19901.let down(失望させる)
I felt let down when he failed to do what he had promised.
He sometimes gets mean when he drinks.
He was sleeping looking very cozy.
She recommended that he use a youthhostel.
Especially 'Onigawara' (Japanese gargoyle roof tile), to which a devil face is applied, has also a good reputation as a work of art.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I felt let down when he failed to do what he had promised.
He sometimes gets mean when he drinks.
He was sleeping looking very cozy.
She recommended that he use a youthhostel.
Especially 'Onigawara' (Japanese gargoyle roof tile), to which a devil face is applied, has also a good reputation as a work of art.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Confucius said, "You can avoid a grudge if you are strict for yourself and generous for others."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
Don't worry about the things you cannot control.
Recently, I’m a little concerned about my weight. I should go on a diet.
19898.backup plan(代替策)
Let’s come up with a backup plan just in case.
19899.figure out(見つける)
I’m concerned but not worried. We’ll figure out a solution.
19900.I’m worried about(〜が(今)心配です)
I went for my yearly checkup yesterday. I’m worried about the result.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Don't worry about the things you cannot control.
Recently, I’m a little concerned about my weight. I should go on a diet.
19898.backup plan(代替策)
Let’s come up with a backup plan just in case.
19899.figure out(見つける)
I’m concerned but not worried. We’ll figure out a solution.
19900.I’m worried about(〜が(今)心配です)
I went for my yearly checkup yesterday. I’m worried about the result.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

19891.I see(なるほど)
I’m studying English because I want to visit LA one day. I see. Keep it up!
I’m going to run a full marathon next month. Aha that’s why you’re running every morning.
19893.It/That makes sense(なるほど、納得です)
Does that makes sense? Hmm, I’m still a little confused.
19894.on a moment notice(即座に)
You will have ready to go on a moment notice.
19895.go-to outfit(間違いのない服装)
I'm always invested in a couple of go-to outfit, smart-looking ensembles.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I’m studying English because I want to visit LA one day. I see. Keep it up!
I’m going to run a full marathon next month. Aha that’s why you’re running every morning.
19893.It/That makes sense(なるほど、納得です)
Does that makes sense? Hmm, I’m still a little confused.
19894.on a moment notice(即座に)
You will have ready to go on a moment notice.
19895.go-to outfit(間違いのない服装)
I'm always invested in a couple of go-to outfit, smart-looking ensembles.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

19891.It’s not my thing(趣味ではない)
Running is not my thing.
19892.not my cup of tea(好みでない)
Abstract art is not my cup of tea.
19893.get busted for (捕まる / 処分を受ける)
My friend get busted for drinking and driving.
19894.bust one’s ass(必死に頑張る / 懸命に働く)
I am busting my ass every day and all you do is sit there and complain.
19895.bust something(〜を壊す / ダメにする)
I accidentally dropped my laptop and busted it.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Running is not my thing.
19892.not my cup of tea(好みでない)
Abstract art is not my cup of tea.
19893.get busted for (捕まる / 処分を受ける)
My friend get busted for drinking and driving.
19894.bust one’s ass(必死に頑張る / 懸命に働く)
I am busting my ass every day and all you do is sit there and complain.
19895.bust something(〜を壊す / ダメにする)
I accidentally dropped my laptop and busted it.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

![]() | たんぽぽ団地 |
クリエーター情報なし | |
新潮社 |
昭和の子どもたちの人生は、やり直せる。新たなるメッセージが溢れる最新長編。元子役の映画監督・小松亘氏は週刊誌のインタビューで、かつて主人公として出演したドラマのロケ地だった団地の取り壊しと、団地に最後の一花を咲かせるため「たんぽぽプロジェクト」が立ち上がったことを知る。その代表者は初恋の相手、成瀬由美子だった……。少年ドラマ、ガリ版、片思い―― あの頃を信じる思いが、奇跡を起こす。
19886.phone charger(携帯の充電器)
Did anyone take the phone charger that was in the living room?
19887.Obon week(お盆の週)
My English school that is located in Yakage will be closed Obon week.
19888.MSG(Monosodium Glutamate化学調味料)
I don’t eat anything that contains MSG.
19889.ramen shop(ラーメン屋)
Ramen shops that serve free “kaedamas” are the best.
I think the oysters that I ate for lunch were not good.I feel dizzy and nauseous.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Did anyone take the phone charger that was in the living room?
19887.Obon week(お盆の週)
My English school that is located in Yakage will be closed Obon week.
19888.MSG(Monosodium Glutamate化学調味料)
I don’t eat anything that contains MSG.
19889.ramen shop(ラーメン屋)
Ramen shops that serve free “kaedamas” are the best.
I think the oysters that I ate for lunch were not good.I feel dizzy and nauseous.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Anyone who who's serious about networking uses a sober-sounding email address.
19882.send a thank-you note(人に礼状を送る)
I was somewaht surprised that not everyone sends a thank-you note after interview.
19883.stand out(目だつ)
Do you want to stand out among the candidate.
Their qualification will help the company succeed.
You think the questions are inane and obvious.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Anyone who who's serious about networking uses a sober-sounding email address.
19882.send a thank-you note(人に礼状を送る)
I was somewaht surprised that not everyone sends a thank-you note after interview.
19883.stand out(目だつ)
Do you want to stand out among the candidate.
Their qualification will help the company succeed.
You think the questions are inane and obvious.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Train lovers in Japan are getting a highly-anticipated upgrade. Brand-new luxury sleeper cars made their debut in Tokyo on Monday.
The 10-car "Train Suite Shiki-shima" has 17 cabins and carries 33 passengers. It will travel around the eastern and northern regions of the country. But it comes at a steep price. The cost of a four-day tour ranges from nearly 7,000 dollars to just over 10,000 dollars per person.
The most luxurious cabin has a bedroom on the first floor and a loft upstairs. A Japanese-style room on the upper level features a wooden bath and a traditional heater to keep passengers' legs warm.
Some passengers said they've been looking forward to the journey since last year. They also said they'll enjoy watching the scenery go by, tasting local cuisine, and soaking in the bath.
◆anticipated 待望の、待ちに待った
◆sleeper car 寝台列車
◆steep price 大変な高値
◆feature ~の特色である、~を特徴づける
◆soak つかる
That's how to convey competence and confidence.
Speaking slowly and calmly makes you see confident and assured.
19878.handle question(質問に対応する)
You'LL also be judged by the way you handle questions.
19879.pat answer(型どおりの受け答え)
You shouldn't give pat answer、I guess.
Positive, proactive body language also looking attentive when someone is speaking to you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That's how to convey competence and confidence.
Speaking slowly and calmly makes you see confident and assured.
19878.handle question(質問に対応する)
You'LL also be judged by the way you handle questions.
19879.pat answer(型どおりの受け答え)
You shouldn't give pat answer、I guess.
Positive, proactive body language also looking attentive when someone is speaking to you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

19871.You bet(もちろん)
You bet.
19872.Thank you(こちらこそありがとう)
Thanks for having us.
19873. Don’t mention it.(いえ、とんでもないです)
Don’t mention it.
19874.Don’t~ too hard(~し過ぎないように)
Don’t work too hard.
19875.go out of one’s way(無理して~をしなくてもいい)
You don’t have to go out of your way to help me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You bet.
19872.Thank you(こちらこそありがとう)
Thanks for having us.
19873. Don’t mention it.(いえ、とんでもないです)
Don’t mention it.
19874.Don’t~ too hard(~し過ぎないように)
Don’t work too hard.
19875.go out of one’s way(無理して~をしなくてもいい)
You don’t have to go out of your way to help me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News