

公開中 Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/31)

2021年05月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
26931.especially(特に・なかでも)You use especially to emphasize that what you are saying applies more to one person, thing, or area than to any others.
I can't handle hard liquor, especially tequila. !
26932.specially(特別に)If something has been done specially for a particular person or purpose, it has been done only for that person or purpose.
Lisa is specially trained to teach autistic children. 
The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man 
26934.before you know it(あっという間に / いつの間にか)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
All your money is going to be gone before you know it
26935.can do(やる気のある、意欲的な)If you say that someone has a can-do attitude, you approve of them because they are confident and willing to deal with problems or new tasks, rather than complaining or giving up.
He is known for his optimistic can-do attitude. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/30)

2021年05月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
26926.end up(結局〜になる)If you end up doing something or end up in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.
We ended up going to karaoke and stayed out all night. 
26927.in addition to(〜に加えて)as well as; besides
In addition to accounting, I also majored in psychology. 
26928.stick to(〜から離れない)If you stick to a promise, agreement, decision, or principle, you do what you said you would do, or do not change your mind.
Let’s stick to the plan and make adjustments along the way. .
26929.mix and match(様々なものを組み合わせる)made up of complementary elements taken from different sets or sources
It’s 5 for $20. You can mix and match any of these items here. 
26930.get into(〜に入る)If you get into a school, college, or university, you are accepted there as a student.
It’s hard to get into that class. I’m on the waiting list. 


2021年05月29日 | 読書日記

国家資格化後,取得者も増え,注目されるキャリアコンサルタント。でも,合格しても仕事ってあるの? 独立はできる? キャリアコンサルタント6名が仕事のリアルを明かします!


PROLOGUE キャリアコンサルタントのリアルとは
PART1 活躍する6名に聞く!キャリアコンサルタントの仕事と将来性
PART2 キャリアコンサルタントになるには
PART3 稼げるキャリアコンサルタントになるには


FILE1 独立&キャリア相談の普及に邁進するキャリコン
FILE2 経験を活かして転職サポートをするキャリコン
FILE3 独立して活躍するキャリコン
FILE4 CAと両立するキャリコン
FILE5 企業内で資格を活かすキャリコン
FILE6 教育現場で資格を活かすキャリコン

【著者略歴 について】




Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/29)

2021年05月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
26921.fart(屁(へ)、放屁(ほうひ)、いやなやつ、愚かな人)If someone farts, air is forced out of their body through their anus.
Who farted?
26922.have a brain fart(アホっぽいミスしたときや、頭が働いていないときに使う )A jersey is a knitted piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms and does not open at the front. Jerseys are usually worn over a shirt or blouse.
Your English is really good. Oops. I mean Japanese. Sorry, brain fart
26923.crack(ポッキとなる)If you crack a hard part of your body, such as your knee or your head, you hurt it by accidentally hitting it hard against something.
My neck cracks when I turn my head.
26924.snore(いびきをかく)When someone who is asleep snores, they make a loud noise each time they breathe. 
My roommate snores so much that I can't sleep at night
26925.notification(通知)If you are given notification of something, you are officially informed of it.
I just got a notification from my email.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/28)

2021年05月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
26916.treatment(待遇、扱い、(物の)処理(法)、(問題の)論じ方、扱い方、いつもの扱い方、(医師の)治療 )Treatment is medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal.
Fortunately treatment won't require surgery
26917.diagnose((…と)診断する、(病気を)(…と)診断するIf someone or something is diagnosed as having a particular illness or problem, their illness or problem is identified. If an illness or problem is diagnosed, it is identified. .
The doctor diagnosed patient with flu
26918.examination(試験、調査(すること)、検査、審査、(学説・問題などの)考察、吟味、(医師の行なう)検査、診察 )
The doctor took lots of notes during examination.
26919.pushy(押しの強い、でしゃばりな、ずうずうしい)If you describe someone as pushy, you mean that they try in a forceful way to get things done as they would like.
I hate dealing with pushy salespeople.
26920.brash(せっかちな、軽率な、厚かましい、生意気な)If you describe someone or their behaviour as brash, you disapprove of them because you think that they are too confident and aggressive. .
It is good to be confident, but try not to sound brash

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/27)

2021年05月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
26911.In terms of(〜に関して)if you explain or describe something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are explaining or describing it only in relation to that fact or event
In terms of language, Japanese and English are very different. 
26912.I have to admit(正直に言うと)spoken used to show that you are making an honest statement even though it may be embarrassing for you
I have to admit, I didn’t prepare for the presentation and I just winged it. 
26913.faithful(誠実・忠実(な人))remaining loyal to a particular person, belief, political party etc and continuing to support them
You need someone that is loyal and faithful
26914.Get to straight to the point(すぐ要点(本題)に入リましょう)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
Don't beat around the bush. Just get straight to the point
26915.head up(元気出して)
No matter how tough the situation is, he always keeps his head up


2021年05月26日 | 爺英語

A woman in Israel has made history as the first openly transgender referee to judge a match in the country's premier football league.
Sapir Berman blew the whistle in a match held in the northern city of Haifa on Monday. Some fans held signboards in her support.
Berman announced at a news conference last week that she had always seen herself as a woman.
(Sapir Berman / Football referee)
"There are players who already speak to me as a woman. They feel that they want to take part in this process, and speak to me even when it's not necessary."
Berman said nothing has changed for her on the pitch and that she will continue to pursue her dream to judge an international competition.
The Union of European Football Associations tweeted that Berman's is an inspirational story that highlights football's spirit of inclusiveness.

transgender  心と体の性が一致しない「トランスジェンダー」Someone who is transgender has a gender identity which does not fully correspond to the sex assigned to them at birth. 
premier  最上位の   Premier is used to describe something that is considered to be the best or most important thing of a particular type. 
inclusiveness  包括(性)、包摂 If you describe a group or organization as inclusive, you mean that it allows all kinds of people to belong to it, rather than just one kind of person.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/26)

2021年05月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
26906.replay(再放送)to show again on television something that has been recorded
Don't tell me the result. I want to watch the match replay tonight.
26907.rip(切り裂く、引き裂く、(…を)はぎ取る)to tear something or be torn quickly and violently
I’m afraid that the jacket is ripped.
26908.weight limit(体重制限)
Is there a weight limit?
26909.endorse(公式に承認する・支持する) to express formal support or approval for someone or something
I fully endorse your view. 
26910.ahead of(~より前に)earlier than planned or arranged
You are ahead of schedule. 

徒然草 第百一段

2021年05月25日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/25)

2021年05月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
26901.unparalleled (並ぶものがない、無比の、未曽有(みぞう)の)bigger, better, or worse than anything else 
This is a tragic accident unparalleled in history. 
26902.last resort(命の綱; 伝家の宝刀; 最後の手段)
He committed suicide in the last resort
26903.update(最新情報)An update is a news item containing the latest information about a particular situation.
I have an update.
26904.bright red(明赤色の)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
I was so embarrassed my face went bright red
26905.give me a break(いい加減にしてください)spoken used when you want someone to stop doing or saying something that is annoying you.
Give me a break! I can't do all this by myself.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/24)

2021年05月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
26896.nectar(ネクター、神酒、おいしい飲み物、美酒、花蜜)Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect./If you refer to a drink, especially an alcoholic drink, as nectar, you think it tastes very nice.
Wow! This bird really likes nectar! Thanks so much for that experience!!!
26897.religiously(定期的に)if you do something religiously, you are always very careful to do it
She watches that show on Netflix religiously
26898.shut off(スイッチを切る)if a machine, tool etc shuts off or if you shut it off, it stops operating
The fire alarm is going off. How do I shut it off
26899.take a break from(~から一時的に離れる)if a machine, tool etc shuts off or if you shut it off, it stops operating
I’ve been wasting so much time on social media lately. I need to take a break from it. 
26900.ignorance(無知) lack of knowledge or information about something
Forgive my ignorance but what does that stand for?