


2024年04月30日 | 方丈記を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/30)

2024年04月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
32221.go to the hospital  ((緊急事態で)病院に行く )
Your ankle is so swollen. I think you broke it. You should go to the hospital and get it checked out. 
32222.go to the doctor  ((風邪などで)医者に診てもらう )
You've been sick for about a month now. Maybe you should go see a doctor. 
32223.omit((…を)(うっかりあるいは故意に)省く、省略する、抜かす、し落とす、怠る、なおざりにする )to not include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget to do it 類義語 leave out 
Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem. 
32224.save(手間を省く)friendly agreement and understanding between people → relationship 
 If I didn’t lend you any money, it would save you the hassle of paying me back. 
32225.unwind (寛がせる )to relax and stop feeling anxious 
He will slowly unwind from routine fatigue at the hot spring. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/29)

2024年04月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
32216.intervene (介入する)to become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens 
The government intervened in the market by buying yen and selling dollars
32217.trick someone into (騙して~させる )
She got tricked into buying a fake designer bag. 
32218.right on (よかったね / いいね /やったね )
You found a part-time job? Right on. Congrats! 
32219.insufficient  ((必要な量を満たしておらず)不十分な )not enough, or not great enough 
 I couldn't finish the test because I had insufficient time. 
32220.inexperienced  (経験不足)not having had much experience 
Tom says he wants to be the leader of the new project, but I think he is still inexperienced. Do you think he can be trusted to lead the team? 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/28)

2024年04月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32216.eat in  (家で食事する)to eat at home instead of in a restaurant 
I don't like to eat out much. I prefer to eat in
32217.have a sale (お店がセールを開催中 )
Gap is having a clearance sale. Everything is 40 % off. 
32218.on sale (特定の商品のみセール中 )available to be bought in a shop 
Steaks are on sale at the grocery store this week. 
32219.clumsy (不器用な、下手な、ぎこちない、動きの鈍い、(…が)不器用で、下手で、まずい、ぶかっこうな、扱いにくい )moving or doing things in a careless way, especially so that you drop things, knock into things etc /a clumsy action or statement is said or done carelessly or badly, and likely to upset someone 
 You're so clumsy! I'll bring a kitchen towel right now. 
32220.front the bill(立て替える )
Would you mind fronting the bill for dinner tonight? I’ll pay you back tomorrow. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/27)

2024年04月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32211.trade secret (商売上の秘密、企業秘密)a piece of secret information about a particular business, that is only known by the people who work there 
It's probably trade secret.
32212.readily (すぐに)quickly and easily 
The client readily accepted our first offer.
32213.jump at(飛びつく)
I jumped at the chance to meet Sakurada Junko for dinner.
32214.rotate (回す、回る、交代で~する)if a job rotates, or if people rotate jobs, they each do a particular job for a particular period of time 
 My personal trainer told me to rotate my head 10 times before I start work out.
32215.brainteaser (頭の体操、頭をひねるクイズ)a difficult problem that is fun trying to solve 
Let's do a little brainteaser to warm up before the test , shall we? 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/26)

2024年04月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32206.be struck by (~に驚かされる)
I'm struck by the vibrant atmosphere.
32207.come into play (作用し始める)
Artificial intelligence will increasingly come into play in various industries. 
32208.first and foremost(何よりもまず)used to emphasize the most important quality, purpose, reason etc 
First and foremost, they are looking for ways to save money. 
32209.exquisite(絶妙な)extremely beautiful and very delicately made 
 Experience the extraordinary three-dimensional display quality and the exquisite sound..
32210.revlutionize (革命を起こす)to completely change the way people do something or think about something 
Advances in medical technology have revolutionized patient treatment. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/25)

2024年04月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32201.that way (あちらです)if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship 
The bus stop is that way
32202.countless (数えきれない)too many to be counted 
There are countless examples.
32203.speechless(言葉にならない)unable to speak because you feel very angry, upset etc 
Is this present for me? I'm speechless.
32204.priceless (貴重な)fextremely valuable 
 Surfing is In Hawaii was a priceless experience.
32205.tap(タップする )
Well, here’s the ticket gate. Just tap your smartphone. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/24)

2024年04月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32196.I believe  (おそらく〜だと思う )
I believe he had some kind of family emergency. 
32197.splurge (散財する)to spend more money than you can usually afford 類義語 splash out 
When was the last time you splurged on something?  
32198.spend a fortune  (大金を使う)
He must've spent a fortune renovating his house. 
32199.get mad at someone  (~を叱る)
 My boss got angry at me for being late. 
32200.yell at someone  (~をを怒鳴りつける  )
I got yelled at by my wife for coming home late. 


2024年04月23日 | 方丈記を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/23)

2024年04月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32191.hardly ever  (滅多に〜しない )not very often 
I hardly ever eat fast food. The last time I had McDonald's was about 10 years ago. 
32192.Every now and then (時々)sometimes, but not often or regularly 
I eat ice cream every now and then. I get a sudden crave. 
32193.More often than not (普段は/大抵 )if two pieces of computer equipment of software are compatible, they can be used together, especially when they are made by different companies 
More often than not, he shows up about 10 minutes late. 
32194.almost always (ほぼ必ず)
I almost always floss my teeth before I go to bed. 
32195.I'm good  (大丈夫です)
I'm good. I'm getting by somehow. Thanks for the offer though. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/22)

2024年04月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
32186.on the fence  (迷う )
I'm on the fence about signing up to online English lessons. 
32187.A ways to go  (まだまだ道のりは長い )if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other 
I feel like my English is improving, but I still have a ways to go. 
32188.go down  (まっすぐ進む)
Go down this street and the bank will be on your left hand side. .
32189.take part in  (~に参加する / 〜に出場する )
 Why don’t you take part in this game? It’s really fun. 
32190.throw in  (おまけする)to add something to what you are selling, without increasing the price 
If you buy 3 shirts, I'll throw in an extra shirt for free.