


2021年03月31日 | 爺英語

In sports, Japanese marathon runner Kawauchi Yuki has received a certificate from Guinness World Records for completing the most number of marathons under two hours and 20 minutes.
Kawauchi filed for the recognition after his 100th such race. He accomplished the triple-digit milestone when he finished the Hofu Marathon in Yamaguchi Prefecture last December.
(Kawauchi Yuki / Marathon runner)
"I'm not the fastest in Japan. I'm not the strongest runner in Japan. But I've continued to run diligently in each race, for more than 27 years, since I was six years old. And it has resulted in this record."
Kawauchi made his debut in 2009 and has completed a total of 109 full marathons.
triple-digit 3桁の If there is a shortfall in something, there is less of it than you need.
diligently     こつこつと、精を出して    When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/31)

2021年03月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
26926.give a pep talk to(激励する、カツを入れる)
I’ll give a pep talk to  the team just before the match.
We could have a sale and sell them at the reduced prices. 
26928.think outside the box(全く違った捉え方をする)
We have to start thinking outside the box
26929.No disrespect intended(無礼なことを申し上げるつもりはありませんが)
No disrespect intended, but I don't think you understand the seriousness of the damage. 
26930.With all due respect(失礼ですが、お言葉ですが)
With all due respect, I don't think you've fully understand my explanation

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徒然草 第九十三段

2021年03月30日 | 徒然草を読む








Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/30)

2021年03月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
26921.spend a fortune (〜に大金を費やす)
Yeah she showed it to me yesterday. I'm sure her fiancé spent a fortune for that thing. 
26922.real deal(本物 / 半端でない存在)
Shohei Ohtani is the real deal. He's going to have a breakout year! 
26923.useful((物が)役に立つ)If something is useful, you can use it to do something or to help you in some way. 
Try this new app. It’s really useful.  
26924.helpful((人が)役に立つ)If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information. 
Thanks for your helpful advice. 
26925.I feel refreshed. I feel better.(スッキリした!)
That shower felt good. I feel refreshed! 

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/29)

2021年03月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
26916.hyper((非常に・異常に)ハイテンション)If someone is hyper, they are very excited and energetic.
Why are you so hyper
26917.excited((良い出来事にワクワクして)ハイテンション)If you are excited, you are so happy that you cannot relax, especially because you are thinking about something pleasant that is going to happen to you. 
She's excited because she passed her college entrance exam.  
26918.pumped up(良い出来事にワクワクして)ハイテンション) to cause (someone) to become energized, excited, or enthusiastic
I don't mind you getting pumped up but don't get carried away.  
26919.put money aside(貯金する)
I'm putting a couple hundred dollars aside every month for a down payment on a car.
26920.splurge(自己宣伝、派手な金づかい、散財) If you splurge on something, you spend a lot of money, usually on things that you do not need. 
I'm in the mood to splurge. Let's hit the mall. 

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/28)

2021年03月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
26911.say a few words(一言のべる、簡単な挨拶)
Would you please say a few words of introduction.
26912.be tempted to(~したくなる、~する誘惑にかられる)
I’m always tempted to come here.. 
26913.bring up(話題を持ち出す) 
Perhaps we could bring up that subject at the next meeting.
26914.breakdown(内訳)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens 
By the way, could you give me the breakdown of products sold last week? 
26915.raise one's profile(認知度、注目度を高める)
We should consider raising our profile.

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2021年03月27日 | 読書日記
吉祥寺でひとり出版社「夏葉社」をはじめて 10 年。作家志望だった著者は、幼いころから兄弟のように仲良くしていた従兄を事故で亡くしたこと機に転職活動をはじめるも、50社連続不採用。33歳で夏葉社を起業した。編集未経験からの手探りの本づくりの日々、苦手な営業をとおして肌で触れた書店の現場。本づくりをともにしてきた和田誠さん、庄野潤三さんの本をめぐる庄野家のひとびととの交流。たったひとりですべてやる、 小さな仕事だからできること。大量生産、大量消費以前のやり方を現代によみがえらせる、ひとり出版社「夏葉社」の10年が伝える、働き方と本の未来。


【著者略歴 について
1976年高知県生まれ。東京育ち。日本大学商学部会計学科卒業。大学卒業後、アルバイトや派遣社員をしながら小説家を目指していたが挫折。2009年9月に33 歳で夏葉社を起業。ひとり出版社の先がけとなり今年10周年を迎えた。著書に『あしたから出版社』『90年代の若者たち』がある。




Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/27)

2021年03月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
26906.fart(屁、放屁、いやなやつ、愚かな人 )If someone farts, air is forced out of their body through their anus. 
Who farted?
26907.put on clothes(洋服を着る)
You should put on a jacket. It's pretty chilly outside. 
26908.notification(通知、公告、告示) If you are given notification of something, you are officially informed of it. 
I just got a notification from my email app. 
26909.settings(設定)A particular setting is a particular place or type of surroundings where something is or takes place. 
You can turn off notifications in the settings.
26910.I’m terribly sorry.(大変申し訳ございません) extremely; very 
I'm terribly sorry...You have the free version, and I can't play that.

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/26)

2021年03月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
26901.pushy(押しの強い、でしゃばりな、ずうずうしい)If you describe someone as pushy, you mean that they try in a forceful way to get things done as they would like. 
I hate dealing with pushy salespeople..
26902.brash(せっかちな、軽率な、厚かましい、生意気な)If you describe someone or their behaviour as brash, you disapprove of them because you think that they are too confident and aggressive. 
It's good to be confident, but try not to sound brash
26903.intense(激しい、強烈な、熱烈な、極端な、熱情的な)AIntense is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree. 
John is  so intense about the enviroment.
26904.sneeze(くしゃみをする)When you sneeze, you suddenly take in your breath and then blow it down your nose noisily without being able to stop yourself, for example because you have a cold. 
One way or the other, we have to find a way to complete this project by next week. 
26905.snore(いびきをかく) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past. 
My roommate snores much that I can’t sleep at night

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/25)

2021年03月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
26896.persuasive(説得力のある、口のうまい)Someone or something that is persuasive is likely to persuade a person to believe or do a particular thing. 
I take your point, but it's not very persuasive argument, is it?
26897.drastic(劇的な、思い切った)If you have to take drastic action in order to solve a problem, you have to do something extreme and basic to solve it. 
You have a point, but don't you think we should do something less drastic
26898.there's no way(仕様がない、しようが無い、仕様が無い、しょうが無い、致し方ない)If you say there's no way that something will happen, you are emphasizing that you think it will definitely not happen. 
I take your point, but still, there's no way I can agree with you.. 
26899.go out with(~と付き合う)
As far as I know, Mary is going out with Ken.
26900.get back to(水に流す~に改めて連絡する、折り返し電話をする)
I will check that with Mary and get back to you, OK?

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2021年03月24日 | 爺英語

Pineapple growers and exporters in Taiwan are moving to step up shipments to Japan. They are looking to make up some of the shortfall after China halted their imports.
A group of over 20 Taiwanese companies is appealing to buyers at one of Asia's largest food trade shows, located near Tokyo.
Chinese authorities on March 1 suspended imports of pineapples from Taiwan, claiming pests had been found.
But Taiwanese officials say none have been detected since undertaking more stringent measures last October.
More than 90 percent of Taiwan's pineapple exports go to China. Officials say the efforts to land more customers in Japan are proving successful.
(Hsieh Chang-ting / Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan)
"Many Japanese companies have been placing orders for pineapples to help Taiwan. We are very grateful to have their business."
Taiwanese authorities expect pineapple shipments to Japan this year to more than double from last year.

shortfall  不足(分・量・額)    If there is a shortfall in something, there is less of it than you need.
halt    止める、停止する   When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.
claim  主張する、言い張る If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
detect  見つける、発見する、検出する To detect something means to find it or discover that it is present somewhere by using equipment or making an investigation. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/24)

2021年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
26891.have good and bad point(長所と短所がある)
I have to say it have its goon and bad point.
26892.speak for(代表する、代弁する)to speak as a representative of 
I can't speak for everyone, but I like it better than old one. 
26893.hack(〈コンピューターシステム・データなどに〉不法に侵入し改変[盗用]する)If someone hacks or hacks into a phone or computer system, they break into it, especially in order to get secret information. 
As I understand our computer network has been  hacked
26894.come along(進む、捗る)If something is coming along, it is developing or making progress. 
How is your writing come along, Takuma?
26895.up to a point(ある程度は)  If you say that something is true up to a point, you mean that it is partly but not completely true. 
You're right up to a point but there's another issue.

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