

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/30)

2023年11月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
31466.appraise (鑑定する、評価する)formal to officially judge how successful, effective, or valuable something is 類義語 evaluate
I want to get this plastic figure appraised
31467.vibe (感じ、雰囲気)the good or bad feelings that a particular person, place, or situation seems to produce and that you react to 
It giving me good vibes
31468.come across (印象を与える)
He come across as a good person. 
31469.franctic ((恐怖・興奮・喜びなどで)気が狂ったような、半狂乱の、血迷った、気が狂いそうになって、大急ぎの、大あわての extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control your feelings
There was still no news of Jill, and her parents were getting frantic
31470.fishy(胡散臭い、インチキ臭い informal seeming bad or dishonest 類義語 suspicious
Something seems fishy about his story. I think he might be lying


2023年11月29日 | 爺英語

Two scientists transformed the threat of the pandemic and helped people worldwide resume their lives.
Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman laid the groundwork for COVID vaccines. Now they've been awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine.
Members of the panel say the laureates contributed to vaccine development during one of the “greatest threats to human health” in history. messenger  RNA vaccines.
The scientists say they never expected to get the prize so quickly.
(Drew Weissman / Nobel Prize in medicine winner)
“Just realizing how important it had the potential to be. And that's why we never gave up. And we just kept persevering and kept working at it. And here we are today.”
Kariko and Weissman know the applications of their work can go further.
They say they hope, one day, such vaccines may even help protect against cancer and other deadly diseases.

laureates 受賞者 
persevere 辛抱する、(困難に屈せず)努力する、やり抜く    

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/29)

2023年11月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
31461.bring forward(前倒しする)
Could you bring forward the delivery date just by a couple of date?. 
31462.brush over (問題など軽視する、軽く扱う)
You tend to brush over the grassroots side of wine.. 
31463.energetic (精力的な)having or needing a lot of energy or determination 
We need to be more energetic in customer acquisition.
31464.pseudo (擬似)false or not real
something that makes you feel very proudI like having my desk as organized as can be
31465.get by(本質的に)通り抜ける、(…で)何とかやっていく、(人の)目を逃れる、うまくだます、(出来はよくないが)何とか通用する、まあまあ認められる
Thank you. I'm getting by. 


2023年11月28日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/28)

2023年11月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
31456.be conscious of (〜を意識している )
We should be more conscious of coat in order to make profits. 
31457.turn one's attention to (~に目を向ける)
We should turn our attention to being cooperative with in team. 
31458save the day to stop things from going badly and make a situation end successfully 
A local businessman saved the day by donating £30,000 to the school. 
31459.keep some posted (〜に最新情報を伝える )spoken to regularly tell someone the most recent news about something
I’ll keep you posted on his progress. 
31460.work on(~に取り組むI’ll keep you posted on his progress.
We need to work on ensuring that the children feel safe and confident. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/27)

2023年11月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
31451.be close to (〜仲がいい )
I 'm really close to my cousins on my mom's side. 
31452.have a fight (口げんかする)to argue about something 
I had  a fight with in-laws. 
31453.on the verge of (〜の寸前である )to be at the point where something is about to happen 
Considering that many restaurants in Tokyo were on the verge of bankruptcy a years ago, the future seems bright.ll people are inherently good. 
31454.testing (試練の、困難な)a testing situation, experience etc is difficult to deal with
The last few years have been very testing
31455.light at the end of the tunnel(一筋の光something that gives you hope for the future after a long and difficult period
You say we see signs of light at the end of the tunnel, but on what grounds? 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/26)

2023年11月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
31446.claim (主張する、要求する )
He claimed that my plan would not work. 
31447.belly laugh ((腹の底からの)高笑い、抱腹絶倒 )
He always has a good belly laugh, even at my bad jokes. 
31448.handout (資料、配布物)
Please take a look at the handout
31449.specific (具体的な、明確な)
Can you be more specific?
Does anybody have some whiteout? 


2023年11月25日 | 読書日記
1 共感とは何か
2 孤独なのになぜ人と関わりたくないのか
3 苦境を乗り越える力
4 「考えるな、感じろ」――ブルース・リーの教え
5 すべてをありのままに感じる
6 相手の思いを受け取るように聴く
7 自分の意見は脇に置く
8 共感する気持ちを表現する
9 経験と訓練によって獲得されるもの
10 価値判断をしない――受容するということ
11 何が変化を促すのか
12 ネガティブな感情とどう取り組むか
13 「悲しいんです」「悲しいんだね」─共感と反射
14 相手に気づきをもたらす関わり方
15 すぐに分かろうとしない
16 「淋しいんですか?」と「淋しいんですね」
17 言葉にされないものを聴き取る
18 声のトーンを聴く
19 相づちの打ち方
20 葛藤の両面に触れる
21 浅い共感、深い共感
22 言葉を使わずに表現する方法
23 自分を語ることが共感を深める
24 「おかしい」で片づけない
25 相手を信じて賭ける勇気を持つ
26 共感しすぎるということ
27 関わりと観察のバランス
28 ポジティブな感情への共感
29 リラックスして話を聴く─―ユーモア、驚きを感じるゆとり
30 共感的な愚痴の聴き方
31 自分の中にある認めたくない部分
32 拒否する人とどう関わるか
33 自然への共感は生きる力を生む
34 対立する相手への共感
35 悪意の背後にある傷つきへのまなざし
36 家族への共感はなぜ難しいのか
37 共感が失敗する瞬間─―愛情と虐待の表と裏
38 調教名人は罰を使わない─―相手を信頼すること
39 まず模倣から始めよう
40 どうしても共感できないとき
41 ハイテク医療に求められる共感的関わり
42 死を想え、そして共感を生きよう





Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/25)

2023年11月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
31441.fracture (骨折) if a bone or other hard substance fractures, or if it is fractured, it breaks or cracks
Luckily, my fall didn’t cause any fracture. 
31442.explicit (露骨な、明白な) expressed in a way that is very clear and direct → implicit 
I My mom wasn't let me watch any movie with an "explicit content" warning. 
31443.imbalance (不均衡、アンバランス )
What's the best way to fix the gender imbalance in politics.
31444.make up (仲直りする)
It’s time to make up with Aiko. You two are such  good friends 
31445.truce(停戦、休戦an agreement between enemies to stop fighting or arguing for a short time, or the period for which this is arranged → ceasefire
Let’s call a truce, calm down, and talk like adults. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/24)

2023年11月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
31436.play it by ear  (臨機応変にやる / その場の状況に合わせてやる )
I’m not sure yet. I’m just going to play it by ear
31437.on cloud nine  (至福の状態(である) ) to be very happy about something 
I'm on cloud nine because I landed my dream job. 
31438.in seventh heaven  (幸福の絶頂(にいる) ) to be extremely happy 
I just found out that I'm getting transferred to LA. That was my first choice. I'm in seventh heaven. 
31439.addictive  クセになる ) an activity that is addictive is so enjoyable that you do not want to stop
This snack is so addictive.
31440.can’t stop (やめられない、止められない 
I can’t stop eating these shrimp-flavored crackers. They’re so good! 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/23)

2023年11月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
31431.shop (買い物をする )to go to one or more shops to buy things
I need to shop for groceries after work. 
31432.be up to  (何かをしてる )
What are you up to tonight? Do you want to grab dinner or something?  
31433.check up on (〜を調べる、確認する  )
Let me check up on the status of our flight to make sure there’s no delay. 
31434.check in on  (確認する  )
I’m going to check in on my grandpa and see how he’s doing.
31435.same here (私もspoken used to say that you feel the same way as someone else
You don’t feel like going out tonight? Same. Let’s just stay in and watch a movie.