

徒然草 第百九十三段

2023年02月28日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/28)

2023年02月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
30096.tell off(小言を言う, をしかりつける)if someone in authority tells you off, they speak to you angrily about something wrong that you have done 
In particular, she always told off a boy. 
30097.demolish (取り壊す、くつがえす、粉砕する、(…を)食い尽くす )  to completely destroy a building 
They plan to demolish this old house. 
30098.refurbishmen  (刷新; 一新 )to decorate and repair something such as a building or office in order to improve its appearance → renovate 
I'll personally take care of your house refurbishment.
30099.utter (口から出す,発する )to say something 
‘You fool!’ she uttered in disgust. 
30100.split down the middle (均等に分かれる  ) to divide something into equal halves or groups 
Some of my friends eat bread for breakfast while others eat rice. It splits down the middle

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/27)

2023年02月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
30091.dirt cheap  extremely cheap or cheaply  
Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor. 
30092.cost a fortune (莫大なお金がかかる  ) 
I bet that painting costs a fortune
30093.self-esˈteem the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected → self-respect 
Before speaking carefully. A negative judgement can badly harm someone's self-esteem. 
30094.dog-tired  (疲れきった ) very tired 
I went hiking yesterday and now I am dog tired. 
30095.patronize  (後援する、奨励する、ひいきにする、恩着せがましくする ) to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you 
A teacher patronize a student, bur years later they meet again. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/26)

2023年02月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
30086.endorse (支持を表明する、是認する )to express formal support or approval for someone or something /to sign your name on the back of a cheque to show that it is correct 
The president endorsed the plan. 
30087.die-hard (決してあきらめない、根っからの)    spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said  happen very soon 
I’m die-hard "Vocab Rider" fan. I listen to the show every day.
30088.pull for(~を応援する)informal to encourage a person or team to succeed 
I'm pulling for Team Japan to win.
people or things that can be used to provide support and help if they are needed 
The police officer called backup when he got the bank.
30090.call someone out (指摘する) 
Tom was making excuses again, so I called him out in front of everyone. 


2023年02月25日 | 読書日記
1962(昭和37)年愛知県生れ。1992(平成4)年「春の手品師」で文學界新人賞を受賞しデビュー。2019(令和元)年『渦 妹背山婦女庭訓 魂結び』で直木賞受賞。著書に『チョコリエッタ』『香港の甘い豆腐』『虹色天気雨』『やがて目覚めない朝が来る』『三人姉妹」『戦友の恋』『ビターシュガー』『ピエタ』『あなたの本当の人生は』『空に牡丹』『モモコとうさぎ』など多数。




Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/25)

2023年02月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
30081.nostalgic (郷愁に満ちた、懐かし)if you feel nostalgic about a time in the past, you feel happy when you remember it, and in some ways you wish that things had not changed 
I get nostalgic whenever I hear this song
30082.good old days(古き良き時代、懐かしい日々 )  the good times in the past   happen very soon 
Ah, high school.Those were the good old days
30083.freak out(びびる)to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid 
Tom freaked out when he saw a bat flying overhead
30084.dare  (あえて~する)
How dare you talk to me like that?
30085.stand in(代役をつとめる) to temporarily do someone else’s job or take their place 
Could you stand in for me at the meeting tomorrow?

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/24時間)

2023年02月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
30076.pick a date(日時を選ぶ )
Can you pick a date?
30077.always there for (いつも~のそばにいてくれる )   
Keiko is true friend because she’s always there for me.
30078.have a say (発言権がある )
We are not in relationship anymore, so you don't have a say who I go out  with.
30079.going-away party (送別会 )informal not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean 
Welcome to the going-away party..
30080.booster vaccine(ワクチンの追加接種)
When did you get your booster vaccine shot?. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/23)

2023年02月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
30071.red bean   (小豆 )
We need red beans and watermelon. 
30072.boils down to (結局のところ~ )  informal if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause 
Success boils down to grit and resilience. 
30073.grit  (勇気、気概、闘志)very small pieces of stone or sand /informal determination and courage 類義語 guts 
It's up to him to show some grit in an uncertain world. 
30074.resilience (回復力)the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event → toughness /the ability of a substance such as rubber to return to its original shape after it has been pressed or bent 
People showed remarkable resilience during the war. 
30075.sly(ずるい、悪賢い、陰険な、いたずらな、ちゃめな、ひょうきんな ))someone who is sly cleverly deceives people in order to get what they want 類義語 cunning 
It’s horrifying. They are sly as a fox. 


2023年02月22日 | 爺英語

Japan's government has announced plans to launch a specialist unit dealing with the spread of disinformation.
It says the department would work to identify possible foreign-based campaigns and counter them with accurate information.
Experts say disinformation spread online could influence public opinion and cause social turmoil.
Some reports suggest Russia has employed such methods against Ukraine, while China has done so against Taiwan.
The top Cabinet spokesperson says spreading fake information not only threatens values but could also affect security.
The government plans to set up the unit within the Cabinet Secretariat in April 2024.
It'll feature experts from the foreign and defense ministries, the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, and other bodies.

disinformation.(人をだますための)偽情報   false information which is given deliberately in order to hide the truth or confuse people, especially in political situations → misinformation 
accurate 正確な correct and true in every detail OPP inaccurate 
social turmoil 社会的混乱    state of confusion, excitement, or anxiety  misinformation 
values (望ましい)価値観   
Cabinet Secretariat 内閣官房

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/22)

2023年02月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
30066.snooze(退屈で眠気を誘うような物 )informal to sleep lightly for a short time 類義語 doze 
That conference was such a snooze, I thought I’d fall asleep. 
30067.over small things (つまらないことで )   
Why do you and your boyfriend always fight over small things
30068.work up to make someone very angry, excited, or upset about something 
Don't get worked up over trivial things. It's a waste of energy and time 
30069.big cheese an important and powerful person in an organization – used humorously 
Evidently he was considered a big cheese here, and was greeted by everyone. 
30070.smart cookie informal someone who is clever and successful, and knows how to get what they want 
Mr Kinnock is clearly a smart cookie

徒然草 第百九十二段

2023年02月21日 | 徒然草を読む


徒然草 第百九十二段


Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/21)

2023年02月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
30061.across the board   (全体的に、全体にわたって、一律に  )affecting everyone or everything in a situation or organization 
I heard our company is going to increase salaries across the board
30062.I’m not going to lie (正直言うと、ぶっちゃけ )    spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said  happen very soon 
I’m not going to lie. Parenting has been a lot harder than I thought.
30063.I’m begging you (お願いだから  )always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs 
I’m begging you. Don’t confront him. It’s not worth it.
30064.Blood is thicker than water (血は水よりも濃い  )used to say that family relationships are more important than any other kind 
I don’t care how busy you are with work. Family always comes first. Blood is thicker than water. 
30065.burn one’s bridges (関係を壊す ) informal to do something with the result that you will not be able to return to a previous situation again, even if you want to 
He burned his bridges with his boss by insulting her in front of everyone.