

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/31)

2021年10月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
27686.quadruple(4倍になる、4倍にする)to increase and become four times as big or as high, or to make something increase in this way → double, triple
The population of Los Angels almost quadrupled from 1910 to 1930..
27687.cartwheel(側転) a movement in which you turn completely over by throwing your body sideways onto your hands while bringing your legs over your head
It's hard to do a cartwheel if you bend your arms.
27688.balance beam(平均台)a long narrow wooden board on which a gymnast performs
Try not look down when you're on the balance beam.
27689.flip(宙返り) to move something with a quick sudden movement so that it is in a different position 
Dimitri did a perfect flip off the balance beam. 
27690.entertain(もてなす、接待する)to amuse or interest people in a way that gives them pleasure
This is the room where we entertain guests.. 


2021年10月30日 | 読書日記

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)



Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/30)

2021年10月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
27681.on an empty stomach(空腹時)
Don’t take this medicine on an empty stomach.
Will you paying through insurance or self-pay?
27683.day of the week(曜日)
What day of the week is Halloween this year?
27684.mummy(ミイラ)a dead body that has been preserved by wrapping it in cloth, especially in ancient Egypt → mummify 
My dad dressed up as a mummy
27685.last-minute(最後の瞬間の、どたん場での)happening or done as late as possible before something else happens
It's a last-minute costume. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/29)

2021年10月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
27676.hand in(提出する)
I have to hand in this report first thing tomorrow morning.
27677.bottle up(抑える、隠す、封じ込める、封鎖する)to deliberately not allow yourself to show a strong feeling or emotion
She bottles up her anxieties. 
27678.culprit(犯人、犯罪者)the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong → victim
She has to be culprit
27679.play prank(悪ふざけする、…にいたずらをする)
to do something to someone as a joke or trick
When I was a kid, I used to get into trouble for playing pranks on people.
27680.something urgent(急用) very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
Actually, something urgent came up

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/28)

2021年10月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
27671.handcrafted(手作り、手仕事、手細工) skilfully made by hand, not by machine 類義語 handmade
These baskets were handcrafted by artisans in Africa. 
27672.essence(本質 / 真髄 / 核心 / 重要な部分) the most basic and important quality of something
I think the essence of teaching is to help students figure out problems on their own. 
27673.work toward(〜に向けて頑張る) especially British English /food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English
Is there anything you are working toward right now? 
27674.lthink of it like(〜のように考える)waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage 
Think of it like this. Would you care if a foreigner speaking Japanese made a mistake? Probably not right? 
27675.By all means(もちろんです / 是非とも / 是非是非)spoken used to mean ‘of course’ when politely allowing someone to do something or agreeing with a suggestion
I was wondering if I could use your cell phone. By all means. Here you go. 


2021年10月27日 | 爺英語

People have taken to the streets in the Italian capital of Rome to protest the government's new coronavirus vaccine mandate for all workers.
The protests on Saturday came before the rules come into force on Friday. Local media say more than 10,000 people took part.
Protesters filled a square and shouted "Freedom!" Some staged a sit-down in the street.
Police used water cannons to disperse demonstrators. A number of them tried to force their way into a union office, saying labor unions support the mandate.
Prime Minister Mario Draghi denounced the violence.
Last month, the Italian government decided to make it mandatory for all workers to carry COVID-19 health certificates.
The move is a bid to accelerate inoculations and prevent the spread of infections.
These certificates show that a person has been vaccinated or has tested negative for the virus. People who do not comply could be suspended from work, and even risk fines.

denounce       非難する      the wheel or control which guides a ship or boat 
inoculation       予防接種       the wheel or control which guides a ship or 
comply       (規則や指示などに)従う      the wheel or control which guides a ship or boat 
suspended from work       停職処分にする        the wheel or control which guides a ship or

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/27)

2021年10月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
27666.on the verge of(~寸前)to be at the point where something is about to happen
We were on the verge of going bankrupt, but somehow survived. 
27667.mental breakdown(ノイローゼ、重度のストレス)
Last month, I had a mental breakdown from the stress at work.
27668.do whatever it takes(必要なことは何でもする / どんな手段でも取る)
Let's do whatever it takes to make this project happen.
27669.down the road(将来いつか / 今後 / そのうち)in the future, especially at a later stage in a process 
I want to tap into the European market but that's at least 3 years down the road
27670.time away(〜から離れる)
Sometimes it’s nice to spend time away from our kids. 

徒然草 第百二十三段

2021年10月26日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/26)

2021年10月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
27661.real life experience(実体験)
You can get real life experience.
27662.regroup(気を取り直す)American English to stop and think about something, so that you can start to do something again in a better way
She’ll be fine. Let’s just give her some time to regroup
27663.cover all the bases(万全の準備) to make sure you can deal with any situation or problem so that nothing bad happens
This is a very serious issue. Make sure we cover all the bases
27664.broaden one’s horizon(視野を広げる)
Living in a foreign country is a lot of fun and it broadens your horizon
27665.snobby(横柄な )behaving in a way that shows you think you are better than other people because you are from a higher social class or know more than they do
He’s such a snob. He thinks he’s better than everyone.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/25)

2021年10月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
27656.idle talk(無駄話)
Idle talk had eaten up your time before you knew it. 
27657.big mouth(秘密を守れないおしゃべりな人)spoken someone who has a big mouth cannot be trusted to keep things secret
He is such a big mouth
27658.put aside(~を取っておく)to save money regularly, usually for a particular purpose
I’m putting aside a few hundred bucks a month so I can travel to the U.S. next year. 
27659.middle ground(妥協点)ideas that are not extreme, and that people who oppose each other can agree about
The negotiators could find no middle ground.
27660.regroup(気を取り直す)American English to stop and think about something, so that you can start to do something again in a better way
I played a terrible game today. I need to regroup and play better tomorrow. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/24)

2021年10月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
27651.not necessarily(必ずしも~とは限らない) possibly, but not certainly
It’s not necessarily a bad thing to have an accent. I think it’s actually charming. 
27652.red bean(小豆)
Red beans increased gastrointestinal motility. 
27653.conspiracy(陰謀) a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal → conspire
He was charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage. 
Have you ever had any gastrointestinal disorders? 
A drug that increases the motility (movements and contractions) of the stomach and upper intestine.  

使ってみたい 武士の日本語

2021年10月23日 | 読書日記

やくたいもない/恐悦至極に存じ上げまする/やあ、ちょこざいなり/ひらに、ご容赦を/ 一つまいろう/酒は不調法ですから/お流れちょうだい/このところ、手元不如意で/ びろうなお話です/慮外なことを/過ごされよ……などなど。

第1章 武士の決まり文句
第2章 春夏秋冬が薫る言葉
第3章 武家社会の言葉(1)切腹という「しきたり」
第4章 武家社会の言葉(2)敵討という「義務」
第5章 剣術の醍醐味を伝える言葉
第6章 行動・しぐさを表す言葉
第7章 人物を評する言葉
第8章 酒と色を語る言葉
第9章 傑作古典から掘り出す、文化遺産的な武士語

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)


卒爾乍ら⇒突然ことで失礼ですが 恐悦至極⇒とてもうれしく思います
ひらに⇒何卒 曲げて⇒何が何でも ちょこざいなり⇒生意気な
