【爆風スランプ】武道館 大きな玉ねぎの下で
Once upon a time, there lived a poor but kind-hearted old couple.
15712.old and used(使い古して)
I'm sorry this is old and used.
15713.foot print(足跡)
The old man and his wife looked around and saw a lot of foot print in the snow.
15714.go together(調和する)
The body and music go together.
Thise animals look like dinosaur.
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Once upon a time, there lived a poor but kind-hearted old couple.
15712.old and used(使い古して)
I'm sorry this is old and used.
15713.foot print(足跡)
The old man and his wife looked around and saw a lot of foot print in the snow.
15714.go together(調和する)
The body and music go together.
Thise animals look like dinosaur.
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Confucius said, "Zi Lu is not good at playing the Se (a kind of stringed instrument) considering that he is my pupil." Other pupils became not to respect him. Confucius said, "Zi Lu has a skill to enter the palace. But he does not have a skill to enter the heart of the palace."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
15706.super serious(大変真面目である)
They are all super serious.
15707.down to the wire(大詰めで)
Christmas shopping down to the wire
Shoppers are braving the cpld to do last minute shopping.
15709.in rush(大急ぎで、焦って)
Everyone is in rush now.
That could dampen the Christmas spirit.
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They are all super serious.
15707.down to the wire(大詰めで)
Christmas shopping down to the wire
Shoppers are braving the cpld to do last minute shopping.
15709.in rush(大急ぎで、焦って)
Everyone is in rush now.
That could dampen the Christmas spirit.
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Harry Belafonte Day-O ( Banana Boat )
Day-o, day-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Day, me say day, me say day...day-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home
夜が明けたら ウチに帰りたい
Work all night on a drink of rum
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Stack banana till de morning come
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Day-o, day-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Day, me say day, me say day...day-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home
夜が明けたら ウチに帰りたい
Work all night on a drink of rum
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Stack banana till de morning come
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
Daylight come and me wan' go home
15701.on time for(~に遅れずに)
Let's hope everyone makes its home on time for Christmas!
15702.word on(~に関する情報)
Any word on flight cancellations.
Eddy Sato, a novice, is at the airport.
15704.fender bender(追突事故)
There have been dozens of fender bender.
Road conditions are hazardous due to ice.
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Let's hope everyone makes its home on time for Christmas!
15702.word on(~に関する情報)
Any word on flight cancellations.
Eddy Sato, a novice, is at the airport.
15704.fender bender(追突事故)
There have been dozens of fender bender.
Road conditions are hazardous due to ice.
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16:六十余州名所図会 近江琵琶湖石山寺【広重「月の絵」 全20点】

英語名:UKIYOE(pictures of the floating world)
HIROSHIGE,from the "MOON" series.
"Lake Biwa & Ishiyama Temple in Omi"
※歌川 広重
歌川 広重(うたがわ ひろしげ、寛政9年(1797年) - 安政5年9月6日(1858年10月12日)は、浮世絵師。本名安藤鉄蔵。
かつては安藤広重(あんどう ひろしげ)とも呼ばれたが、安藤は本姓、広重は号であり、両者を組み合わせて呼ぶのは不適切で、広重自身もそう名乗ったことはない。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

英語名:UKIYOE(pictures of the floating world)
HIROSHIGE,from the "MOON" series.
"Lake Biwa & Ishiyama Temple in Omi"
※歌川 広重
歌川 広重(うたがわ ひろしげ、寛政9年(1797年) - 安政5年9月6日(1858年10月12日)は、浮世絵師。本名安藤鉄蔵。
かつては安藤広重(あんどう ひろしげ)とも呼ばれたが、安藤は本姓、広重は号であり、両者を組み合わせて呼ぶのは不適切で、広重自身もそう名乗ったことはない。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
15696.the following day(次の日)
The following day, the otter visited the fox's home.
15697.play a trick on(~を欺く)
Now the otter understand thr fox was playing a trick on him.
15698.on one's back(背負って)
He saw a man carrying something on his back.
15699.five meters wide, five meters long and five meters high(縦、要、高さが5メートルの)
It was five meters wide, five meters long and five meters high.
15700.push the man off(男を~からおしのける)
So Chikara pushed push the man off the road.
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The following day, the otter visited the fox's home.
15697.play a trick on(~を欺く)
Now the otter understand thr fox was playing a trick on him.
15698.on one's back(背負って)
He saw a man carrying something on his back.
15699.five meters wide, five meters long and five meters high(縦、要、高さが5メートルの)
It was five meters wide, five meters long and five meters high.
15700.push the man off(男を~からおしのける)
So Chikara pushed push the man off the road.
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![]() | こころのふしぎ なぜ?どうして? (楽しく学べるシリーズ) |
クリエーター情報なし | |
高橋書店 |
---読むほどに心が強くなる! 新しい「やさしさの教科書」---
【読むほどに心が強くなる! 新しい「やさしさの教科書」】
◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆
15691.stay cool(狼狽えない、冷静なままでいる)
I tried to stay cool, but tears came to my eyes.
15692.take off(急いで逃げる、去る)
It grabbed my fish and took ff.
I had to grim and bear it.
I still have to straighten out some problem.
15695.report live(生中継する)
A part of Johnes Express way has been closed. Eddy Sato is reporting live.
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I tried to stay cool, but tears came to my eyes.
15692.take off(急いで逃げる、去る)
It grabbed my fish and took ff.
I had to grim and bear it.
I still have to straighten out some problem.
15695.report live(生中継する)
A part of Johnes Express way has been closed. Eddy Sato is reporting live.
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15686.snow storm(吹雪)
A major snow storm is moving into the region.
15687.It looks like it's going to be(この調子だと~になりそうです)
It looks like it's going to be a white Christmas
15688.catch ~ off guard(~の不意を突く)
That really caught me off guard.
15689.poor visibility(視界不良)
The problem is poor visibility.
15690.stranded passenger(立ち往生した乗客)
Airport authority are distributing cots to stranded passengers as we speak.
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A major snow storm is moving into the region.
15687.It looks like it's going to be(この調子だと~になりそうです)
It looks like it's going to be a white Christmas
15688.catch ~ off guard(~の不意を突く)
That really caught me off guard.
15689.poor visibility(視界不良)
The problem is poor visibility.
15690.stranded passenger(立ち往生した乗客)
Airport authority are distributing cots to stranded passengers as we speak.
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Officials with Japan's space agency have confirmed their new asteroid probe has entered into orbit. The Hayabusa2 has begun a six-year mission that scientists hope will help them solve some of the mysteries of the universe.
The H2A rocket carrying the probe took off from the Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern Japan at 1:22 PM local time. Officials say Hayabusa2 reached its initial orbit in just under two hours.
The probe is headed for an asteroid that may contain water and organic substances. Hayabusa2 is fitted with a device called an impactor. It's capable of shooting a metal bullet at the asteroid's surface at a speed of two kilometers per second. The impact will create an artificial crater to allow the probe to collect rock and sand. These materials could provide clues about how the solar system came into existence and the origins of life.
◆asteroid probe 小惑星探査機
◆orbit 軌道
◆organic substance 有機物
◆is fitted with ~を装着する
◆artificial crater 人工的なくぼみ
◆solar system 太陽系 [the]
◆came into existence 誕生する、発生する
15681.It's a happy ending for(~に追いやられる、放り込まれる)
Please tell me more about this adult camp dear old pater It's a happy ending for a missing female hiker and her dog.
15682.major milestone(大きな節目)
A sunny hill man who's celebrating major milestone .
15683.live well(元気に生きる)
You should to live well.
15684.What determines(決め手になる)
What determines a good leader?
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
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Please tell me more about this adult camp dear old pater It's a happy ending for a missing female hiker and her dog.
15682.major milestone(大きな節目)
A sunny hill man who's celebrating major milestone .
15683.live well(元気に生きる)
You should to live well.
15684.What determines(決め手になる)
What determines a good leader?
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
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