岸洋子 希望
That helps me wake up faster, freshen my breath and lessen the feeling of hunger.
The discussion is quiet inspring.
18988.quarter of an hour(15分間)
He takes out his sketchpad and pencils after breakfast and spend a quarter of an hour drawing.
18989.gray matter(頭脳、灰白質)
I perfer some good, solid prose orpoetry that stimulates the old gray matter.
I'm not talking about a full gym workout--just a few minutes of push up, some yoga exercises or a quick jog around the block.
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That helps me wake up faster, freshen my breath and lessen the feeling of hunger.
The discussion is quiet inspring.
18988.quarter of an hour(15分間)
He takes out his sketchpad and pencils after breakfast and spend a quarter of an hour drawing.
18989.gray matter(頭脳、灰白質)
I perfer some good, solid prose orpoetry that stimulates the old gray matter.
I'm not talking about a full gym workout--just a few minutes of push up, some yoga exercises or a quick jog around the block.
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Confucius said, "A good horse is praised for its virtue, not praised for its strength."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
18981.at a leisurely pace(ゆっくりとしたペースで)
It is important to eat it at a leisurely pace.
18982.high-energy food(高エネルギー食品)
I go for high-energy foods like fruits and vegetable.
18983.refresh and recharge(気分がすっきりして元気を取り戻す)
Dorinking s big glass of water as soon as I wake up help me refresh and recharge.
Our bodies--our brains,in particular--need to be hydrate fiest thing at the start of the day.
My advice is to have a good, nutritious breakfast.
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It is important to eat it at a leisurely pace.
18982.high-energy food(高エネルギー食品)
I go for high-energy foods like fruits and vegetable.
18983.refresh and recharge(気分がすっきりして元気を取り戻す)
Dorinking s big glass of water as soon as I wake up help me refresh and recharge.
Our bodies--our brains,in particular--need to be hydrate fiest thing at the start of the day.
My advice is to have a good, nutritious breakfast.
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Tom Jones - I'll Never Fall In Love Again 1969
18976.take up(仕事・趣味などを始める)
Some of my friends have taken that up.
18977.start the day on the right foot(その日の好スタートを切る)
It really helps me start the day on the right foot.
Any hints about how to boost may morning energy level?
18979.come to mind(頭に浮かぶ)
The first thing that come to mind is Ben Franklin's famous saying.
11980.hit the hay(寝る)
We should hit the hay fairly early, I mean, and get a good night's sleep.
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Some of my friends have taken that up.
18977.start the day on the right foot(その日の好スタートを切る)
It really helps me start the day on the right foot.
Any hints about how to boost may morning energy level?
18979.come to mind(頭に浮かぶ)
The first thing that come to mind is Ben Franklin's famous saying.
11980.hit the hay(寝る)
We should hit the hay fairly early, I mean, and get a good night's sleep.
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11月19日(土)公開 映画『聖の青春』予告編
・映画名 聖の青春
・製作年 2016
・製作国 日本
・エグゼクティブプロデューサー 井上伸一郎
・企画 菊池剛
・監督 森義隆
・原作 大崎善生
・脚本 向井康介
・音楽 半野喜弘
・撮影 柳島克己
・出演 松山ケンイチ、東出昌大、安田顕、柄本時生、リリーフランキー、竹下景子ほか
監督は「宇宙兄弟」の森義隆、脚本を「リンダ リンダ リンダ」の向井康介がそれぞれ担当。
・映画名 聖の青春
・製作年 2016
・製作国 日本
・エグゼクティブプロデューサー 井上伸一郎
・企画 菊池剛
・監督 森義隆
・原作 大崎善生
・脚本 向井康介
・音楽 半野喜弘
・撮影 柳島克己
・出演 松山ケンイチ、東出昌大、安田顕、柄本時生、リリーフランキー、竹下景子ほか
監督は「宇宙兄弟」の森義隆、脚本を「リンダ リンダ リンダ」の向井康介がそれぞれ担当。
18971.old adage(古いことわざ)
I'm a firm believer in the old adage anout the early bird getting the worm.
18972.early riser(早起きの人)
It's hardly news that most successful CEOs are early riser.
I admire your self-discipline.
18974.get firing on all cylinders(エンジン全開にする)
It used to take me quite a while to get firing on all cylinders in the morning.
11975.in a mad rush(大急ぎで、大慌てで)
My morning was towake up late, shave and shower in a mad rush.
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I'm a firm believer in the old adage anout the early bird getting the worm.
18972.early riser(早起きの人)
It's hardly news that most successful CEOs are early riser.
I admire your self-discipline.
18974.get firing on all cylinders(エンジン全開にする)
It used to take me quite a while to get firing on all cylinders in the morning.
11975.in a mad rush(大急ぎで、大慌てで)
My morning was towake up late, shave and shower in a mad rush.
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![]() | 天才 |
クリエーター情報なし | |
幻冬舎 |
18966.settle back(椅子にゆったりもたれる、リラックスする)
He settled back to read the headline as he enjoyed his breakfast.
18967.set formula(決まった、型通りのやり方)
There is no set formula.
18968.the point in(要するに、大切なのは)
The point is to find some activity that you repeat every morning as a kind of psychic anchor for your day.
18969.set in motion(~を引き起こす)
You set in motion a cycle of results that continues all day .
Do you believe in psychic power?
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He settled back to read the headline as he enjoyed his breakfast.
18967.set formula(決まった、型通りのやり方)
There is no set formula.
18968.the point in(要するに、大切なのは)
The point is to find some activity that you repeat every morning as a kind of psychic anchor for your day.
18969.set in motion(~を引き起こす)
You set in motion a cycle of results that continues all day .
Do you believe in psychic power?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Is that some flaky New Age concept?
They're meant to help me get into the right flame of mind to have a productive and fulfilling day.
he walk to the end of his driveway to get the morning paper from his mailbox .
18964.sleep on it(一晩寝て考える)
If I'd slept on it, I wouldn't have done anything so foolish.
I do some calisthenics.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Is that some flaky New Age concept?
They're meant to help me get into the right flame of mind to have a productive and fulfilling day.
he walk to the end of his driveway to get the morning paper from his mailbox .
18964.sleep on it(一晩寝て考える)
If I'd slept on it, I wouldn't have done anything so foolish.
I do some calisthenics.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
A slew of new flights bound for the U.S. got off the ground over the weekend at Tokyo's Haneda Airport. Japanese and U.S. aviation authorities agreed in February to allow the extra 10 flights per day.
All Nippon Airways celebrated the launch of its new routes to New York and Chicago. Flights between Haneda and the U.S. had been limited to early mornings and late evenings. The new ones take off during daytime hours. Officials gave the slots to ANA, Japan Airlines, and four U.S. carriers.
"The new flights are a boon, since Haneda is so easy to get to."
(Business person)
"I can get to New York in the morning by taking a morning flight from Tokyo. It's really convenient for business people."
More changes are in store for Haneda. The transport ministry is planning to introduce a new approach route by 2020. It will take aircraft over downtown Tokyo.
◆a slew of たくさんの~、多数の~
◆get off the ground 離陸する、順調にスタートする
◆aviation 航空、飛行
◆slot 時間枠、時間帯
◆boon 恩恵、恵み、ありがたいこと
◆in store 用意されている、待ち構えている
◆downtown 中心街の、中心地の
18956.dyed-in-the wool(根っからの、生粋の)
You are a dyed-in-the night wool.
18957.lapse in judgment(決断力の欠如、判断の誤り)
It's all because of a terrible lapse in judgment, actually.
18958.join the rank of(~の仲間入りをする)
I decided to join the rank of you morning people.
18959.adhere to(初心者のまぐれ)
I will adhere to certain morning rituals.
I sent an angry,sarcastic email to a business associate on the spur of the moment.
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You are a dyed-in-the night wool.
18957.lapse in judgment(決断力の欠如、判断の誤り)
It's all because of a terrible lapse in judgment, actually.
18958.join the rank of(~の仲間入りをする)
I decided to join the rank of you morning people.
18959.adhere to(初心者のまぐれ)
I will adhere to certain morning rituals.
I sent an angry,sarcastic email to a business associate on the spur of the moment.
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