by a group of people to do something harmful or illegal/ the events that form the main story of a book, film, or play 
The mystery movie had an intriguing plot. 


2024年10月30日 | 爺英語

A shortage of schoolteachers in Japan has become increasingly serious since the beginning of the school year in April. NHK surveyed education boards nationwide and received data from 43 of 68 prefectures and designated cities. They reported a total staffing shortage of about 1,800 teachers in May, which increased 30 percent to nearly 2,400 by September. That is about 600 vacant teaching positions in just four months. Local governments report that they have difficulty finding enough substitute teachers, especially at elementary and middle schools, with a shortage increase of 40 percent. Officials say an increasing number of teachers took sick leave due to illness, as well as for maternity and childcare leave. Some municipal officials noted that vice principals and other administrative staff are trying to fill the void by taking on teaching duties themselves. Others point out that fewer people want to sign up for part-time teaching jobs.
nationwide 全国的にhappening or existing in every part of the country 類義語 countrywide 
childcare leave 育休
municipal  地方自治体の   relating to or belonging to the government of a town or city 
fill the void 穴を埋める、穴埋めする    an empty area of space where nothing exists 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/30)

2024年10月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
32131.drizzle (霧雨)to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise 類義語 perspire 
A drizzle is a very fine light rain 
32132.sleet(みぞれ)saying things that are the opposite of what you mean, in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed 
Sleet, freezing rain drops, stings when it hits bare skin. 
32133.ice over(氷の層でおおわれる )
Bridges will ice over before the rest of the roadway. 
32134.muggy  (蒸し暑い、うっとうしい ) to notice something about the way someone is behaving or feeling, even though they are trying not to show it 
 In high humidity the air feels muggy 
33135.below freezing (氷点下で ) a above or below the temperature at which water freezes 
Wet roads can ice over when the temperature falls below freezing 


2024年10月29日 | 土佐日記




Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/29)

2024年10月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
32126.accomplishment(完成、成就、遂行、成果)something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work 類義語 achievement 
What do you think is your greatest accomplishment
This award honors the accomplishments of young composers.
32128.wisecrack(辛辣で人が笑うような一言)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke 
 The comedian made wisecracks about the celebrities’clothes.
32129.malware software that is designed to get onto a computer and cause harm to the information there or problems with the way it works 
 My computer is infected with malware.
33130.I knew you could do it.(さすがだね ) 
You got accepted to the University of Tokyo? I knew you could do it! Congrats! 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/28)

2024年10月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32121.feel bad (気分を悪くする、当惑する)to feel ashamed or sorry about something 
I don’t want you to feel bad. I will pay for it.
32122.storm shutter(雨戸)
Did you close the storm shutter
32123.progress report(進捗報告)a statement about how something, especially work, is developing 
The other day I asked you to submit a progress report.
32124.tart(酸っぱい、しんらつな、鋭い) food that is tart has a sharp sour taste 
I like tart apples more than sweet apples
33125.disregard(無視する、軽視する) to ignore something or treat it as unimportant 
You can disregard this error message.. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/27)

2024年10月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32116.settle down(解決する)t if a situation settles down, it becomes calmer and you are less busy or less worried 
I hope things settle down for you soon..
32117.calm down(落ち着く)
I hope things calm down for you before long.
32118.catalyst(起爆剤)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke 
Our vision is to become a catalyst for poistive social change.
32119.freak out (麻薬による幻覚状態、異常な精神状態、麻薬幻覚者) a drink intended to have a special or magical effect on the person who drinks it, or which is intended to poison them 
I freak out every time i hear the  dog howl.
33120.scare away (勇気を失わせる) to make an animal or person go away by frightening them 
A scarecrow is suppose to scare away the bird in the garden. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/26)

2024年10月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32111.immersive(没頭させるような;夢中にさせる )making you feel you are really taking part in the events you are seeing on a screen or hearing about, or are really in a virtual environment 
You could have that kind of immersive experience of being underwater 
32112.cornerstone(隅石(すみいし)、礎石、基礎、基本、肝要なもの something that is extremely important because everything else depends on it 
Effective communication is the cornerstone of improving team spirit and boosting productivity.
32113.buffet reception(立食パーテイ)
We're excited to speak with you at the buffet party.
I'm afraid the following week won't work for me due to a pre-scheduled business trip to Geneva.
33115.the last-minutes notice(最後の瞬間の告知) the last possible time, just before it is too late 
I apologize for the last-minute notice. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/25)

2024年10月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32106.come into play(活用し始める、動き始める)
Artificial Intelligence will increasingly come into play in various industries.
32107.first and foremost(何よりもまず)used to emphasize the most important quality, purpose, reason etc 
First and foremost are the exceptional image quality of the camera and remarkable sound quality of the speakers.
32108.exquisite(絶妙な、精巧な)very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do things 
Experience the extraordinary three-dimensional display quality and the exquisite sound.
32109.unwavering(揺るぎない)an unwavering attitude, belief, expression etc does not change 
His voice, too, was as sincere, as unwavering and self-assured as ever. 
33110.togetherness(一体感、連帯感) the pleasant feeling you have when you are part of a group of people who have a close relationship with each other 
It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/24)

2024年10月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32101.charming(味がある)very pleasing or attractive 
This Irish restaurant is charming.
32102.twenty-minute wait(20分待ち)
There's twenty-minute wait for a table.
32103.to start(最初に)said to emphasize the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating 
To start, would you like something to drink?
32104.split(分ける)to divide or separate something into different parts or groups, or to be divided into different parts or groups 
 If possible, could you split it in two plates?
33105.extra plate(取り皿)
May I have an extra plate


2024年10月23日 | 爺英語

Japan Post raised postal rates starting on October 1 for the first time in 30 years. It cited a drop in postal service users as one reason behind the hikes. Another is rising logistics costs. The cost of postcards rose to 85 yen, or about 60 cents. Postage for standard-size items weighing 50 grams or less went up to 110 yen. Rates for sending documents were also hiked – Letter Pack Light envelopes went up to 430 yen, and Letter Pack Plus rose to 600 yen, or about 4 dollars. The firm expects to restore profitability in its postal business in fiscal 2025, but it foresees an operating loss again in fiscal 2026. The question now is how Japan Post can make its postal business more efficient while maintaining low rates for mail services throughout the country.

cite (例や理由などとして)挙げる、言及する   to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation
hike (料金や給料などの)引き上げ  especially American English informal a large increase in prices, wages, taxes etc 類義語 rise 
operating loss 営業損失   a loss relating to a company’s normal business operations, rather than to activities such as asset sales that only happen from time to time