かぐや姫 妹 2005
31016.be out and about (あちこち出歩く )
On the weekends, I prefer being out and about than staying in.
31017.set on (~する気になってい る)
On the weekends, I prefer being out and about than staying in.
31017.set on (~する気になってい る)
I’m set on studying abroad in LA next year.
31018.I’ve been meaning to (ずっと~しようと思っていた )
I’ve been meaning to ask you something.
31019.ingrained(植え付けられた )ingrained attitudes or behaviour are firmly established and therefore difficult to change
Bowing is an ingrained tradition in their culture, showing respect and politeness towards others.
31020.have nothing to do with (~と関係がない )
You’re never too old to learn English. Age has nothing to do with it.
31020.have nothing to do with (~と関係がない )
You’re never too old to learn English. Age has nothing to do with it.

A survey by Japan's biggest business organization shows that nearly half of eligible male workers took child care leave last year. That's up 18 percentage points from the year before.
.The Japan Business Federation, also known as Keidanren, conducted the poll from April to early May. Two hundred and seventy-eight firms responded.
The average period of leave was 44 days. Nearly 60 percent of respondents stayed at home for a month or longer.
A legal revision that came into force in October 2022 gives male workers up to four weeks of paternity leave.
Before then, relatively few men took time off after the birth of their children.
Last year's trend for relatively long leave periods was strongest at large firms.
But the numbers tend to be lower at smaller firms with no more than 300 employees.
Only about one in three men who took leave at those companies stayed at home for a month or longer. Forty-six percent took fewer than five days off.
◆eligible 資格のある
◆conduct 実施する
◆revision 改正
◆paternity leave 男性育児休業
31011.share (共有する、共感する )to tell other people about an idea, secret, problem etc
I shared the idea of taking care of the ancestral land.
31012.not there yet. (〜に達していない )
I shared the idea of taking care of the ancestral land.
31012.not there yet. (〜に達していない )
I want to work for a foreign company, but my English is not there yet.
31013.give someone the green light (〜に許可を与える )
My manager gave me the green light to plan the event.
31014.brush up on (〜の能力を磨き直す )
I’m going to LA next month, so I need to brush up on my English.
31015.rattled off (スラスラと)to say several pieces of information or a list quickly and easily from memory
When I asked him about his favorite food in Japan, he rattled off 10 different dishes.
I’m going to LA next month, so I need to brush up on my English.
31015.rattled off (スラスラと)to say several pieces of information or a list quickly and easily from memory
When I asked him about his favorite food in Japan, he rattled off 10 different dishes.

31006.aromatic (芳香の、かんばしい )having a strong pleasant smell 類義語 fragrant
She had filled the room with sweet-scented jasmine and tall aromatic lilies.
31007.result in (~という結果をもたらす)
She had filled the room with sweet-scented jasmine and tall aromatic lilies.
31007.result in (~という結果をもたらす)
The pandemic has resulted in a diverfication of working styles.
31008.bring about (〜を生じさせる )
Makin English the official language has brought about a sense of unity within the company.
31009.lead to (〜 につながる、~という結果になる)
A sharp depreciation of the yen would lead to a decline in oersonal consumption..
31010.embark on(計画、事業などに乗り出す、着手する)to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting
What made you decide to embark on wine making?.
A sharp depreciation of the yen would lead to a decline in oersonal consumption..
31010.embark on(計画、事業などに乗り出す、着手する)to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting
What made you decide to embark on wine making?.
31001.recycle (分別する)to put used objects or materials through a special process so that they can be used again
Do you recycle in this city?
31002.pickup (収集)
Do you recycle in this city?
31002.pickup (収集)
Glass bottle pickup is every Monday.
31003.Let me (〜させてください )
Let me go to the bathroom.I’ll be right back.
31004.scoot over (席を詰める )to move to one side, especially in order to make room for someone or something else
Let me sit here. Could you scoot over a little.
31005.grocery store(スーパー)American English a supermarket
Which grocery store do you usually go to?.
Let me sit here. Could you scoot over a little.
31005.grocery store(スーパー)American English a supermarket
Which grocery store do you usually go to?.
30996.apoplexy (卒中 )an illness in your brain which causes you to suddenly lose your ability to move or think 類義語 stroke
He was struck down by apoplexy.
30997.extraterrestrial (地球圏外の )a creature that people think may exist on another planet
He was struck down by apoplexy.
30997.extraterrestrial (地球圏外の )a creature that people think may exist on another planet
They claimed that they had been in contact with extraterrestrial beings
30998.hearsay (風聞、うわさ )something that you have heard about from other people but do not know to be definitely true or correct → rumour
I wouldn’t take any notice of it – it’s just hearsay.
30999.exalt(ほめそやす、賞揚する、強める、高める、身分・位などを上げる ) to put someone or something into a high rank or position
His son was exalted to a high position in the government through family connections. .
31000.reminisce(追憶する,思い出を語る)to talk or think about pleasant events in your past
I used to spend hours listening to my grandfather reminisce about life in the army.
31000.reminisce(追憶する,思い出を語る)to talk or think about pleasant events in your past
I used to spend hours listening to my grandfather reminisce about life in the army.
およばれ先で、子どものテーブルマナーの悪さに決まりの悪い思いをしたことはないでしょうか? そんな方に読んでもらいたいのがこの絵本。 もともとは、エルメスの4代目社長の息子である作者が、自分の子どもたちにテーブルマナー教えるために書いたもので、ナイフやフォークの持ち方から、美しい食べ方、客人との自然な接し方、リラックスした仕草まで、食事における振る舞いの基本がイラスト主体で説明されています。 ウィットに富んだ文とユーモアあふれるイラストを親子で楽しみながら、正しいテーブルマナーを身につけましょう!
日本でもヨーロッパでも、美食は、その利己的な悦びを、 たくさんの人と分かち合うものです。 こちらの食欲が奪われてしまうほど不快な作法の人が自分の目の前にいるよりも、 きちんと礼儀を身につけた客人がいる方が、うれしいものです。
絵と文 フィリップ・デュマ PHILIPPE DUMAS 1940年
ナチスによるフランス占領下の疎開地で、エルメス家の別荘があったコートダジュールのカンヌに生まれる。 戦後すぐにパリに戻り、幼年期からパリで教育を受けるが、デッサンにおける描写力は画家バルテュスにも認められる。 パリ国立美術学校(エコル・デ・ボザール)を卒業。またその生まれに忠実に、馬術の名手で、ルイ15世により設立された名門ソミュール国立乗馬学校でカドル・ノワール級の乗馬技術を習得する。1976年に、絵と文をひとりで書く童話作家として、子どものための最初の絵本「ローラの冒険シリーズ」を発表。以後、著名な作家のリクエストにより、あるいは名著の挿絵画家として、数多くの作品を世に送り出している。 1987年にはパリ市から、児童文学の分野で出版した一連の作品に対してグランプリを贈られる。子どものための本ばかりでなく、1972年には父ロベール・デュマのニックネームであるロビデュRobiduを主人公に、奇想天外な長編の大冒険ストーリーをアシェット社から出版。1960年代後半に、現代の車社会への大いなる皮肉と、人間がネズミに支配される恐怖をモノクロだけでユーモラスに表現した『ネズミLes Rats』を出版したがほとんど売れなかった。2015年、『ネズミ』は、長男エミールとの共同製作により、15分の短編映画へと生まれ変わり、2016年、エミールはこの映像作品でヤンググランプリを受賞する
30991.vicissitude ((物事などの)変化、変遷(へんせん)、(人生・運命などの)移り変わり、栄枯盛衰、浮沈 )the continuous changes and problems that affect a situation or someone’s life
Life is liable to vicissitude.
30992.embezzle (使い込む )to steal money from the place where you work
Life is liable to vicissitude.
30992.embezzle (使い込む )to steal money from the place where you work
Two managers were charged with embezzling $400,000 over a ten-year period.
30993.enterprising (進取的な・企業心のある・冒険的な・積極的な・やる気満々の )having the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work
An enterprising student was selling copies of the answers to the test.
30994.manifest(明白な・明らかにする・積み荷目録・乗客名簿・明示する・顕在の) to show a feeling, attitude etc
The shareholders have manifested their intention to sell the shares.
30995.diversion (気晴らし・ 娯楽・転用・気分転換・陽動作戦・資金流用 )a change in the direction or use of something, or the act of changing it/ an enjoyable activity that you do to stop yourself from becoming bored
Some of the prisoners started a fight as a diversion to give the others time to escape.
The shareholders have manifested their intention to sell the shares.
30995.diversion (気晴らし・ 娯楽・転用・気分転換・陽動作戦・資金流用 )a change in the direction or use of something, or the act of changing it/ an enjoyable activity that you do to stop yourself from becoming bored
Some of the prisoners started a fight as a diversion to give the others time to escape.
角野 隼斗/ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番 ハ短調 Op.18(PTNA2018特級ファイナル/グランプリ)Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No.2 Op.18
30986.in time (時間に間に合う,時間内に )before the time by which it is necessary for something to be done
I got here in time for the last train.
30987.on time (時間どおりに)at the correct time or the time that was arranged
I got here in time for the last train.
30987.on time (時間どおりに)at the correct time or the time that was arranged
Make sure you are here on time tomorrow.
30988.skin lightening cream (美白クリーム)
A magazine article about skin care cosmetics. You know, I’m almost 40 years old. I think I should start using anti-aging skin care products, like a skin lightening cream.
30989.a little longer(もう少し )
Would you wait a little longer?
30990.a llitle more (もう少し、サイズまたは量が少ない、若い )
I will wait a little more.
Would you wait a little longer?
30990.a llitle more (もう少し、サイズまたは量が少ない、若い )
I will wait a little more.
30981.instrumental ((…の)手段になって、助けになって、器械の )
His father was instrumental in getting him the job.
30982.officiate (つかさどる、司祭を務める、(…の)職務を行なう、役目を務める )to perform official duties, especially at a religious ceremony
His father was instrumental in getting him the job.
30982.officiate (つかさどる、司祭を務める、(…の)職務を行なう、役目を務める )to perform official duties, especially at a religious ceremony
Who officiate at your wedding?
30983.Iapse (ちょっとした)間違い、しくじり、経過、推移、(過去の短い)期間、時間、喪失、衰退、廃止、一時的にそれること )a short period of time during which you fail to do something well or properly, often caused by not being careful/to gradually come to an end or to stop for a period of time
There is a lapse.
30984.consolidation(合併、統合、整理 ) when companies combine in takeovers and mergers, resulting in fewer businesses in an industry/when organizations or departments become joined together
M&A consists fo two consolidation of two corporation.
30985.juvenile(少年の、若い、子供らしい )law relating to young people who are not yet adults
The juvenile crimes are incresing reently.
The juvenile crimes are incresing reently.